Interface JqlIssueKeySupport

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JqlIssueKeySupport

Provide JQL with some helper functions when dealing with Issue Keys.


Method Summary
 boolean isValidIssueKey(String issueKey)
          Determines is the passed issue key is valid for JIRA.
 long parseKeyNum(String issueKey)
          Return the numeric part of the issue key.
 String parseProjectKey(String issueKey)
          Return the project key part of the issue key.

Method Detail


boolean isValidIssueKey(String issueKey)
Determines is the passed issue key is valid for JIRA. It does *NOT* determine if the issue actually exists within JIRA.

issueKey - the issue key to validate. Null will be considered an invalid key.
true if the passed key is valid or false otherwise.


long parseKeyNum(String issueKey)
Return the numeric part of the issue key. Assumes that the passed key is valid. The method will return -1 on a parsing error, however, this cannot be used to determine if a key is valid as some invalid keys may parse correctly. The isValidIssueKey(String) method can be used to determine if a key is invalid or not.

issueKey - the issue key to parse. A null key will return -1.
the numeric part of the key. Will return -1 to indicate a parsing error.


String parseProjectKey(String issueKey)
Return the project key part of the issue key. Assumes that the passed key is valid. The method will return null on a parsing error, however, this cannot be used to determine if a key is valid as some invalid keys may parrse correctly. The isValidIssueKey(String) method can be used to determine if a key is invalid or not.

issueKey - the issue key to parse. A null key will return null.
the project key part of the issue key, or null on a parsing error.

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