Uses of Interface

Packages that use JqlClauseBuilder   

Uses of JqlClauseBuilder in

Methods in with parameters of type JqlClauseBuilder
 void SearchRequestAddendumBuilder.AddendumCallback.appendNonNullItem(T value, JqlClauseBuilder clauseBuilder)
 void SearchRequestAddendumBuilder.AddendumCallback.appendNullItem(JqlClauseBuilder clauseBuilder)

Uses of JqlClauseBuilder in com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder that return JqlClauseBuilder
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addClause(Clause clause)
          Add the passed JQL condition to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addCondition(String clauseName, Collection<? extends Operand> operands)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName in (operands) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addCondition(String clauseName, Operand... operands)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName in (operands) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addCondition(String clauseName, Operand operand)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName = operand to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Collection<? extends Operand> operands)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator (operands) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Operand... operands)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator (operands) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Operand operand)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator operand to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addDateCondition(String clauseName, Collection<Date> dates)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName in (dates) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addDateCondition(String clauseName, Date... dates)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName in (dates) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addDateCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Collection<Date> dates)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addDateCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Date... dates)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addDateCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Date date)
          Add the JQL condition clausename operator date to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addDateRangeCondition(String clauseName, Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Add a condition range condition to the current query for the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addEmptyCondition(String clauseName)
          Add an "IS EMPTY" condition to the current query for the passed JQL clause.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addFunctionCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, String functionName)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator functionName() to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addFunctionCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, String functionName, Collection<String> args)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator functionName(arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., argN) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addFunctionCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, String functionName, String... args)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator functionName(arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., argN) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addFunctionCondition(String clauseName, String functionName)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName = functionName() to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addFunctionCondition(String clauseName, String functionName, Collection<String> args)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName = functionName(arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., argN) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addFunctionCondition(String clauseName, String functionName, String... args)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName = functionName(arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., argN) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addNumberCondition(String clauseName, Collection<Long> clauseValues)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName in (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addNumberCondition(String clauseName, Long... clauseValues)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName in (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addNumberCondition(String clauseName, Long clauseValue)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName = clauseValue to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addNumberCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Collection<Long> clauseValues)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addNumberCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Long... clauseValues)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addNumberCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Long clauseValue)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator clauseValue to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addNumberRangeCondition(String clauseName, Long start, Long end)
          Add a condition range condition to the current query for the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addRangeCondition(String clauseName, Operand start, Operand end)
          Add a condition range condition to the current query for the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addStringCondition(String clauseName, Collection<String> clauseValues)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName in (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addStringCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, Collection<String> clauseValues)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addStringCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, String... clauseValues)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addStringCondition(String clauseName, Operator operator, String clauseValue)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName operator "clauseValue" to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addStringCondition(String clauseName, String... clauseValues)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName in (clauseValues) to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addStringCondition(String clauseName, String clauseValue)
          Add the JQL condition clauseName = "clauseValue" to the query being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.addStringRangeCondition(String clauseName, String start, String end)
          Add a condition range condition to the current query for the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.affectedVersion(String... versions)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues associated particular set of affected versions.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.affectedVersion(String version)
          Add a condtion to the query that finds the issues associated with a particular affected version.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.affectedVersionIsEmpty()
          Adds adds a condition to the query to find issues with no assigned affected version.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.and()
          Add the JQL "AND" operator to the JQL expression currently being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.assigneeInGroup(String groupName)
          Add a condition to the query that finds all issues that are assigned to users in a particular group.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.assigneeIsCurrentUser()
          Add a condition to the query that finds all issues that are assigned to the current user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.assigneeIsEmpty()
          Add a condition to the query to find all unassigned issues.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.assigneeUser(String userName)
          Add a condition to the query that finds issues that are assigned to the passed user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.category(String... categories)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues from projects within a list of project categories.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.clear()
          Reset the builder to its empty state.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.comment(String value)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that match the passed comment.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.component(Long... components)
          Add a condition to the query to find all issues with particular components.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.component(String... components)
          Add a condition to the query to find all issues with particular components.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.componentIsEmpty()
          Add a condition to the query to find all issues that have not component assigned.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.createdAfter(Date startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that were created after the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.createdAfter(String startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that were created after the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.createdBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where created between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.createdBetween(String startDateString, String endDateString)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where created between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder date)
          Specify the value that must me matched using the current operator.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.dates(Collection<Date> dates)
          Specify the values that must be matched using the current operator.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.dates(Date... dates)
          Specify the values that must be matched using the current operator.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.defaultAnd()
          Tell the builder to combine JQL conditions using the "AND" operator when none has been specified.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.defaultNone()
          Tell the builder to stop injecting JQL "AND" or "OR" operators automatically between the generated JQL conditions.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.defaultOr()
          Tell the builder to combine JQL conditions using the "OR" operator when none has been specified.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.description(String value)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that match the passed description.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.descriptionIsEmpty()
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that have no description.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.dueAfter(Date startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that are due after the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.dueAfter(String startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that are due after the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.dueBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where due between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.dueBetween(String startDateString, String endDateString)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where due between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.empty()
          Finish the current condition such that it looks for empty values.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.endsub()
