Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ObjectConfigurable.getDefaultProperty(String propertyKey)
Returns the default property value for a key
String |
ObjectConfigurationImpl.getFieldDefault(String key)
Retrieves the default value for property with specified key
String |
ObjectConfiguration.getFieldDefault(String key)
Retrieves the default value for property with specified key
String |
ObjectConfigurationImpl.getFieldDescription(String key)
Retrieves the description of a property with the specified key
String |
ObjectConfiguration.getFieldDescription(String key)
Retrieves the description of a property with the specified key
String |
ObjectConfigurationImpl.getFieldName(String key)
Retrieves the name of a property with the specified key
String |
ObjectConfiguration.getFieldName(String key)
Retrieves the name of a property with the specified key
int |
ObjectConfigurationImpl.getFieldType(String key)
Retrieves the type of the property with the specified key
int |
ObjectConfiguration.getFieldType(String key)
Retrieves the type of the property with the specified key
Map |
ObjectConfigurationImpl.getFieldValues(String key)
Retrieves a map of available values for property with the specified key.
Map |
ObjectConfiguration.getFieldValues(String key)
Retrieves a map of available values for property with the specified key.
Map |
ObjectConfigurationImpl.getFieldValuesHtmlEncoded(String key)
Retrieves a map of available values for property with the specified key.
Map |
ObjectConfiguration.getFieldValuesHtmlEncoded(String key)
Retrieves a map of available values for property with the specified key.
Long |
ObjectConfigurable.getLongProperty(String propertyKey)
Returns a property of this object with the specified key as a long
ObjectConfiguration |
Retrieves an object configuration object with properties that can be set
ObjectConfiguration |
XMLObjectConfigurationFactory.getObjectConfiguration(String id,
Map params)
This function retrieves an ObjectConfiguration based on a specified identifier,
ObjectConfiguration |
ObjectConfigurationFactory.getObjectConfiguration(String id,
Map userParams)
This function retrieves an ObjectConfiguration based on a specified identifier,
com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet |
Retrieve all the specified Properties for this object
String |
ObjectConfigurable.getProperty(String propertyKey)
Returns a property of this object with the specified key
String |
ObjectConfigurable.getTextProperty(String propertyKey)
Returns a property of this object with the specified key, the property is of type text
boolean |
ObjectConfigurable.hasProperty(String propertyKey)
Checks if this object has a particular property
void |
XMLObjectConfigurationFactory.loadObjectConfiguration(String xmlFile,
String id)
This procedure loads an xml file into a holder object which is then used to construct a real
object when the get function is called.
void |
XMLObjectConfigurationFactory.loadObjectConfiguration(String xmlFile,
String id,
ClassLoader classLoader)
This procedure loads an xml file into a holder object which is then used to construct a real object when the get
function is called.
void |
ObjectConfigurationFactory.loadObjectConfiguration(String xmlFile,
String id,
ClassLoader classLoader) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
JiraHomeReplicatorService.getObjectConfiguration() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
ReferenceDebugService.getObjectConfiguration() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
IndexSnapshotService.getObjectConfiguration() |
void |
IndexSnapshotService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
AbstractConfigurableModuleDescriptor.getObjectConfiguration(Map params) |
ObjectConfiguration |
ConfigurableModuleDescriptor.getObjectConfiguration(Map params) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
MockJiraServiceContainer.getDefaultProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
UnloadableJiraServiceContainer.getDefaultProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
JiraServiceContainerImpl.getDefaultProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
AbstractService.getDefaultProperty(String propertyKey) |
Long |
MockJiraServiceContainer.getLongProperty(String propertyKey) |
Long |
UnloadableJiraServiceContainer.getLongProperty(String propertyKey) |
Long |
JiraServiceContainerImpl.getLongProperty(String propertyKey) |
Long |
AbstractService.getLongProperty(String propertyKey) |
ObjectConfiguration |
MockJiraServiceContainer.getObjectConfiguration() |
ObjectConfiguration |
UnloadableJiraServiceContainer.getObjectConfiguration() |
ObjectConfiguration |
JiraServiceContainerImpl.getObjectConfiguration() |
protected ObjectConfiguration |
AbstractService.getObjectConfiguration(String id,
String xmlfile,
Map<String,String[]> params) |
com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet |
MockJiraServiceContainer.getProperties() |
com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet |
UnloadableJiraServiceContainer.getProperties() |
com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet |
JiraServiceContainerImpl.getProperties() |
com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet |
AbstractService.getProperties() |
String |
MockJiraServiceContainer.getProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
UnloadableJiraServiceContainer.getProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
JiraServiceContainerImpl.getProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
AbstractService.getProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
MockJiraServiceContainer.getTextProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
UnloadableJiraServiceContainer.getTextProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
JiraServiceContainerImpl.getTextProperty(String propertyKey) |
String |
AbstractService.getTextProperty(String propertyKey) |
boolean |
MockJiraServiceContainer.hasProperty(String propertyKey) |
boolean |
UnloadableJiraServiceContainer.hasProperty(String propertyKey) |
boolean |
JiraServiceContainerImpl.hasProperty(String propertyKey) |
boolean |
AbstractService.hasProperty(String propertyKey) |
void |
MockJiraServiceContainer.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
void |
UnloadableJiraServiceContainer.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
void |
JiraServiceContainerImpl.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
void |
AbstractService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
void |
JiraService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props)
Initialise the service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
CacheFlusher.getObjectConfiguration() |
ObjectConfiguration |
DebugService.getObjectConfiguration() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
AuditLogCleaningService.getObjectConfiguration() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
NodeStateCheckerService.getObjectConfiguration() |
ObjectConfiguration |
ClusterMessageCleaningService.getObjectConfiguration() |
void |
NodeStateCheckerService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet properties) |
void |
ClusterMessageCleaningService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
ExportService.getObjectConfiguration() |
void |
ExportService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
FileService.getObjectConfiguration() |
void |
FileService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
void |
AbstractMessageHandlingService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
ReplicatedIndexCleaningService.getObjectConfiguration() |
void |
ReplicatedIndexCleaningService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
MailQueueService.getObjectConfiguration() |
ObjectConfiguration |
MailFetcherService.getObjectConfiguration() |
void |
MailQueueService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
void |
MailFetcherService.init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectConfiguration |
ConfigureReport.getObjectConfiguration() |
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