Interface ShareService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ShareService

Shares entities such as issues, saved searches or unsaved searches via e-mail.


Nested Class Summary
static class ShareService.ValidateShareIssueResult
static class ShareService.ValidateShareResult
static class ShareService.ValidateShareSearchRequestResult
Method Summary
 void shareIssue(ShareService.ValidateShareIssueResult result)
          Given a valid ValidateShareIssueResult this method will send an e-mail to the users and fire a ShareIssueEvent
 void shareSearchRequest(ShareService.ValidateShareSearchRequestResult result)
          Given a valid ValidateShareIssueResult this method will send an e-mail to the users and fire a ShareJqlEvent or ShareSearchRequestEvent depending on if a saved filter was passed to the validate method.
 ShareService.ValidateShareIssueResult validateShareIssue(ApplicationUser remoteUser, ShareBean shareBean, Issue issue)
          Confirms that the shareBean param contains either usernames or e-mails and also validates that the user performing this operation has the permission to view other users in this JIRA instance.
 ShareService.ValidateShareIssueResult validateShareIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, ShareBean shareBean, Issue issue)
 ShareService.ValidateShareSearchRequestResult validateShareSearchRequest(ApplicationUser remoteUser, ShareBean shareBean, SearchRequest searchRequest)
          Confirms that the shareRequest param contains either usernames or e-mails and also validates that the user performing this operation has the permission to view other users in this JIRA instance.
 ShareService.ValidateShareSearchRequestResult validateShareSearchRequest(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, ShareBean shareBean, SearchRequest searchRequest)

Method Detail


ShareService.ValidateShareIssueResult validateShareIssue(ApplicationUser remoteUser,
                                                         ShareBean shareBean,
                                                         Issue issue)
Confirms that the shareBean param contains either usernames or e-mails and also validates that the user performing this operation has the permission to view other users in this JIRA instance.

remoteUser - The user performing the share operation
shareBean - Bean containing information about who to share with
issue - The issue being shared
A service result


ShareService.ValidateShareIssueResult validateShareIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                                    ShareBean shareBean,
                                                                    Issue issue)

Deprecated - use validateShareIssue(com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser, ShareBean, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue) instead.


void shareIssue(ShareService.ValidateShareIssueResult result)
Given a valid ValidateShareIssueResult this method will send an e-mail to the users and fire a ShareIssueEvent

result - a valid validateShareIssueResult.


ShareService.ValidateShareSearchRequestResult validateShareSearchRequest(ApplicationUser remoteUser,
                                                                         ShareBean shareBean,
                                                                         SearchRequest searchRequest)
Confirms that the shareRequest param contains either usernames or e-mails and also validates that the user performing this operation has the permission to view other users in this JIRA instance.

remoteUser - The user performing the share operation
shareBean - Bean containing information about who to share with
searchRequest - A saved filter being shared or null if a unsaved JQL search is being shared
A service result


ShareService.ValidateShareSearchRequestResult validateShareSearchRequest(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                                                    ShareBean shareBean,
                                                                                    SearchRequest searchRequest)

Deprecated - use validateShareSearchRequest(com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser, ShareBean, instead.


void shareSearchRequest(ShareService.ValidateShareSearchRequestResult result)
Given a valid ValidateShareIssueResult this method will send an e-mail to the users and fire a ShareJqlEvent or ShareSearchRequestEvent depending on if a saved filter was passed to the validate method.

result - a valid validateShareIssueResult.

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