Interface ConfigurationCheck

All Known Implementing Classes:
AttachmentDirectoryChecker, BackupChecker, CrowdApplicationCheck, DashboardConfigurationCheck, IndexDirectoryChecker, MailChecker, PlaintextEncoderChecker, ServiceChecker

public interface ConfigurationCheck

Interface for objects that wish to check the correctness of some JIRA xml.


Nested Class Summary
static interface ConfigurationCheck.Result
Method Summary
 ConfigurationCheck.Result checkConfiguration(JiraConfig config, CheckOptions options)
          Check the correctness of the passed JIRA XML.
 void fixConfiguration(JiraConfig config, CheckOptions options)
          Fix the passed JIRA configuration and remove any errors.

Method Detail


ConfigurationCheck.Result checkConfiguration(JiraConfig config,
                                             CheckOptions options)
Check the correctness of the passed JIRA XML. It must be possible to call this method multiple times with different agruments (i.e. the object should be stateless).

config - the configuration to check.
options - the context for the check. This is where errors can be reported.
the errors that were found in the passed configuration file.


void fixConfiguration(JiraConfig config,
                      CheckOptions options)
Fix the passed JIRA configuration and remove any errors.

config - the configuration to check.
options - the context for the check. This can be used to see what checks are currently enabled for the passed configuration.

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