Class DefaultCommentAssertions

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.assertions.DefaultCommentAssertions
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultCommentAssertions
extends Object
implements CommentAssertions

Holds assertion methods around an issue's comments.


Method Summary
 void areNotVisibleTo(String userName, String issueKey)
          Asserts whether the specified comments are not visible to a user in a specific issue.
 void areVisibleTo(String userName, String issueKey)
          Asserts whether the specified comments are visible to a user in a specific issue.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void areVisibleTo(String userName,
                         String issueKey)
Description copied from interface: CommentAssertions
Asserts whether the specified comments are visible to a user in a specific issue.

Specified by:
areVisibleTo in interface CommentAssertions
userName - The user-name of the user to check visibility for.
issueKey - The issue key of the issue in play.


public void areNotVisibleTo(String userName,
                            String issueKey)
Description copied from interface: CommentAssertions
Asserts whether the specified comments are not visible to a user in a specific issue.

Specified by:
areNotVisibleTo in interface CommentAssertions
userName - The user-name of the user to check visibility for.
issueKey - The issue key of the issue in play.

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