Class Summary |
AbstractCustomFieldType<T,S> |
AbstractMultiCFType<S> |
Abstract class for Multi-select Custom field types. |
AbstractMultiSettableCFType<T,S> |
Deprecated. Implement the methods on MultipleSettableCustomFieldType yourself. |
AbstractSingleFieldType<T> |
A abstract class that simplifies creating a CustomField that stores
a single values via ofbiz. |
CalculatedCFType<T,S> |
A CustomFieldType which is calculated rather than set. |
CascadingSelectCFType |
Cascading Select Custom Field Type allows for multiple dependent select lists. |
DateCFType |
Custom Field to allow setting of a Date
Transport Object Type
Database Storage Type
DateTimeCFType |
Custom Field alowing setting of a full Date and Time. |
GenericTextCFType |
A CustomFieldType where data is stored and displayed as a single String
By default it will only have a Limited Text Field for storage (if you need bigger override GenericTextCFType.getDatabaseType() )
Transport Object Type
Database Storage Type
ImportIdLinkCFType |
LabelsCFType |
Labels Custom field
Transport Object Type
Set of Label s
Singular Object Type
Database Storage Type
Not stored with Custom Field Data @see LabelManager.setLabels(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, Long, Long, java.util.Set, boolean, boolean)
MultiGroupCFType |
Multiple User Group Select Type |
MultiSelectCFType |
Multiple Select Type allows selecting of multiple Option s |
MultiUserCFType |
Multiple User Type allows selection of multiple users. |
NumberCFType |
Custom Field Type allowing storae and display of Double values
Transport Object Type
Database Storage Type
ProjectCFType |
Custom Field Type to select a Project on this JIRA instance. |
ProjectImportLabelFieldParserImpl |
ReadOnlyCFType |
RenderableTextCFType |
This custom field type returns true for its isRenderable method and is meant to
represent a text custom field type that is renderable. |
SelectCFType |
Select Custom Field Type allows selecting of a single Option . |
StringCFType |
Deprecated. Use GenericTextCFType instead. |
TextAreaCFType |
TextCFType |
Deprecated. Use GenericTextCFType instead. |
UserCFType |
Custom Field allow selection of a single User . |
VersionCFType |
Custom Field Type to select multiple Version s. |