public class NotificationsPage extends AbstractJiraPage
body, driver, elementFinder, javascriptExecutor, metaElement, pageBinder, timeouts, webDriverPoller
Constructor and Description |
NotificationsPage(String projectKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
canChangeMailServer() |
boolean |
canEditEmail() |
OutgoingMailServers |
configureMailServer() |
String |
getDesc() |
List<Notification> |
getNotifications() |
String |
getNotificationSchemeName() |
String |
getProjectEmail() |
String |
getUrl() |
LozengeUsedBy |
getUsedBy() |
EditNotificationsPage |
gotoScheme() |
SelectNotificationScheme |
gotoSelectScheme() |
boolean |
hasMailServer() |
boolean |
hasNotificationScheme() |
boolean |
hasProjectEmail() |
void |
initialise() |
com.atlassian.pageobjects.elements.query.TimedCondition |
Timed condition checking if we're at given page.
boolean |
isNotificationsMessagePresent() |
boolean |
isSchemeChangeAvailable() |
boolean |
isSchemeLinked() |
ProjectEmailDialog |
openProjectEmailDialog() |
back, doWait, execKeyboardShortcut, getHeader, getPageTitle, getXsrfToken, isAdmin, isLoggedIn
public NotificationsPage(String projectKey)
public void initialise()
public List<Notification> getNotifications()
public String getUrl()
public com.atlassian.pageobjects.elements.query.TimedCondition isAt()
in class AbstractJiraPage
public boolean hasNotificationScheme()
public String getNotificationSchemeName()
public String getDesc()
public boolean isNotificationsMessagePresent()
public LozengeUsedBy getUsedBy()
public boolean hasProjectEmail()
public String getProjectEmail()
public boolean canEditEmail()
public boolean canChangeMailServer()
public ProjectEmailDialog openProjectEmailDialog()
public boolean hasMailServer()
public OutgoingMailServers configureMailServer()
public boolean isSchemeLinked()
public boolean isSchemeChangeAvailable()
public EditNotificationsPage gotoScheme()
public SelectNotificationScheme gotoSelectScheme()
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