Class JiraStartupLogger

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger

public class JiraStartupLogger
extends Object

This class prints information to the log when JIRA is "about to start" and when it "has started"

This is really here for JIRA admins and support staff to know when JIRA is starting and hence if anything goes wrong during the boot they can tell. Also is gives a strong indication of when JIRA was "restarted"


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static org.apache.log4j.Logger log()
          Returns the underlying Logger to be used directly.
 void printMessage(Collection<String> messages, org.apache.log4j.Level logLevel)
          Prints a series of messages to the log with "stars" around them
 void printMessage(String message, org.apache.log4j.Level logLevel)
          Prints a single message to the log with "stars" around it
 void printStartedMessage()
          Once JIRA has SUCCESSFULLY started, this is shown.
 void printStartingMessage()
          This prints a message that JIRA is "starting".
 void printStartingMessageDatabaseOK()
          Once the JIRA database checks out as OK, we can proceed to show more JIRA information
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JiraStartupLogger()
Method Detail


public static org.apache.log4j.Logger log()
Returns the underlying Logger to be used directly.

the underlying Logger to be used directly.


public void printMessage(String message,
                         org.apache.log4j.Level logLevel)
Prints a single message to the log with "stars" around it

message - the message to print
logLevel - the log level


public void printMessage(Collection<String> messages,
                         org.apache.log4j.Level logLevel)
Prints a series of messages to the log with "stars" around them

messages - the messages to print
logLevel - the log level


public void printStartingMessage()
This prints a message that JIRA is "starting". Remember this differs from "started" and is also the first output when a JIRA instance is "re-started".

NOTE : It must be very careful not to "bring up" the JIRA world from an unintended class dependency. At present this code will only get basic JIRA build info, App Server Info and Java JVM Info. It is veyr careful not to


public void printStartingMessageDatabaseOK()
Once the JIRA database checks out as OK, we can proceed to show more JIRA information


public void printStartedMessage()
Once JIRA has SUCCESSFULLY started, this is shown. JIRA is now UP and the world is our oyster!

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