Class | Description |
AbstractResource |
Lightweight optional convenience base class for REST end points with commonly used methods.
AvailableColumnsResource |
REST resource for retreiving available columns.
AverageAgeChartResource |
REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Average Age chart.
CreatedVsResolvedResource |
REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Created vs Resolved chart.
CreatedVsResolvedResource.CreatedVsResolvedChart |
A simple bean contain all information required to render the Created Versus Chart
CreatedVsResolvedResource.DataRow | |
DateFieldsResource |
REST endpoint to retieve a list of date fields in the system.
DateFieldsResource.DateFieldBean | |
DateRangeChart |
A simple bean contain all information required to render any Date Range Chart.
DefaultStatsSearchUrlBuilder | |
ExternalGadgetSpecResource |
Rest resource to remove external gadgets specs
FavouriteFiltersResource |
REST endpoint to retrieve the users favourite filters.
FavouriteFiltersResource.Filter | |
FavouriteFiltersResource.FilterList | |
FavouriteFiltersResource.NotLoggedIn | |
FiltersAndProjectsResource |
REST endpoint to retrieve the users favourite filters
FiltersAndProjectsResource.GroupWrapper | |
FiltersAndProjectsResource.Option | |
FiltersAndProjectsResource.OptionGroup | |
FiltersAndProjectsResource.OptionList | |
GadgetUserResource |
REST endpoint to get the currently logged in user.
GadgetUserResource.UserBean | |
HeatMapResource |
REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Heat Map.
HeatMapResource.DataRow | |
HeatMapResource.HeatMap |
A simple bean contain all information required to render the Heat Map
InstanceNameResource |
REST endpoint to retrieve the instance name html.
IssueTableResource |
REST resource to retreive a pre-rendered issue table.
IssueTableResource.IssueTable | |
LabelsResource |
Labels Resource for the label gadget
LabelsResource.LabelElement | |
LabelsResource.LabelField | |
LabelsResource.LabelFields | |
LabelsResource.LabelGroup | |
LabelsResource.LabelGroupList | |
LoginGadgetResource |
REST endpoint to get properties needed for the Login form and to check if Login was successful.
LoginGadgetResource.LoginProperties | |
PickerResource |
Parent Resource for all pickers in the gadget plugin.
PickerResource.FilterPickerBean | |
PickerResource.FilterPickerWrapper | |
PickerResource.ProjectPickerBean | |
PickerResource.ProjectPickerWrapper | |
PickerResource.ProjectsAndFiltersWrapper | |
PieChartResource |
REST endpoint to validate and retreive Pie chart.
PieChartResource.DataRow | |
PieChartResource.PieChart |
A simple bean contain all information required to render the Pie Chart
ProjectGadgetResource |
REST resource for the project gadget.
ProjectGadgetResource.Category | |
ProjectGadgetResource.DetailedProjectData | |
ProjectGadgetResource.OpenIssuesData | |
ProjectGadgetResource.OptionData | |
ProjectGadgetResource.OptionDataList | |
ProjectGadgetResource.Projects | |
ProjectsAndProjectCategoriesResource |
This REST resource is used to generate an option list that is closely mapped to the option elements of a HTML select
element, so that the returned JSON object can replace the option elements of a HTML select element, without further
ProjectsAndProjectCategoriesResource.Option | |
ProjectsAndProjectCategoriesResource.ProjectAndCategories | |
QuickLinksResource |
REST endpoint to retrieve a list of common usage links.
QuickLinksResource.Warning | |
RecentlyCreatedChartResource |
REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Recent Created chart.
RecentlyCreatedChartResource.DataRow | |
RecentlyCreatedChartResource.RecentlyCreatedChart |
A simple bean contain all information required to render the Recently Created Chart
ResolutionTimeResource |
REST endpoint to validate and retreive the Resolution Time chart.
RoadMapResource |
REST endpoint to retrieve a list of unreleased versions, according to the input criteria.
RoadMapResource.ProjectData |
Contains the data of a project a version belongs to, including: The id of the project The
project key The project name
RoadMapResource.ResolutionData |
The data structure of statistics on resolved/unresolved, with jql clause used to retrieve the set of the issues.
RoadMapResource.RoadMapData |
The data structure of the road map generated by the
RoadMapResource . |
RoadMapResource.VersionData |
The data structure of a project version contained in the road map data.
SearchQueryBackedResource |
An abstract class used for common search request handling for search request backed resources.
StatisticTypesProvider |
Provides available values for stat types used by various gadgets
StatisticTypesResource |
REST resource for retrieving and validating Statistic Types.
StatisticTypesResource.MapEntry | |
StatisticTypesResource.StatTypeCollection | |
StatsMarkup | |
StatsResource |
REST endpoint for statistics gadgets Project/Filter Stats and 2D Stats.
StatsResource.Results | |
StatsResource.StatsRow | |
TimeChart |
Represents a time period based issue counting chart.
TimeChart.Generator | |
TimeChart.TimeDataRow | |
TimeSinceChartResource |
REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Recent Created chart.
TimeSinceChartResource.TimeSinceChart |
A simple bean contain all information required to render the Recently Created Chart
TwoDimensionalStatsResource |
REST endpoint to validate and retreive a two dimensional stats resource.
TwoDimensionalStatsResource.Cell | |
TwoDimensionalStatsResource.FilterProperties | |
TwoDimensionalStatsResource.Row | |
TwoDimensionalStatsResource.TwoDimensionalProperties |
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