public class WebTestCaseWrapper
extends net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase
Constructor and Description |
WebTestCaseWrapper() |
WebTestCaseWrapper(String name) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
assertElementNotPresent(String anID)
Assertions.assertNodeByIdDoesNotExist(java.lang.String) instead. Since v7.1. |
void |
assertElementNotPresentBy(String attrName,
String attrValue) |
void |
assertElementPresent(String anID)
Assertions.assertNodeByIdExists(java.lang.String) instead. Since v7.1. |
void |
assertElementPresentBy(String attrName,
String attrValue) |
void |
assertOptionValueNotPresent(String selectName,
String option)
WebTester.assertRadioOptionValueNotPresent(String, String) |
void |
assertOptionValuePresent(String selectName,
String optionLabel)
Asserts that an option with the given option label is present on the
given select form element.
void |
assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId,
String text) |
void |
assertTextNotPresent(String text) |
void |
assertTextPresent(String text) |
void |
Clicks the standard JIRA form's cancel button.
void |
dumpResponse() |
void |
dumpResponse(Throwable t) |
static void |
log(String msg) |
static void |
log(String msg,
Throwable t) |
static void |
log(Throwable t) |
static void |
logSection(String msg) |
static void |
raiseRuntimeException(Throwable e) |
void |
selectMultiOption(String selectName,
String option)
Form.selectOptionsByDisplayName(String, String[]) instead. |
void |
selectMultiOptionByValue(String selectName,
String value)
Selects an option from a multiple select field by specifying the value of the desired option.
void |
selectOption(String selectName,
String option)
Selects an option from a select form field by specifying the visible option label (as opposed to the value)
void |
submit(String buttonName)
Submits the current form using the button with the given name.
void |
tearDown() |
void |
void |
waitAndReloadBulkOperationProgressPage(boolean optional) |
void |
waitAndReloadBulkOperationProgressPage(boolean optional,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTester webTester) |
assertButtonNotPresent, assertButtonPresent, assertCheckboxNotSelected, assertCheckboxSelected, assertCookiePresent, assertCookieValueEquals, assertFormElementEmpty, assertFormElementEquals, assertFormElementNotPresent, assertFormElementNotPresentWithLabel, assertFormElementPresent, assertFormElementPresentWithLabel, assertFormNotPresent, assertFormNotPresent, assertFormPresent, assertFormPresent, assertFramePresent, assertKeyInTable, assertKeyNotInTable, assertKeyNotPresent, assertKeyPresent, assertKeysInTable, assertLinkNotPresent, assertLinkNotPresentWithImage, assertLinkNotPresentWithText, assertLinkNotPresentWithText, assertLinkPresent, assertLinkPresentWithImage, assertLinkPresentWithText, assertLinkPresentWithText, assertOptionEquals, assertOptionsEqual, assertOptionsNotEqual, assertOptionValuesEqual, assertOptionValuesNotEqual, assertRadioOptionNotPresent, assertRadioOptionNotSelected, assertRadioOptionPresent, assertRadioOptionSelected, assertSubmitButtonNotPresent, assertSubmitButtonPresent, assertSubmitButtonValue, assertTableEquals, assertTableEquals, assertTableNotPresent, assertTablePresent, assertTableRowsEqual, assertTableRowsEqual, assertTextInElement, assertTextInTable, assertTextNotInElement, assertTextNotInTable, assertTextNotInTable, assertTitleEquals, assertTitleEqualsKey, assertWindowPresent, beginAt, checkCheckbox, checkCheckbox, clickButton, clickLink, clickLinkWithImage, clickLinkWithText, clickLinkWithText, clickLinkWithTextAfterText, dumpCookies, dumpCookies, dumpResponse, dumpTable, dumpTable, getDialog, getMessage, getTestContext, getTester, gotoFrame, gotoPage, gotoRootWindow, gotoWindow, reset, setFormElement, setFormElementWithLabel, setWorkingForm, submit, uncheckCheckbox, uncheckCheckbox
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, countTestCases, createResult, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame, format, getName, run, run, runBare, runTest, setName, setUp, toString
public WebTestCaseWrapper(String name)
public WebTestCaseWrapper()
public static void raiseRuntimeException(Throwable e)
public void clickCancelButton()
to be set true BEFORE
the containing page is loaded. If you do this, make sure you set back in
a try/finally blockpublic void assertTextPresent(String text)
in class net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase
public void assertTextNotPresent(String text)
in class net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase
public void assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String text)
in class net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase
@Deprecated public void assertElementPresent(String anID)
instead. Since v7.1.assertElementPresent
in class net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase
@Deprecated public void assertElementNotPresent(String anID)
instead. Since v7.1.assertElementNotPresent
in class net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase
@Deprecated public void selectMultiOption(String selectName, String option)
Form.selectOptionsByDisplayName(String, String[])
instead.public void selectMultiOptionByValue(String selectName, String value)
- the name of the select form element.value
- the value of the option to be selected.public void selectOption(String selectName, String option)
in class net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase
- the name of the select form element.option
- the string label for the option to be selected.public void assertOptionValuePresent(String selectName, String optionLabel)
- the name of the select form element.optionLabel
- the value of the option to assert on.public void assertOptionValueNotPresent(String selectName, String option)
WebTester.assertRadioOptionValueNotPresent(String, String)
- the name of the select form element.option
- the value of the option to assert on.public void submit(String buttonName)
in class net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTestCase
- The name attribute on the submit input element.RuntimeException
- if the form or button is not present.@Deprecated public void waitAndReloadBulkOperationProgressPage()
public void waitAndReloadBulkOperationProgressPage(boolean optional)
public void waitAndReloadBulkOperationProgressPage(boolean optional, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTester webTester)
public static void log(String msg)
public static void logSection(String msg)
public static void log(Throwable t)
public void dumpResponse()
public void dumpResponse(Throwable t)
public void tearDown()
in class junit.framework.TestCase
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