Class BootstrapContainerLauncher

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.startup.BootstrapContainerLauncher
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BootstrapContainerLauncher
extends Object
implements JiraLauncher

The BootstrapContainerLauncher will bootstrap enough of JIRA during run level 0. It has the ability to check the state of the database connection and configure it if need be. If the database is operational then it will move to the next level and start JIRA completely.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void start()
          Called during JIRA "startup".
 void stop()
          Called when JIRA is shutting down.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BootstrapContainerLauncher()
Method Detail


public void start()
Description copied from interface: JiraLauncher
Called during JIRA "startup". In the multitenant world startup is more complicated and broken into multiple chunks. There is the stuff that happens when the servlet container first comes up, there is stuff that happens when the System Tenant is being created (also during servlet context creation), and there is stuff when further tenants are created (dynamically, at some point often well after startup). The logic for ordering all of this will be handled by the DefaultJiraLauncher.

Specified by:
start in interface JiraLauncher
See Also:


public void stop()
Description copied from interface: JiraLauncher
Called when JIRA is shutting down. Just like startup this can mean either per-tenant shutdown or servlet-wide shutdown. The logic of what exactly happens when is encapsulated in the DefaultJiraLauncher.

Specified by:
stop in interface JiraLauncher
See Also:

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