Class WorkflowTransitionResource.ConstantResponseResource

  extended by
      extended by
Enclosing class:

public static class WorkflowTransitionResource.ConstantResponseResource
extends WorkflowTransitionResource

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
WorkflowTransitionResource.ConstantResponseResource, WorkflowTransitionResource.Factory, WorkflowTransitionResource.PropertyBean, WorkflowTransitionResource.TransitionResource, WorkflowTransitionResource.WorkflowMode
Method Summary createProperty(long transitionId, String key, String workflowName, String workflowMode, WorkflowTransitionResource.PropertyBean body)
          Add a new property to a transition. deleteProperty(long transitionId, String key, String workflowName, String workflowMode)
          Delete a property from the passed transition on the passed workflow. getProperties(long transitionId, boolean includeReservedKeys, String key, String workflowName, String workflowMode)
          Return the property or properties associated with a transition. updateProperty(long transitionId, String key, String workflowName, String workflowMode, WorkflowTransitionResource.PropertyBean body)
          Update/add new property to a transition.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public getProperties(long transitionId,
                                               boolean includeReservedKeys,
                                               String key,
                                               String workflowName,
                                               String workflowMode)
Description copied from class: WorkflowTransitionResource
Return the property or properties associated with a transition.

Specified by:
getProperties in class WorkflowTransitionResource
transitionId - the ID of the transition within the workflow.
includeReservedKeys - some keys under the "jira." prefix are editable, some are not. Set this to true in order to include the non-editable keys in the response.
key - the name of the property key to query. Can be left off the query to return all properties.
workflowName - the name of the workflow to use.
workflowMode - the type of workflow to use. Can either be "live" or "draft".


public createProperty(long transitionId,
                                                String key,
                                                String workflowName,
                                                String workflowMode,
                                                WorkflowTransitionResource.PropertyBean body)
Description copied from class: WorkflowTransitionResource
Add a new property to a transition. Trying to add a property that already exists will fail.

Specified by:
createProperty in class WorkflowTransitionResource
transitionId - the ID of the transition within the workflow.
key - the name of the property to add.
workflowName - the name of the workflow to use.
workflowMode - the type of workflow to use. Can either be "live" or "draft".


public updateProperty(long transitionId,
                                                String key,
                                                String workflowName,
                                                String workflowMode,
                                                WorkflowTransitionResource.PropertyBean body)
Description copied from class: WorkflowTransitionResource
Update/add new property to a transition. Trying to update a property that does not exist will result in a new property being added.

Specified by:
updateProperty in class WorkflowTransitionResource
transitionId - the ID of the transition within the workflow.
key - the name of the property to add.
workflowName - the name of the workflow to use.
workflowMode - the type of workflow to use. Can either be "live" or "draft".


public deleteProperty(long transitionId,
                                                String key,
                                                String workflowName,
                                                String workflowMode)
Description copied from class: WorkflowTransitionResource
Delete a property from the passed transition on the passed workflow. It is not an error to delete a property that does not exist.

Specified by:
deleteProperty in class WorkflowTransitionResource
transitionId - the ID of the transition within the workflow.
key - the name of the property to add.
workflowName - the name of the workflow to use.
workflowMode - the type of workflow to use. Can either be "live" or "draft".

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