Class Summary | |
AbstractHasVersionsCondition | |
AbstractIssueCondition | Abstract condition for testing conditions on issues An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. |
AbstractJiraCondition | Convenient abstraction for jira specific Condition 's. |
AbstractJiraPermissionCondition | Convenient abstraction to initialise conditions that require the PermissionManager and accept "permission"
param. |
CanAdministerProjectCondition | Checks that the current user is a project admin for the passed in Project, Version or Component |
CanAttachFileToIssueCondition | Condition that determines whether the current user can attach a file to the current issue. |
CanAttachScreenshotToIssueCondition | Condition that determines whether the current user can attach a screenshot to the current issue. |
CanConvertToIssueCondition | Condition that determines whether the current user can convert the current subtask to an issue. |
CanConvertToSubTaskCondition | Condition that determines whether the current user can convert the current issue to a sub task. |
CanCreateSharedObjectsCondition | Checks if the logged in user has the rights to create shared objects. |
ContextContainsCondition | A condition that checks to see if a passed in param equals a specific |
ExternalUserManagementDisabledCondition | Condition returns true if APKeys.JIRA_OPTION_USER_EXTERNALMGT
is disabled. |
HasIssuePermissionCondition | Condition to check a permission against a given issue for the current user. |
HasLastSearchRequestCondition | Condition that checks if a user has a current search. |
HasLinkTypesAvailableCondition | Condition to check whether there are any link types available. |
HasProjectPermissionCondition | Checks if a project is selected (in JiraHelper ) and if the user has the AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission for that project |
HasSelectedProjectCondition | Checks if a project is selected |
HasSubTasksAvailableCondition | Condition to check whether the issue has any sub task types available. |
HasVelocityRequestContext | Checks if there is a VelocityRequestContext.getRequestParameters() . |
HasVersionsReleasedCondition | Checks if there are any released versions for the selected project. |
HasVersionsUnreleasedCondition | Checks if there are any unreleased versions for the selected project. |
HasVotedForIssueCondition | Condition to check whether the current user has voted for the current issue An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. |
IsAdminModeCondition | Checks if we're in admin mode |
IsApplicationPropertySetCondition | Condition to see if a system property option is set to true. |
IsBrowserCondition | TODO: Document this class / interface here |
IsDashboardOwnerCondition | Checks if the current user is the owner of a given dashboard |
IsFeatureEnabledCondition | Will allow displaying given fragment if a particular feature is enabled. |
IsFieldHiddenCondition | Checks if the specified IsFieldHiddenCondition.field is hidden in at least one scheme
associated with the selected project and IsFieldHiddenCondition.issuetype |
IsIssueAssignedToCurrentUserCondition | Condition to checkif the current user is the assignee of the current issue An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. |
IsIssueEditableCondition | Condition to check if the issue is currently editable An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. |
IsIssueReportedByCurrentUserCondition | Condition to check whether the current user reported the current issue An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. |
IsIssueUnresolvedCondition | Condition to determine whether an issue is Unresolved An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. |
IsKeyboardShortcutsEnabledCondition | Condition to check if keyboard shortcuts are enabled. |
IsSubTaskCondition | Condition to determine whether an issue is a subtask An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. |
IsTrackBackReceivingEnabled | Condition to determine if trackback receiving is enabled. |
IsVersionArchived | Checks to see if the version passed in is archived |
IsVersionReleased | Checks to see if the version passed in is released |
IsWatchingIssueCondition | Condition that determines whether the current user is watching the current issue. |
JiraGlobalPermissionCondition | Checks if the user has the global permission: AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission |
LinkingEnabledCondition | Condition to determine whether linking is enabled |
NotVersionContextCondition | This condition specifies that the item should only be displayed if the supplied JiraHelper is not of type
VersionHelper i.e. |
ShowDashboardToolsMenuCondition | Decides wheter or not to show the Manage Dashboards link. |
SubTasksEnabledCondition | Condition to determine whether Subtasks are turned on or not |
TimeTrackingEnabledCondition | Condition to determine whether time tracking is turned on or not |
UserHasIssueHistoryCondition | Checks if there are any history issue's |
UserHasVisibleProjectsCondition | Checks if the user can see atleast one project with this AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission |
UserIsAdminCondition | Checks if this user has the global admin permission |
UserIsProjectAdminCondition | Checks that the current user is a project admin for atleast one project |
UserIsSysAdminCondition | Will return shouldDisplay of true if the user has the Permissions.SYSTEM_ADMIN global permission. |
UserIsTheLoggedInUserCondition | Used to determine if the logged in user is the same as the profile user in the jira helper. |
UserLoggedInCondition | Checks if this user is logged in |
VotingEnabledCondition | Returns true if voting is enabled. |
WatchingEnabledCondition | Returns true if watching is enabled. |