Interface LabelStore

All Known Implementing Classes:
CachingLabelStore, OfBizLabelStore

public interface LabelStore



Method Summary
 Label addLabel(Long issueId, Long customFieldId, String label)
          Adds a new label to the issue for the custom field specified.
 Set<Label> getLabels(Long issueId, Long customFieldId)
          Returns all the labels for the given issue and custom field.
 void removeLabel(Long labelId, Long issueId, Long customFieldId)
          Removes the label identified by id
 Set<Long> removeLabelsForCustomField(Long customFieldId)
          Deletes all labels for a given custom field.
 Set<Label> setLabels(Long issueId, Long customFieldId, Set<String> labels)
          Sets the labels for a particular issue and field combo to the set specified as a parameter.

Method Detail


Set<Label> getLabels(Long issueId,
                     Long customFieldId)
Returns all the labels for the given issue and custom field. The custom field may also be null, in which case the labels for the system field will be returned.

issueId - The issue id that the label is linked against
customFieldId - Custom field id for the labels CF or null if it's the system field.
A set of alphabetically ordered labels for the issue and custom field.


Set<Label> setLabels(Long issueId,
                     Long customFieldId,
                     Set<String> labels)
Sets the labels for a particular issue and field combo to the set specified as a parameter. The set may be an empty set in order to clear all labels for an issue.

issueId - The issue id that the label is linked against
customFieldId - Custom field id for the labels CF or null if it's the system field.
labels - the new labels for this issue and custom field combo
a set of stored label objects in alphabetical order


Label addLabel(Long issueId,
               Long customFieldId,
               String label)
Adds a new label to the issue for the custom field specified. If the customFieldId is null, the label will be added for the system field. Adding an existing label again, will simply return the existing label.

issueId - The issue id that the label is linked against
customFieldId - Custom field id for the labels CF or null if it's the system field.
label - The new label to add
The Label object that was added


void removeLabel(Long labelId,
                 Long issueId,
                 Long customFieldId)
Removes the label identified by id

issueId - The issue id that the label is linked against
customFieldId - Custom field id for the labels CF or null if it's the system field.
labelId - The id of the label to delete


Set<Long> removeLabelsForCustomField(Long customFieldId)
Deletes all labels for a given custom field. This is useful when deleting a custom field.

customFieldId - The custom field id for which to delete labels
A set of issueids affected by this operation

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