Class BootstrappingStartupState

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.startup.StartupStateTemplate
      extended by com.atlassian.jira.startup.BootstrappingStartupState
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BootstrappingStartupState
extends StartupStateTemplate
implements JiraStartupState

JIRA is stopped or bootstrapping (i.e. starting, but the plugin system has not been started yet).

Constructor Summary
BootstrappingStartupState(AtomicReference<JiraStartupState> currentState)
Method Summary
protected<StartupCheck> getStartupChecks()
          Template method that returns an immutable list of startup checks to perform.
 void onJiraStopping()
          This method is called when JIRA is being stopped.
 void onPluginSystemRestarted()
          This method is called when the Atlassian Plugins system has been restarted within JIRA.
 void onPluginSystemStarted()
          This method is called when the Atlassian Plugins system has been started within JIRA.
 void onPluginSystemStopped()
          This method is called when the Atlassian Plugins system has been stopped within JIRA.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.jira.startup.StartupStateTemplate
getFailedStartupCheck, isStartupChecksPassed, setFailedStartupCheck
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupState
getFailedStartupCheck, isStartupChecksPassed, setFailedStartupCheck

Constructor Detail


public BootstrappingStartupState(AtomicReference<JiraStartupState> currentState)
Method Detail


public void onPluginSystemStarted()
                           throws IllegalStateException
Description copied from interface: JiraStartupState
This method is called when the Atlassian Plugins system has been started within JIRA.

Specified by:
onPluginSystemStarted in interface JiraStartupState
IllegalStateException - if this is not a valid event for this state


public void onPluginSystemStopped()
Description copied from interface: JiraStartupState
This method is called when the Atlassian Plugins system has been stopped within JIRA.

Specified by:
onPluginSystemStopped in interface JiraStartupState


public void onPluginSystemRestarted()
Description copied from interface: JiraStartupState
This method is called when the Atlassian Plugins system has been restarted within JIRA.

Specified by:
onPluginSystemRestarted in interface JiraStartupState


public void onJiraStopping()
Description copied from interface: JiraStartupState
This method is called when JIRA is being stopped.

Specified by:
onJiraStopping in interface JiraStartupState


protected<StartupCheck> getStartupChecks()
Description copied from class: StartupStateTemplate
Template method that returns an immutable list of startup checks to perform.

Specified by:
getStartupChecks in class StartupStateTemplate
an ImmutableList

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