          End the current sub JQL expression.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.environment(String value)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that match the passed environment.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.environmentIsEmpty()
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that have no environment.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.eq(Date date)
          Create the JQL condition with the equals operator and the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.eq(Long value)
          Create the JQL condition with the equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.eq(Operand operand)
          Create the JQL condition with the equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.eq(String value)
          Create the JQL condition with the equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.eqEmpty()
          Create the JQL condition with the equals operator and the EMPTY value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.eqFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.eqFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.eqFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.fixVersion(Long... versions)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues associated particular set of fix versions.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.fixVersion(Long version)
          Add a condtion to the query that finds the issues associated with a particular fix version.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.fixVersion(String... versions)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues associated particular set of fix versions.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.fixVersion(String version)
          Add a condtion to the query that finds the issues associated with a particular fix version.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.fixVersionIsEmpty()
          Adds adds a condition to the query to find issues with no assigned fix version.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.function(String funcName)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.function(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.function(String funcName, String... args)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionCascaingOption(String parent)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the "cascadingOption" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionCascaingOption(String parent, String child)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the "cascadingOption" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionCascaingOptionParentOnly(String parent)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the "cascadingOption" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionCurrentLogin()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value returned from the "currentLogin" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionCurrentUser()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value returned from the "currentUser" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionIssueHistory()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the values returned from the "issueHistory" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionLastLogin()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value returned from the "lastLogin" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionLinkedIssues(String issue, String... issueLinkTypes)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the "linkedIssues" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionMembersOf(String groupName)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the values returned from the "membersOfFunction" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionNow()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value returned from the "now" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionReleasedVersions(String... projects)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the values returned from the "releasedVersions" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionRemoteLinksByGlobalId(String... globalIds)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the "remoteLinksByGlobalId" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionStandardIssueTypes()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the values returned from the "standardIssueTypes" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionSubTaskIssueTypes()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the values returned from the "subTaskIssueTypes" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionUnreleasedVersions(String... projects)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the values returned from the "unreleasedVersions" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionVotedIssues()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the "votedIssues" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.functionWatchedIssues()
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the value(s) returned from the "watchedIssues" function.
 JqlClauseBuilder date)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than operator and the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder value)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder operand)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder value)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtEq(Date date)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than or equals operator and the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtEq(Long value)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtEq(Operand operand)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtEq(String value)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtEqFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtEqFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtEqFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the greater than equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the ">" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the ">" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.gtFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the ">" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder dates)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder values)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder operands)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder values)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.inDates(Collection<Date> dates)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.inFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the "in" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.inFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the "in" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.inFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the "in" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.inNumbers(Collection<Long> values)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.inOperands(Collection<Operand> operands)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.inStrings(Collection<String> values)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.isEmpty()
          Create the JQL condition with the is operator and the EMPTY value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.isNotEmpty()
          Create the JQL condition with the is not operator and the EMPTY value.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.issue(String... keys)
          Add a condition to the query that will find all issues with the passed key.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.issueInHistory()
          Add a condition to the query that will find all issues currently within the user's history.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.issueInVotedIssues()
          Add a condition to the query that will find all issues the user has voted on.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.issueInWatchedIssues()
          Add a condition to the query that will find all issues currently watched by the user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.issueParent(String... keys)
          Add a condition to the query that will find all issues that have the passed issues as parents.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.issueType(String... types)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues of a particular type.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.issueTypeIsStandard()
          Add a condition to the query that finds the "standard" issue types.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.issueTypeIsSubtask()
          Add a condition to the query that finds the "sub-task" issue types.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.labels(String... labels)
          Add a condition to the query to find all issues with particular labels.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.labelsIsEmpty()
          Add a condition to the query to find all issues that have no labels.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.lastViewedAfter(Date startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where last viewed after the passed date (if issue is stored in history kept).
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.lastViewedAfter(String startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where viewed after the passed date (if issue is stored in history kept).
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.lastViewedBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where viewed between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.lastViewedBetween(String startDateString, String endDateString)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where last viewed between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.level(String... levels)
          Add a condition to the query that will find all issues with the passed security levels.
 JqlClauseBuilder date)
          Create the JQL condition with the like operator and the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder value)
          Create the JQL condition with the like operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder operand)
          Create the JQL condition with the like operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder value)
          Create the JQL condition with the like operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.likeFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the like operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.likeFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the like operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.likeFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the like operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder date)
          Create the JQL condition with the less than operator and the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder value)
          Create the JQL condition with the less than operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder operand)
          Create the JQL condition with the less than operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder value)
          Create the JQL condition with the less than operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltEq(Date date)
          Create the JQL condition with the less than or equals operator and the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltEq(Long value)
          Create the JQL condition with the less than equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltEq(Operand operand)
          Create the JQL condition with the less than equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltEq(String value)
