Package com.atlassian.jira.webtests.zsuites

Class Summary
FuncTestSuiteAdministration Test for the administration of the JIRA instance.
FuncTestSuiteAppLinks AppLinks-related tests.
FuncTestSuiteAttachments Tests for attachments.
FuncTestSuiteBulkOperations A suite of tests related to Bulk Operations
FuncTestSuiteCharting Test for JIRA charting.
FuncTestSuiteCloneIssue A suite of SubTask related test
FuncTestSuiteComments A suite of test related to comments
FuncTestSuiteComponentsAndVersions A suite of tests related to Components and Versions
FuncTestSuiteCustomFields Some tests for custom fields.
FuncTestSuiteDashboards A func test suite for Dashboards
FuncTestSuiteEmail Tests that check various e-mail JIRA related capabilities.
FuncTestSuiteFields A suite of tests related to Fields (and especially custom fields)
FuncTestSuiteFilters A func test suite for Filters
FuncTestSuiteI18n I18n tests
FuncTestSuiteImportExport Test for project import/export functionality.
FuncTestSuiteIssueNavigator A suite of tests related to the issue navigator
FuncTestSuiteIssues A suite of tests around Issues.
FuncTestSuiteJelly Jelly tests.
FuncTestSuiteJql A test suite for all JQL related func tests.
FuncTestSuiteLicencing A suite of tests around JIRA licence handling
FuncTestSuiteMoveIssue Tests for moving issues.
FuncTestSuitePermissions A suite of tests related to Permissions
FuncTestSuiteProjectImport A suite of tests around JIRA project import
FuncTestSuiteProjects A suite of tests around JIRA projects
FuncTestSuiteQuartz A test suite of Quartz Scheduler related classes
FuncTestSuiteRandomTests This is a suite of radom test that have nothing no real place currently.
FuncTestSuiteRemote Class of tests which run tests remotely in JIRA.
FuncTestSuiteReports a suite of tests related to Reports
FuncTestSuiteRoles A suite of tests related to Roles
FuncTestSuiteSchemes A suite of tests around Schemes
FuncTestSuiteSecurity A suite of test related to Security
FuncTestSuiteSetup A set of tests that must be run before any JIRA data is imported into it.
FuncTestSuiteSharedEntities A func test suite for shared entities such as Dashboards and Filters.
FuncTestSuiteSubTasks A suite of SubTask related test
FuncTestSuiteTimeTracking Responsible for holding the time tracking module's functional tests.
FuncTestSuiteTimeZone Test suite for time zone related integration tests.
FuncTestSuiteUpgradeTasks A suite of test related to Upgrade Tasks
FuncTestSuiteUsersAndGroups A suite of test related to Users and Groups
FuncTestSuiteWorkflow A FuncTestSuite of Workflow related tests
FuncTestSuiteWorklogs A suite of tests around Worklogs
FuncTestSuiteXXXX TODO - A TEMPLATE func test suite.

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