Class DefaultProjectImportService

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.bc.imports.project.DefaultProjectImportService
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultProjectImportService
extends Object
implements ProjectImportService

Default implementation of the project import service.


Constructor Summary
DefaultProjectImportService(PermissionManager permissionManager, ProjectImportManager projectImportManager, ProjectManager projectManager, IssueManager issueManager, VersionManager versionManager, ProjectComponentManager projectComponentManager, com.atlassian.plugin.PluginAccessor pluginAccessor, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, AttachmentManager attachmentManager, AttachmentPathManager attachmentPathManager, BuildUtilsInfo buildUtilsInfo)
Method Summary
 ProjectImportResults doImport(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, BackupProject backupProject, BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation, ProjectImportData projectImportData, TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
          Imports the passed in project using the provided, populated and validated, project import mapper.
 MappingResult doMapping(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, ProjectImportData projectImportData, BackupProject backupProject, BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation, TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
          Will use the initial data in the ProjectImportData to perform automappings based on the current state of JIRA and then will validate those mappings.
 BackupOverview getBackupOverview(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, TaskProgressSink taskProgressSink)
          Returns a BackupOverview object containing the overview of information from the backup file if the backup files build number and edition match those of the running instance of JIRA.
 ProjectImportData getProjectImportData(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, BackupProject backupProject, BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation, TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
          Makes a pass through the provided JIRA XML backup data and creates a ProjectImportMapper and partitions the XML data for the project.
 MessageSet validateBackupProjectImportableSystemLevel(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, BackupProject backupProject, BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation)
          Returns a MessageSet which reports if the provided BackupProject meets the JIRA system requirements to be imported.
 void validateDoMapping(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, BackupProject backupProject, BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation)
          Validates if the user has permission to create a project import mapper and partition the input data and if the provided path's and backup project exist.
 void validateGetBackupOverview(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions)
          Validates if the user has permission to start a project import and if the provided path's exist.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultProjectImportService(PermissionManager permissionManager,
                                   ProjectImportManager projectImportManager,
                                   ProjectManager projectManager,
                                   IssueManager issueManager,
                                   VersionManager versionManager,
                                   ProjectComponentManager projectComponentManager,
                                   com.atlassian.plugin.PluginAccessor pluginAccessor,
                                   ApplicationProperties applicationProperties,
                                   AttachmentManager attachmentManager,
                                   AttachmentPathManager attachmentPathManager,
                                   BuildUtilsInfo buildUtilsInfo)
Method Detail


public void validateGetBackupOverview(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                                      ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportService
Validates if the user has permission to start a project import and if the provided path's exist.

Specified by:
validateGetBackupOverview in interface ProjectImportService
jiraServiceContext - containing the user who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user) and the errorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
projectImportOptions - user inputed options that contains the pathToBackupXML, the fully qualified path, on the server, to the JIRA XML backup file that will be used to provide the data for a project import, this must not be null and must resolve to a valid JIRA XML backup file. This also contains the pathToAttachmentBackup which is the fully qualified path, on the server, to the backed-up JIRA attachments directory that will be used to import project data. This is an optional parameter, if a backup attachment path is not provided this should be null. If non-null then this must resolve to a valid directory that


public BackupOverview getBackupOverview(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                                        ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                                        TaskProgressSink taskProgressSink)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportService
Returns a BackupOverview object containing the overview of information from the backup file if the backup files build number and edition match those of the running instance of JIRA.

If the optional parameter taskProgressSink is provided, then it is used to send information about the progress of this operation. This is used for the "Long Running Task" progress bar.

Specified by:
getBackupOverview in interface ProjectImportService
jiraServiceContext - containing the user who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user) and the errorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
projectImportOptions - user inputed options that contains the pathToBackupXML, the fully qualified path, on the server, to the JIRA XML backup file that will be used to provide the data for a project import, this must not be null and must resolve to a valid JIRA XML backup file. This also contains the pathToAttachmentBackup which is the fully qualified path, on the server, to the backed-up JIRA attachments directory that will be used to import project data. This is an optional parameter, if a backup attachment path is not provided this should be null. If non-null then this must resolve to a valid directory that
taskProgressSink - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
a BackupOverview object containing the overview of information from the backup file, null if the backup file is from a different edition or build number than the running instance of JIRA.


public MessageSet validateBackupProjectImportableSystemLevel(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                                                             BackupProject backupProject,
                                                             BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportService
Returns a MessageSet which reports if the provided BackupProject meets the JIRA system requirements to be imported.