          Create the JQL condition with the less than equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltEqFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the "<=" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltEqFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the "<=" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltEqFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the "<=" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the "<" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the "<" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.ltFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the "<" operator and the passed function.
static JqlClauseBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder()
          Build a new JqlClauseBuilder.
static JqlClauseBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder(Clause copy)
          Build a new JqlClauseBuilder and initialise it with the passed clause.
static JqlClauseBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder(Query query)
          Build a new JqlClauseBuilder and initialise it with the clause from the passed query.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilderFactoryImpl.newJqlClauseBuilder(JqlQueryBuilder parent)
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilderFactory.newJqlClauseBuilder(JqlQueryBuilder parent)
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.not()
          Add the JQL "NOT" operator to the JQL expression currently being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notEq(Date date)
          Create the JQL condition with the not equals operator and the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notEq(Long value)
          Create the JQL condition with the not equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notEq(Operand operand)
          Create the JQL condition with the not equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notEq(String value)
          Create the JQL condition with the not equals operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notEqEmpty()
          Create the JQL condition with the not equals operator and the EMPTY value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notEqFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the not equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notEqFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the not equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notEqFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the not equals operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notIn(Date... dates)
          Create the JQL condition with the not in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notIn(Long... values)
          Create the JQL condition with the not in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notIn(Operand... operands)
          Create the JQL condition with the not in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notIn(String... values)
          Create the JQL condition with the not in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notInDates(Collection<Date> dates)
          Create the JQL condition with the in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notInFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the "not in" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notInFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the "not in" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notInFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the "not in" operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notInNumbers(Collection<Long> values)
          Create the JQL condition with the not in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notInOperands(Collection<Operand> operands)
          Create the JQL condition with the not in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notInStrings(Collection<String> values)
          Create the JQL condition with the not in operator and the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notLike(Date date)
          Create the JQL condition with the not like operator and the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notLike(Long value)
          Create the JQL condition with the not like operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notLike(Operand operand)
          Create the JQL condition with the not like operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notLike(String value)
          Create the JQL condition with the not like operator and the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notLikeFunc(String funcName)
          Create the JQL condition with the not like operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notLikeFunc(String funcName, Collection<String> args)
          Create the JQL condition with the not like operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.notLikeFunc(String funcName, String... args)
          Create the JQL condition with the not like operator and the passed function.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.number(Long value)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.numbers(Collection<Long> values)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.numbers(Long... values)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.operand(Operand operand)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed operand.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.operands(Collection<? extends Operand> operands)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed operands.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.operands(Operand... operands)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed operands.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.or()
          Add the JQL "OR" operator to the JQL expression currently being built.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.priority(String... priorities)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues associated particular set of priorities.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.project(Long... pids)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues within a particular project.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.project(String... projects)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues within a particular project.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.range(Date start, Date end)
          Add a condition range condition to the current query for the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.range(Long start, Long end)
          Add a condition range condition to the current query for the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.range(Operand start, Operand end)
          Add a condition range condition to the current query for the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ConditionBuilder.range(String start, String end)
          Add a condition range condition to the current query for the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.reporterInGroup(String groupName)
          Add a condition to the query that finds all issues that were reported by users in a particular group.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.reporterIsCurrentUser()
          Add a condition to the query that finds all issues that were reported by the current user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.reporterIsEmpty()
          Add a condition to the query to find issues without a reporter.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.reporterUser(String userName)
          Add a condition to the query that finds issues that where reported by the passed user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.resolution(String... resolutions)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues associated particular set of resolutions.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.resolutionDateAfter(Date startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that were reolved after the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.resolutionDateAfter(String startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that were resolved after the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.resolutionDateBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where resolved between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.resolutionDateBetween(String startDateString, String endDateString)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where resolved between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.savedFilter(String... filters)
          Add a condition to the query that will inclue the results from the passed filters in the search.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.status(String... statuses)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues associated particular set of statuses.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.string(String value)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed value.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.strings(Collection<String> values)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder ValueBuilder.strings(String... values)
          Finish the current condition such that it matches the passed values.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.sub()
          Create a new sub expression in the current JQL.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.summary(String value)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues match the passed summary.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.unresolved()
          Add a condition to query that finds the issues that have not been resolved.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.updatedAfter(Date startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that were updated after the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.updatedAfter(String startDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that were updated after the passed date.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.updatedBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where updated between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.updatedBetween(String startDateString, String endDateString)
          Add a condition to the query that finds the issues that where updated between the passed dates.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.voterInGroup(String groupName)
          Add a condition to the query that finds all issues that were voted for by users in a particular group.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.voterIsCurrentUser()
          Add a condition to the query that finds all issues that were voted for by the current user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.voterIsEmpty()
          Add a condition to the query to find issues without any votes.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.voterUser(String userName)
          Add a condition to the query that finds issues that are voted for by the passed user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.watcherInGroup(String groupName)
          Add a condition to the query that finds all issues that were watched by users in a particular group.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.watcherIsCurrentUser()
          Add a condition to the query that finds all issues that were watched by the current user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.watcherIsEmpty()
          Add a condition to the query to find issues without any watchers.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlClauseBuilder.watcherUser(String userName)
          Add a condition to the query that finds issues that are watched by the passed user.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.where()
          Creates an JqlClauseBuilder which is used to modify the where clause portion of the JqlQueryBuilder instance.

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