Interface BulkMoveHelper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BulkMoveHelper

Interface for methods to help out with some calculations for Bulk Move operations.


Nested Class Summary
static class BulkMoveHelper.DistinctValueResult
          Represents a distinct project attribute value (i.e.
Method Summary
 Map<Long,BulkMoveHelper.DistinctValueResult> getDistinctValuesForMove(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, OrderableField orderableField, Function<Issue,Collection<Object>> issueValueResolution, Function<Object,String> nameResolution)
          For the given field, calculates all the distinct values present in the currently selected issues of the BulkEditBean.
 boolean needsSelection(BulkMoveHelper.DistinctValueResult distinctValue, Long id, String valueName)
          Method called by Velocity templates to check if the current DistinctValueResult matches the value specified and thus should be selected.

Method Detail


Map<Long,BulkMoveHelper.DistinctValueResult> getDistinctValuesForMove(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean,
                                                                      OrderableField orderableField,
                                                                      Function<Issue,Collection<Object>> issueValueResolution,
                                                                      Function<Object,String> nameResolution)
For the given field, calculates all the distinct values present in the currently selected issues of the BulkEditBean. These values are represented by a mapping from key (Long representing the id) to BulkMoveHelper.DistinctValueResult which provides the name of the value as well as the name of the project the value belongs to. This information is used in the rendering of the mapping controls to the user.

bulkEditBean - the bulk edit bean
orderableField - the field to retrieve distinct values from
issueValueResolution - must return a non-null Collection of values based on a given issue. It is implied that the values are for the field specified by orderableField.
nameResolution - a function to resolve values to names to be displayed. May return null to indicate that it should not be displayed.
a mapping from values (ids in the form of Longs) to [name, project name] pairs.


boolean needsSelection(BulkMoveHelper.DistinctValueResult distinctValue,
                       Long id,
                       String valueName)
Method called by Velocity templates to check if the current DistinctValueResult matches the value specified and thus should be selected.

distinctValue - the distinct value
id - Option Id
valueName - Option Name
true if the specified option should be selected

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