Interface PermissionContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PermissionContext

Represents the context in which a permission evaluation is to be made. Permission requests are of the form: subject, verb, object (eg. "User fred wishes to comment on ABC-123"), where: subject = User object verb = permission Id object = Issue, project etc. A PermissionContext encapsulates the object.

Method Summary
 Issue getIssue()
 org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue getProject()
 com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.StepDescriptor getRelevantStepDescriptor()
          Given a Permission Context, get the relevant workflow step.
 Status getStatus()
 boolean hasIssuePermissions()
          Whether we have enough information to look up issue-specific (workflow) permissions.
 boolean isHasCreatedIssue()
          Whether the PermissionContext has an existing (not 'being created') issue.

Method Detail


org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue getProject()


Issue getIssue()


boolean isHasCreatedIssue()
Whether the PermissionContext has an existing (not 'being created') issue. This returns false on the second issue creation page, and on the quick sub-task creation form, where the issue type is unknown


Status getStatus()


com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.StepDescriptor getRelevantStepDescriptor()
Given a Permission Context, get the relevant workflow step.


boolean hasIssuePermissions()
Whether we have enough information to look up issue-specific (workflow) permissions.

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