Interface | Description |
BuildVersionLicenseCheck |
Checks that licenses are valid for a JIRA installation.
ClusterLicenseCheck |
Implements license checks required to permit running JIRA in clustered mode ("DataCenter").
CreateIssueLicenseCheck |
Implements the license check required for users to be able to create issues.
JiraLicenseManager |
This manager is the primary interface to performing license-related read/write operations, and to reading the
license state of
applications . |
LicenseBannerHelper |
Knows how to generate and control the license banner.
LicenseCheck |
Root interface of classes that perform license-related checks.
LicenseCountService |
Provides various counts of users in JIRA.
LicensedApplications |
Encapsulates the application/role information embedded in a
license . |
LicenseDetails |
A set of methods which describe the state of the currently installed license.
LicenseDetails.LicenseContact |
Represents a license contact name/email pair.
LicenseDetails.LicenseStatusMessage |
Encapsulates a collection of unordered, internationalised license-related status messages.
LicenseDetailsFactory |
Provides the ability to extract a LicenseDetails object from a license String.
LicenseJohnsonEventRaiser |
This can raise its Johnson with events related to licensing
LicenseMaintenancePredicate |
Predicate to indicate whether or not the the passed license is within maintenance.
LicenseStringFactory |
A factory to create license string from messages and hashes.
MultiLicenseStore |
A store to save multiple licenses to a persistent location.
RenaissanceMigrationStatus |
A store to indicate if renaissance migration (aka JIRA 6.x global permission to JIRA 7.0 application roles)
has been run.
Class | Description |
BuildVersionLicenseCheckImpl |
Implements a license check that compares the earliest maintenance date of all current licenses to the
current JIRA instance build date.
ClusterLicenseCheckImpl | |
ConfirmEvaluationLicenseEvent |
Event fired when a JIRA administrator requested to continue with evaluation license when the license support
expired for the version of JIRA installed.
CreateIssueLicenseCheckImpl | |
DefaultLicenseContact |
A simple representation of a contact person associated with a JIRA License (name and email)
DefaultLicensedApplications |
Default implementation of
LicensedApplications . |
DefaultLicenseDetails |
Default implementation of the
LicenseDetails interface. |
DefaultLicenseStatusMessage | |
DefaultLicenseStatusMessage.Builder | |
Jira6xServiceDeskPluginEncodedLicenseSupplier |
Supplies a encoded plugin license for Service Desk version 1 or 2.
Jira6xServiceDeskPluginLicenseSupplier |
Supplies a plugin license for Service Desk version 1 or 2.
JiraLicenseManagerImpl | |
JiraProductLicense |
JIRA's interpreted version of an extras
JiraLicense . |
LegacyMultiLicenseStore |
This class reads licenses from legacy locations within JIRA.
LicenseBannerHelperImpl |
Implements license-related reminders and warnings.
LicenseChangedEvent |
Event fired when a new license is entered into JIRA.
LicenseCheck.Failure |
Implements a
LicenseCheck.Result that always fails . |
LicenseCheck.Result |
Encapsulates the result of a
LicenseCheck , which may be either passed or failed, depending on the
return value of LicenseCheck.Result.isPass() . |
LicenseDetailsFactoryImpl | |
LicenseDetailsFactoryImpl.JiraProductLicenseManager |
JIRA internal license manager used for decoding license keys.
LicenseJohnsonEventRaiserImpl |
An implementation of
LicenseJohnsonEventRaiser |
LicenseMaintenancePredicateImpl |
Predicate to indicate whether or not the the passed license is within maintenance.
LicenseStringFactoryImpl | |
MockLicense | |
MockLicensedApplications | |
MockLicenseDetails | |
MockLicenseDetailsBuilder |
Mock LicenseDetails Builder
MockLicenseDetailsFactory | |
MockMultiLicenseStore | |
MockRenaissanceMigrationStatus | |
MultiLicenseStoreImpl |
Store that looks for licenses in the
ProductLicense table. |
ProductLicense | |
ProductLicenseEntityFactory | |
RenaissanceMigrationStatusImpl | |
RenaissanceSwitchingMultiLicenseStore |
MultiLicenseStore that switches its behaviour based on if renaissance migration has run or not. |
ServiceDeskLicenseConstants |
Some constants for parsing out Service Desk (SD) licenses.
SubscriptionLicenseDetails |
Subclass of
DefaultLicenseDetails for implementing enterprise license-specific behaviour. |
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