Class DefaultImportResultHandler

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.web.action.util.DefaultImportResultHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultImportResultHandler
extends Object
implements ImportResultHandler

An error handler to be used both by SetupImport and ImportAll for some consistent error handling.


Constructor Summary
DefaultImportResultHandler(JiraLicenseService jiraLicenseService, LicenseJohnsonEventRaiser licenseJohnsonEventRaiser, ExternalLinkUtil externalLinkUtil, BuildUtilsInfo buildUtilsInfo)
Method Summary
 boolean handleErrorResult(javax.servlet.ServletContext context, DataImportService.ImportResult lastResult, I18nHelper i18n, ErrorCollection errorCollection)
          Given an import result this method will take the appropriate actions to deal with errors such as throwing up JohnsonEvents or populating the passed in errorcollection with the appropriate errors.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultImportResultHandler(JiraLicenseService jiraLicenseService,
                                  LicenseJohnsonEventRaiser licenseJohnsonEventRaiser,
                                  ExternalLinkUtil externalLinkUtil,
                                  BuildUtilsInfo buildUtilsInfo)
Method Detail


public boolean handleErrorResult(javax.servlet.ServletContext context,
                                 DataImportService.ImportResult lastResult,
                                 I18nHelper i18n,
                                 ErrorCollection errorCollection)
Description copied from interface: ImportResultHandler
Given an import result this method will take the appropriate actions to deal with errors such as throwing up JohnsonEvents or populating the passed in errorcollection with the appropriate errors.

Specified by:
handleErrorResult in interface ImportResultHandler
context - The servlet context needed to throw up a JohnsonEvent.
lastResult - The import result with validation errors.
i18n - I18n bean needed to i18nize any error messages
errorCollection - The error collection to populate with specific error messages
true if a JohnsonEvent was created meaning callers should probably redirect to a generic error page to see the JohnsonEvent.

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