public interface WorklogService
This will perform validation before it hands off to the WorklogManager
Operations will not be performed if validation fails.Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Worklog |
createAndAutoAdjustRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogResult worklogResult,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Worklog |
createAndRetainRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogResult worklogResult,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Worklog |
createWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogAdjustmentAmountResult worklogAdjustmentAmount,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Worklog |
createWithNewRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogNewEstimateResult worklogNewEstimate,
boolean dispatchEvent)
boolean |
deleteAndAutoAdjustRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogResult worklogResult,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Deletes the specified
Worklog . |
boolean |
deleteAndRetainRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogResult worklogResult,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Deletes the specified
Worklog . |
boolean |
deleteWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogAdjustmentAmountResult worklogAdjustmentAmount,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Deletes the specified
Worklog . |
boolean |
deleteWithNewRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogNewEstimateResult worklogNewEstimate,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Deletes the specified
Worklog . |
Worklog |
getById(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Long id)
Used to get a worklog by its id.
List |
getByIssue(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Issue issue)
Returns all child worklogs of a specified issue.
List<Worklog> |
getByIssueVisibleToUser(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Issue issue)
Returns all child worklogs of a specified issue that the provided user has permission to see.
PagedList<Worklog> |
getByIssueVisibleToUser(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Issue issue,
int pageSize)
Returns a PagedList over all all child worklogs of a specified issue that the provided user has permission to see.
WorklogChangedSincePage<DeletedWorklog> |
getWorklogsDeletedSince(ApplicationUser user,
Long sinceInMilliseconds)
Returns a list of ids of worklogs which were removed, since the time provided in .
ServiceOutcome<Set<Worklog>> |
getWorklogsForIds(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Set<Long> idsOfWorklogs)
Returns a set of worklogs for provided ids.
WorklogChangedSincePage<Worklog> |
getWorklogsUpdatedSince(ApplicationUser user,
Long sinceInMilliseconds)
Returns a list of worklogs visible by the calling user, which were modified since time provided in .
boolean |
hasPermissionToCreate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Issue issue,
boolean isEditableCheckRequired)
Determines if the user has the
Permissions.WORK_ISSUE permission,
that timetracking is enabled in JIRA and that the associated issue is in an editable workflow state. |
boolean |
hasPermissionToDelete(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Worklog worklog)
Determine whether the current user has the permission to delete the supplied
worklog, timetracking is enabled in JIRA and that the associated issue is in an editable workflow state.
boolean |
hasPermissionToUpdate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Worklog worklog)
Determine whether the current user has the permission to update the supplied
worklog, timetracking is enabled in JIRA and that the associated issue is in an editable workflow state.
boolean |
isIssueInEditableWorkflowState(Issue issue)
Will return true if the issue is in an editable workflow state.
boolean |
Will return true if
otherwise. |
Worklog |
updateAndAutoAdjustRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogResult worklogResult,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Updates the provided
Worklog . |
Worklog |
updateAndRetainRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogResult worklogResult,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Updates the provided
Worklog . |
Worklog |
updateWithNewRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogNewEstimateResult worklogNewEstimate,
boolean dispatchEvent)
Updates the provided
Worklog . |
WorklogResult |
validateCreate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogInputParameters params)
Determines whether worklogs are enabled in JIRA and if the user has the required permissions
as determined by calling
hasPermissionToCreate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, boolean)
to create a worklog for this issue. |
WorklogAdjustmentAmountResult |
validateCreateWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogAdjustmentAmountInputParameters params)
Determines whether worklogs are enabled in JIRA and if the user has the required permission
as determined by calling
hasPermissionToCreate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, boolean)
to create a worklog for this issue. |
WorklogNewEstimateResult |
validateCreateWithNewEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogNewEstimateInputParameters params)
Determines whether worklogs are enabled in JIRA and if the user has the required permission
as determined by calling
hasPermissionToCreate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, boolean)
to create a worklog for this issue. |
WorklogResult |
validateDelete(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Long worklogId)
Determines whether worklogs are enabled in JIRA and if the user has the required permissions
as determined by calling
hasPermissionToDelete(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to delete a worklog for this issue. |
WorklogAdjustmentAmountResult |
validateDeleteWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Long worklogId,
String adjustmentAmount)
Determines whether worklogs are enabled in JIRA and if the user has the required permissions
as determined by calling
hasPermissionToDelete(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to delete a worklog for this issue. |
WorklogNewEstimateResult |
validateDeleteWithNewEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
Long worklogId,
String newEstimate)
Determines whether worklogs are enabled in JIRA and if the user has the required permissions
as determined by calling
hasPermissionToDelete(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to delete a worklog for this issue. |
WorklogResult |
validateUpdate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogInputParameters params)
Determines whether worklogs are enabled in JIRA and if the user has the required permissions
as determined by calling
hasPermissionToUpdate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to update a worklog for this issue. |
WorklogNewEstimateResult |
validateUpdateWithNewEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
WorklogNewEstimateInputParameters params)
Determines whether worklogs are enabled in JIRA and if the user has the required permissions
as determined by calling
hasPermissionToUpdate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to update a worklog for this issue. |
WorklogResult validateDelete(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long worklogId)
hasPermissionToDelete(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to delete a worklog for this issue.jiraServiceContext
- containing the user who wishes to create a worklog and the errorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodworklogId
