Interface | Description |
TerminologyEntry |
Represents name mappings of original name
TerminologyEntry.getOriginalName() and
its plural version Terminology#getOriginalNamePlural
that will be visible as the new name TerminologyEntry.getNewName() and
the plural version of the new name TerminologyEntry.getOriginalNamePlural() . |
TerminologyEntryDao |
A DAO that gives access to terminology entries.
TerminologyEntryReader |
Service that allows getting terminology entries.
TerminologyEntryWriter |
Service that allows changing terminology entries.
TerminologyTransformer |
Convert a text according to
TerminologyEntryReader.getAllTerminologyEntries() |
Class | Description |
AbstractTerminologyEvent |
A base class for Terminology related events
CachingTerminologyEntryDao |
A TerminologyEntryDao that caches gets from its delegate.
QueryDSLTerminologyEntryDao |
A QueryDSL implementation of TerminologyEntryDao.
TerminologyCacheClearedEvent |
Event published after terminology entries cache was cleared.
TerminologyChangedAnalyticEvent | |
TerminologyEntryChangedEvent |
This event is fired when terminology has been changed.
TerminologyEntryImpl | |
TerminologyEntryReaderImpl | |
TerminologyEntryValidator | |
TerminologyEntryWriter.TerminologyValidationResult |
A simple object that holds the result of validation whether new terminology entry can be created.
TerminologyEntryWriterImpl | |
TerminologyMapTransformer |
TerminologyTransformer.process(java.lang.String) to all values of a Map . |
TerminologyPreChangeEvent |
This event is fired before terminology is changed.
TerminologyTransformerImpl | |
TerminologyUtils | |
TerminologyVersionTracker |
When nomenclature changed also i18n hash code should change
JiraWebResourceIntegration.getI18nStateHash() |
ValidatedTerminologyEntryImpl |
A class that represents terminology entry.
Enum | Description |
ValidatedTerminologyEntryImpl.AllowedOriginalName |
Original names that are possible to be changed by
TerminologyEntryWriter |
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