Package com.atlassian.jira.pageobjects.config

Interface Summary
JiraConfigProvider Component providing config information about JIRA.
RestoreJiraData Represents JIRA restore data operation.

Class Summary
AbstractPluginDetector Abstract class for checking whether some plugin is installed.
AbstractRestoreJiraData Implements AbstractRestoreJiraData.restoreBlank() in terms of abstract RestoreJiraData.restore(String).
AdaptingConfigProvider Config provider that uses jira-func-test-plugin if possible, or falls back to parsing JIRA UI.
EnvironmentBasedProductInstance ProductInstance implementation based on JIRAEnvironmentData.
FuncTestPluginDetector Detects whether the func test plugin has been installed in tested JIRA instance.
ProductInstanceBasedEnvironmentData The environment data is built up on the information provided by the product instance.
RestConfigProvider Component providing config information about JIRA.
RestoreJiraDataFromBackdoor Implementation of RestoreJiraData that uses the func test plugin REST resource if present
RestoreJiraDataFromUi Implementation of RestoreJiraData that uses UI.
SimpleJiraSetup Implementation of JIRA setup that performs the simplest set up possible via UI.
SmartRestoreJiraData Delegates restore action to the best available implementation.
TestEnvironment Describes JIRA test environment.
TestkitPluginDetector Detects whether the jira-testkit-plugin is installed in tested JIRA instance.

Annotation Types Summary
EnableWebSudo By default websudo in JIRA will be disabled before each test.
LoginAs Mark your test with this annotation if you want a particular user to be logged-in automatically before the test executes.

Annotate your test class or test method with this annotation if you want the data on the tested JIRA instance to be reset to blank state before given test class/test method executes.


Annotate your test class with this annotation if you want to reset data in JIRA once per the test suite represented by the class.


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