- identifies the worklog that the update validation will occur againstWorklogNewEstimateResult validateDeleteWithNewEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long worklogId, String newEstimate)
hasPermissionToDelete(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to delete a worklog for this issue.jiraServiceContext
- containing the user who wishes to create a worklog and the errorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodworklogId
- identifies the worklog that the delete validation will occur againstnewEstimate
- The value to change the issues remaining estimate to.WorklogAdjustmentAmountResult validateDeleteWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long worklogId, String adjustmentAmount)
hasPermissionToDelete(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to delete a worklog for this issue.jiraServiceContext
- containing the user who wishes to create a worklog and the errorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodworklogId
- identifies the worklog that the delete validation will occur againstadjustmentAmount
- The value to increase the issues remaining estimate by.boolean deleteWithNewRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogNewEstimateResult worklogNewEstimate, boolean dispatchEvent)
. This method will
adjust the issues remaining estimate to be the new value which has been passed to this method, the old
remaining estimate value will be lost.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to update the supplied worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors encountered
in calling the methodworklogNewEstimate
- the Worklog and new estimate for the issue.dispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog delete @return the deleted Worklog object, or null if no object has been deleted.Worklog
was successfully deleted, false otherwiseboolean deleteWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogAdjustmentAmountResult worklogAdjustmentAmount, boolean dispatchEvent)
. This method will
adjust the issues remaining estimate to be the new value which has been passed to this method, the old
remaining estimate value will be lost.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to update the supplied worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors encountered
in calling the methodworklogAdjustmentAmount
- the Worklog and adjustmentAmount for the issue.dispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog delete @return the deleted Worklog object, or null if no object has been deleted.Worklog
was successfully deleted, false otherwiseboolean deleteAndRetainRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogResult worklogResult, boolean dispatchEvent)
. This method will
make no adjustment to the issues remaining estimate.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to update the supplied worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors encountered
in calling the methodworklogResult
- result of the call to validateDelete(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, Long)
which contains the Worklog
to deletedispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog deleteWorklog
was successfully deleted, false otherwiseboolean deleteAndAutoAdjustRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogResult worklogResult, boolean dispatchEvent)
. This method will auto-adjust the issues
remaining estimate by adding the time spent on the deleted worklog.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to update the supplied worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors encountered
in calling the methodworklogResult
- result of the call to validateDelete(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, Long)
which contains the Worklog
to deletedispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog deleteWorklog
was successfully deleted, false otherwiseWorklogResult validateUpdate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogInputParameters params)
hasPermissionToUpdate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to update a worklog for this issue.jiraServiceContext
- containing the user who wishes to create a worklog and the errorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodparams
- parameter object that contains all the values required to validateWorklogNewEstimateResult validateUpdateWithNewEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogNewEstimateInputParameters params)
hasPermissionToUpdate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog)
to update a worklog for this issue.jiraServiceContext
- containing the user who wishes to create a worklog and the errorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodparams
- parameter object that contains all the values required to validateWorklog updateWithNewRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogNewEstimateResult worklogNewEstimate, boolean dispatchEvent)
. This method will
adjust the issues remaining estimate to be the new value which has been passed to this method, the old
remaining estimate value will be lost.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodworklogNewEstimate
- the Worklog and new estimate for the issue.dispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog update @return the updated Worklog object, or null if no object has been updated.Worklog updateAndRetainRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogResult worklogResult, boolean dispatchEvent)
. This method will
make no adjustment to the issues remaining estimate.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to update the supplied worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors encountered
in calling the methodworklogResult
- result of the call to validateUpdate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, WorklogInputParameters)
which contains the Worklog
to updatedispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog updateWorklog updateAndAutoAdjustRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogResult worklogResult, boolean dispatchEvent)
. This method will auto-adjust the issues
remaining estimate based on the updated value of the time spent on the work.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to update the worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors
in calling the methodworklogResult
- result of the call to validateUpdate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, WorklogInputParameters)
which contains the Worklog
to updatedispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog updateboolean hasPermissionToUpdate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Worklog worklog)
In case of errors, add error messages to the error collection within the servicecontext.
Passing in null worklog or a worklog with null ID will return false and an error message will be added to the error collection.
Passing in null error collection will throw NPE.
This method will return true if the user is a member of the worklog's group/role level (if specified) AND
permission; ORWorklog
author and has the Permissions.WORKLOG_EDIT_OWN
- containing the User
who wishes to update the worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors
in calling the methodworklog
- the Worklog
the user wishes to updateboolean hasPermissionToDelete(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Worklog worklog)
In case of errors, add error messages to the error collection within the servicecontext.
Passing in null worklog or a worklog with null ID will return false and an error message will be added to the error collection.
Passing in null error collection will throw NPE.
