Interface XsrfCheck.Submission

All Known Implementing Classes:
XsrfCheck.AbstractFormSubmission, XsrfCheck.AbstractLinkSubmission, XsrfCheck.AsynchFormSubmission, XsrfCheck.FormSubmission, XsrfCheck.FormSubmissionWithId, XsrfCheck.LinkWithIdSubmission, XsrfCheck.LinkWithTextSubmission, XsrfCheck.XPathLinkSubmission
Enclosing class:

public static interface XsrfCheck.Submission

Used to define the implementation of removing a token from a request and sending a request

Method Summary
 void init(FuncTestHelperFactory funcTestHelperFactory)
          Initialise the submission with state from the checker.
 void removeToken()
          Removes the token from the state so that we can test what happens when a "dodgy token" is submitted to an action that is expecting a good token.
 void submitRequest()
          Submits a request to an action that presumably is XSRF-protected and requires a token to be present.

Method Detail


void init(FuncTestHelperFactory funcTestHelperFactory)
Initialise the submission with state from the checker.

funcTestHelperFactory - factory


void removeToken()
                 throws Exception
Removes the token from the state so that we can test what happens when a "dodgy token" is submitted to an action that is expecting a good token.

Exception - e


void submitRequest()
                   throws Exception
Submits a request to an action that presumably is XSRF-protected and requires a token to be present.

Exception - e

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