Interface VisibilityValidator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface VisibilityValidator

This class is used to check the validity of group or role level visibility restrictions. Examples of where this is used are: Comment visibility and Worklog visibility restrictions.

Use this class to determine if group or project role restrictions are enabled, and to validate that input parameters that contain group or project role information would constitute a valid restriction.

Method Summary
 boolean isGroupVisiblityEnabled()
          Determines if group visibility restrictions are currently enabled in JIRA.
 boolean isProjectRoleVisiblityEnabled()
          Determines if project role visibility restrictions are currently enabled in JIRA.
 boolean isValidVisibilityData(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, String i18nPrefix, Issue issue, String groupLevel, String roleLevelId)
          This will validate that the passed in group level and project role level id will constitute a valid visibility restriction.

Method Detail


boolean isValidVisibilityData(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                              String i18nPrefix,
                              Issue issue,
                              String groupLevel,
                              String roleLevelId)
This will validate that the passed in group level and project role level id will constitute a valid visibility restriction. You can not specify both a group and role level. The group or role must exist in JIRA and the user performing this operation must be a member of the group or role. All errors will be added in human-readable form via the I18N key prefixed with the passed in prefix.

jiraServiceContext - containing the user who wishes to apply the restriction and the errorCollection
i18nPrefix - the prefix for the I18N messages that will be added to the error collection.
issue - The Issue you wish to associate the element that will be restricted with. This can not be null.
groupLevel - The group level visibility of the comment (null if roleLevelId specified)
roleLevelId - The role level visibility id of the comment (null if groupLevel specified)
true if the visibility data is valid, false otherwise.


boolean isGroupVisiblityEnabled()
Determines if group visibility restrictions are currently enabled in JIRA.

true if enabled, false otherwise.


boolean isProjectRoleVisiblityEnabled()
Determines if project role visibility restrictions are currently enabled in JIRA.

true if enabled, false otherwise.

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