Interface JiraDataType

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JiraDataType

Defines a domain specific data type. An example of this is Issue, Version, or Date. Fields handle data of a specified type and searchers and functions know which data-types they can handle working on.


Method Summary
 Collection<String> asStrings()
          Provides a string representation of this JiraDataType's actual types.
 boolean matches(JiraDataType otherType)
          Determines if this type matches the passed in other JiraDataType.

Method Detail


Collection<String> asStrings()
Provides a string representation of this JiraDataType's actual types. A JiraDataType can declare that it is made up of distinct types and this is why we return a collection of string representations.

string representation of this JiraDataTypes's actual types.


boolean matches(@NotNull
                JiraDataType otherType)
Determines if this type matches the passed in other JiraDataType. This method runs through the data types and will return true if any of the types are equals to the other types. This method should be reflexive, if a.match(b) == true then b.match(a) == true There is a special case which is Object. This means all and any comparison against Object.class will return true for the match method.

otherType - the data type to compare to, not null.
true if any of this types are assignable to the other types.

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