Class ModuleDescriptors.HashCodeBuilder

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.plugin.util.ModuleDescriptors.HashCodeBuilder
Enclosing class:

public static class ModuleDescriptors.HashCodeBuilder
extends Object

Assists in implementing Object.hashCode() methods for module descriptors based on the hashCode of the descriptor's complete key.

Constructor Summary
ModuleDescriptors.HashCodeBuilder(com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleDescriptor descriptor)
          Creates an instance of the HashCodeBuilder for a module descriptor.
Method Summary
 int hashCode()
          The computed hashCode from toHashCode() is returned due to the likelyhood of bugs in mis-calling toHashCode() and the unlikelyness of it mattering what the hashCode for HashCodeBuilder itself is.
 int toHashCode()
          Return the computed hashCode for this module descriptor.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ModuleDescriptors.HashCodeBuilder(com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleDescriptor descriptor)
Creates an instance of the HashCodeBuilder for a module descriptor. Must not be null.

descriptor - the module descriptor to create a hashCode implementation for.
Method Detail


public int toHashCode()
Return the computed hashCode for this module descriptor.

hashCode based on the hashCode of the descriptor's complete key.


public int hashCode()
The computed hashCode from toHashCode() is returned due to the likelyhood of bugs in mis-calling toHashCode() and the unlikelyness of it mattering what the hashCode for HashCodeBuilder itself is.

hashCode in class Object
hashCode based on the complete key of the module descriptor.

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