Package com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.conditions

Class Summary
AbstractIssueCondition Abstract condition for testing conditions on issues

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

AbstractJiraCondition Convenient abstraction for jira specific Condition's.
AbstractJiraPermissionCondition Convenient abstraction to initialise conditions that require the PermissionManager and accept "permission" param.
CanAdministerProjectCondition Checks that the current user is a project admin for the passed in Project, Version or Component
CanAttachFileToIssueCondition Condition that determines whether the current user can attach a file to the current issue.
CanAttachScreenshotToIssueCondition Condition that determines whether the current user can attach a screenshot to the current issue.
CanConvertToIssueCondition Condition that determines whether the current user can convert the current subtask to an issue.
CanConvertToSubTaskCondition Condition that determines whether the current user can convert the current issue to a sub task.
CanCreateSharedObjectsCondition Checks if the logged in user has the rights to create shared objects.
ContextContainsCondition A condition that checks to see if a passed in param equals a specific
ExternalUserManagementDisabledCondition Condition returns true if APKeys.JIRA_OPTION_USER_EXTERNALMGT is disabled.
HasIssuePermissionCondition Condition to check a permission against a given issue for the current user.
HasLastSearchRequestCondition Condition that checks if a user has a current search.
HasLinkTypesAvailableCondition Condition to check whether there are any link types available.
HasProjectPermissionCondition Checks if a project is selected (in JiraHelper) and if the user has the AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission for that project
HasSelectedProjectCondition Checks if a project is selected
HasSubTasksAvailableCondition Condition to check whether the issue has any sub task types available.
HasVelocityRequestContext Checks if there is a VelocityRequestContext.getRequestParameters().
HasVersionsReleasedCondition Checks if there are any released versions for the selected project.
HasVersionsUnreleasedCondition Checks if there are any unreleased versions for the selected project.
HasVotedForIssueCondition Condition to check whether the current user has voted for the current issue

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

IsAdminModeCondition Checks if we're in admin mode
IsApplicationPropertySetCondition Condition to see if a system property option is set to true.
IsBrowserCondition TODO: Document this class / interface here
IsDashboardOwnerCondition Checks if the current user is the owner of a given dashboard

Will allow displaying given fragment if a particular feature is enabled.

IsFieldHiddenCondition Checks if the specified IsFieldHiddenCondition.field is hidden in at least one scheme associated with the selected project and IsFieldHiddenCondition.issuetype
IsIssueAssignedToCurrentUserCondition Condition to checkif the current user is the assignee of the current issue

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

IsIssueEditableCondition Condition to check if the issue is currently editable

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

IsIssueReportedByCurrentUserCondition Condition to check whether the current user reported the current issue

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

IsIssueUnresolvedCondition Condition to determine whether an issue is Unresolved

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

IsKeyboardShortcutsEnabledCondition Condition to check if keyboard shortcuts are enabled.
IsSubTaskCondition Condition to determine whether an issue is a subtask

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

IsTrackBackReceivingEnabled Condition to determine if trackback receiving is enabled.
IsVersionArchived Checks to see if the version passed in is archived
IsVersionReleased Checks to see if the version passed in is released
IsWatchingIssueCondition Condition that determines whether the current user is watching the current issue.
JiraGlobalPermissionCondition Checks if the user has the global permission: AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission
LinkingEnabledCondition Condition to determine whether linking is enabled
NotVersionContextCondition This condition specifies that the item should only be displayed if the supplied JiraHelper is not of type VersionHelper i.e.
ShowDashboardToolsMenuCondition Decides wheter or not to show the Manage Dashboards link.
SubTasksEnabledCondition Condition to determine whether Subtasks are turned on or not
TimeTrackingEnabledCondition Condition to determine whether time tracking is turned on or not
UserHasIssueHistoryCondition Checks if there are any history issue's
UserHasVisibleProjectsCondition Checks if the user can see atleast one project with this AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission
UserIsAdminCondition Checks if this user has the global admin permission
UserIsProjectAdminCondition Checks that the current user is a project admin for atleast one project
UserIsSysAdminCondition Will return shouldDisplay of true if the user has the Permissions.SYSTEM_ADMIN global permission.
UserIsTheLoggedInUserCondition Used to determine if the logged in user is the same as the profile user in the jira helper.
UserLoggedInCondition Checks if this user is logged in
VotingEnabledCondition Returns true if voting is enabled.
WatchingEnabledCondition Returns true if watching is enabled.

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