This method will return true if the user is a member of the worklog's group/role level (if specified) AND
permission; ORWorklog
author and has the Permissions.WORKLOG_DELETE_OWN
- containing the User
who wishes to delete the worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors
in calling the methodworklog
- the Worklog
the user wishes to deleteWorklogResult validateCreate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogInputParameters params)
hasPermissionToCreate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, boolean)
to create a worklog for this issue.jiraServiceContext
- containing the user who wishes to create a worklog and the errorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodparams
- parameter object that contains all the values required to validateWorklogNewEstimateResult validateCreateWithNewEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogNewEstimateInputParameters params)
hasPermissionToCreate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, boolean)
to create a worklog for this issue.jiraServiceContext
- containing the user who wishes to create a worklog and the errorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodparams
- parameter object that contains all the values required to validateWorklogAdjustmentAmountResult validateCreateWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogAdjustmentAmountInputParameters params)
hasPermissionToCreate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, boolean)
to create a worklog for this issue.jiraServiceContext
- containing the user who wishes to create a worklog and the errorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodparams
- parameter object that contains all the values required to validateWorklog createWithNewRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogNewEstimateResult worklogNewEstimate, boolean dispatchEvent)
on the given Issue
. This method will
adjust the issues remaining estimate to be the new value which has been passed to this method, the old
remaining estimate value will be lost.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodworklogNewEstimate
- the Worklog and new estimate for the issue.dispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog creationvalidateCreateWithNewEstimate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, WorklogNewEstimateInputParameters)
Worklog createWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogAdjustmentAmountResult worklogAdjustmentAmount, boolean dispatchEvent)
on the given Issue
. This method will
adjust the issues remaining estimate by reducing by the adjustmentAmount which has been passed to this method.
Before calling this method, you must call validateCreateWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate() to ensure that the
creation is OK.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodworklogAdjustmentAmount
- the Worklog and adjustmentAmount for the issue.dispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog creationvalidateCreateWithManuallyAdjustedEstimate(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.bc.issue.worklog.WorklogAdjustmentAmountInputParameters)
Worklog createAndRetainRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogResult worklogResult, boolean dispatchEvent)
on the given Issue
. This method will
make no adjustment to the issues remaining estimate.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodworklogResult
- the WorklogResult generated by the validate calldispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog creation @return the created Worklog object, or null if no object created.Worklog createAndAutoAdjustRemainingEstimate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, WorklogResult worklogResult, boolean dispatchEvent)
on the given Issue
. This method will
auto-adjust the issues remaining estimate based on the value of the time spent on the work.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodworklogResult
- the WorklogResult generated by the validate calldispatchEvent
- whether or not you want to have an event dispatched on Worklog creation @return the created Worklog object, or null if no object created.boolean hasPermissionToCreate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Issue issue, boolean isEditableCheckRequired)
that timetracking is enabled in JIRA and that the associated issue is in an editable workflow state.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodissue
- the issue to add the worklog toisEditableCheckRequired
- set to true if we require the issue to be in an editable state. This should always
be the case except when logging work on transitionWorklog getById(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long id)
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodid
- uniquely identifies the worklogWorklogChangedSincePage<Worklog> getWorklogsUpdatedSince(ApplicationUser user, Long sinceInMilliseconds)
elements, in order
to get more elements, execute this method again with which is equal to the updated time of the last element
in the result.
This won't return worklogs updated within last minute.user
- user retrieving the list of modified worklogs since a qiven time expressed in miliseconds.sinceInMilliseconds
- the time (measured as a difference between the timestamp and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC)
since which the modified worklogs will be returned.WorklogChangedSincePage<DeletedWorklog> getWorklogsDeletedSince(ApplicationUser user, Long sinceInMilliseconds)
elements, in order
to get more elements, execute this method again with which is equal to removal time of the last element
in the result.
This won't return worklogs updated within last minute.user
- user retrieving the list of deleted worklogs since a qiven time expressed in milliseconds.sinceInMilliseconds
- the time (measured as a difference between the timestamp and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC)
since which the deleted worklogs will be returned.ServiceOutcome<Set<Worklog>> getWorklogsForIds(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Set<Long> idsOfWorklogs)
in order to get more elements, execute this method again providing ids of other Worklog
to retrieve.jiraServiceContext
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodidsOfWorklogs
- set of ids for which worklogs will be returned.List getByIssue(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Issue issue)
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodissue
- the specified parent issue (not null)List<Worklog> getByIssueVisibleToUser(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Issue issue)
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodissue
- the specified parent issue (not null)PagedList<Worklog> getByIssueVisibleToUser(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Issue issue, int pageSize)
- containing the User
who wishes to create a worklog and
the ErrorCollection
that will contain any errors in calling the methodissue
- the specified parent issue (not null)pageSize
- the number of worklogs per pageboolean isTimeTrackingEnabled()
is true, false
otherwise.boolean isIssueInEditableWorkflowState(Issue issue)
- the issue to see if it is in an editable storeCopyright © 2002-2017 Atlassian. All Rights Reserved.
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