Class ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty

  extended by com.atlassian.configurable.ObjectConfigurationPropertyImpl
      extended by com.atlassian.configurable.ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty
All Implemented Interfaces:
ObjectConfigurationProperty, Map

public class ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty
extends ObjectConfigurationPropertyImpl

Represents a property which gets its values derived from a ValuesGenerator implementation.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Constructor Summary
ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty(String name, String description, String defaultValue, int type, String valueGeneratorClass, String enabledConditionClass)
          Creates a new ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty object.
ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty(String name, String description, String defaultValue, int type, String valueGeneratorClass, String enabledConditionClass, ClassLoader classLoader)
          Creates a new ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty object.
Method Summary
protected  Map getInternalValues(Map userParams)
          Overides method in super class that uses a map stored in the object to retrieve choices.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.configurable.ObjectConfigurationPropertyImpl
clear, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, get, getCascadeFrom, getDefault, getDescription, getMutableInternalValues, getName, getType, init, isEmpty, isEnabled, isI18nValues, keySet, put, putAll, remove, setCascadeFrom, setI18nValues, size, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
equals, hashCode

Constructor Detail


public ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty(String name,
                                                  String description,
                                                  String defaultValue,
                                                  int type,
                                                  String valueGeneratorClass,
                                                  String enabledConditionClass)
Creates a new ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty object.

name - Property name
description - Property description
defaultValue - Default value
type - Field type, e.g. string, long ....
valueGeneratorClass - Instance of ValuesGenerator used to retrieve a list of available choices


public ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty(String name,
                                                  String description,
                                                  String defaultValue,
                                                  int type,
                                                  String valueGeneratorClass,
                                                  String enabledConditionClass,
                                                  ClassLoader classLoader)
Creates a new ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty object.

name - Property name
description - Property description
defaultValue - Default value
type - Field type, e.g. string, long ....
valueGeneratorClass - Instance of ValuesGenerator used to retrieve a list of available choices
classLoader - ClassLoader used to load the valueGeneratorClass
Method Detail


protected Map getInternalValues(Map userParams)
Overides method in super class that uses a map stored in the object to retrieve choices. This function uses a ValuesGenerator class to retrieve the values.

getInternalValues in class ObjectConfigurationPropertyImpl
userParams - used to retrieve a cut down list of choices from the ValuesGenerator class
Map of choices dependant on this users parameters. If null is returned from the ValuesGenerator an empty list is returned, which is consistent with the behaviour of ObjectConfigurationPropertyImpl

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