Class SimpleProfileLinkUserFormat

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.plugin.userformat.SimpleProfileLinkUserFormat
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleProfileLinkUserFormat
extends Object
implements UserFormat

Very simple implementation that only renders the users full name with a link to the user's profile page. If the username is null, it will display 'Anonymous'. If no user matching the username can be found, ony the username will be printed.


Field Summary
static String TYPE
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.plugin.profile.UserFormat
Constructor Summary
SimpleProfileLinkUserFormat(I18nHelper i18nHelper, JiraAuthenticationContext jiraAuthenticationContext, UserFormatModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor, UserKeyService userKeyService, UserUtil userUtil, BaseUrl baseUrl)
Method Summary
 String format(String key, String id)
          Renders the formatted user for a given section on the screen.
 String format(String key, String id, Map<String,Object> params)
          Renders the formatted user for a given section on the screen.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SimpleProfileLinkUserFormat(I18nHelper i18nHelper,
                                   JiraAuthenticationContext jiraAuthenticationContext,
                                   UserFormatModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor,
                                   UserKeyService userKeyService,
                                   UserUtil userUtil,
                                   BaseUrl baseUrl)
Method Detail


public String format(String key,
                     String id)
Description copied from interface: UserFormat
Renders the formatted user for a given section on the screen. Please note that the username may be null (eg for empty fields, anonymous user's, etc) or the user may not exist. Implementations should handle these cases.

Extra context can be passed to the renderer via the id attribute. Ideally an implementation might include this id in the rendered output such that it can be used for test assertions.

The result should always be ready to display in an HTML response i.e. it should be HTML encoded if necessary.

Specified by:
format in interface UserFormat
key - the user's userkey to format.
id - A value providing extra context to the rendering process.
the formatted user


public String format(String key,
                     String id,
                     Map<String,Object> params)
Description copied from interface: UserFormat
Renders the formatted user for a given section on the screen. Please note that the username may be null (eg for empty fields, anonymous user's, etc) or the user may not exist. Implementations should handle these cases.

Extra context can be passed to the renderer via the params attribute.

The result should always be ready to display in an HTML response i.e. it should be HTML encoded if necessary.

Specified by:
format in interface UserFormat
key - the user's userkey to format.
id - A value providing extra context to the rendering process.
params - Additional context to pass to the renderer
the formatted user

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