This method will return errors if:

This method will return a warning if:

Specified by:
validateBackupProjectImportableSystemLevel in interface ProjectImportService
jiraServiceContext - containing the user who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user). The error collection will contain the same information as the error messages in the returned MessageSet.
backupProject - the BackupProject we want validate
backupSystemInformation - system-wide info form the backup file.
a MessageSet which contains any errors or warnings raised in trying to map required System values for this Project Import.


public void validateDoMapping(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                              ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                              BackupProject backupProject,
                              BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportService
Validates if the user has permission to create a project import mapper and partition the input data and if the provided path's and backup project exist.

Specified by:
validateDoMapping in interface ProjectImportService
jiraServiceContext - containing the user who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user) and the errorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
projectImportOptions - User options for the project import, including the pathToBackupXML, attachmentPath, and "overwriteProjectDetails" flag.
backupProject - the backup project we want to create a ProjectImportMapper for and partition the
backupSystemInformation - system-wide info form the backup file.


public MappingResult doMapping(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                               ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                               ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                               BackupProject backupProject,
                               BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation,
                               TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportService
Will use the initial data in the ProjectImportData to perform automappings based on the current state of JIRA and then will validate those mappings. Any warnings or errors that may have been generated will be communicated through the mapping result. NOTE: The import should not be allowed to proceed if MappingResult.canImport() is false.

Specified by:
doMapping in interface ProjectImportService
jiraServiceContext - containing the user who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user) and the errorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
projectImportOptions - User options for the project import, including the pathToBackupXML, attachmentPath, and "overwriteProjectDetails" flag.
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
backupProject - the backup project we want to create a ProjectImportMapper for and partition the JIRA XML data.
backupSystemInformation - system-wide info form the backup file.
taskProgressInterval - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
a MappingResult that will contain the initial mapper and paths to the partitioned XML files, null if there is an error processing the data.


public ProjectImportResults doImport(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                                     ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                                     BackupProject backupProject,
                                     BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation,
                                     ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                                     TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportService
Imports the passed in project using the provided, populated and validated, project import mapper.

This method will create/update the project, versions, components, role membership, as needed and will then import the issues and all their related values. This will also cause the project that is being imported to be reIndexed.

NOTE: this method does NO validation of the project import mapper. This method must only be called with a project import mapper that has been returned from ProjectImportService.doMapping(com.atlassian.jira.bc.JiraServiceContext, com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.core.ProjectImportOptions, com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.core.ProjectImportData, com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.core.BackupProject, com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.core.BackupSystemInformation, com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.taskprogress.TaskProgressInterval) without any errors being generated.

Specified by:
doImport in interface ProjectImportService
jiraServiceContext - containing the user who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user) and the errorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
projectImportOptions - User options for the project import, including the pathToBackupXML, attachmentPath, and "overwriteProjectDetails" flag.
backupProject - the backup project we want to create a ProjectImportMapper for and partition the JIRA XML data.
backupSystemInformation - system-wide info form the backup file.
projectImportData - contains the projectImportMapper, that has been through the automatic mapping and validation process, and the path, on disk, to the partitioned xml files.
taskProgressInterval - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
projectImportResults contains the statistics of what was created during the import, if it was a success, and any errors that may have occurred.


public ProjectImportData getProjectImportData(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                                              ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                                              BackupProject backupProject,
                                              BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation,
                                              TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportService
Makes a pass through the provided JIRA XML backup data and creates a ProjectImportMapper and partitions the XML data for the project.

Specified by:
getProjectImportData in interface ProjectImportService
jiraServiceContext - containing the user who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user) and the errorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
projectImportOptions - User options for the project import, including the pathToBackupXML, attachmentPath, and "overwriteProjectDetails" flag.
backupProject - the backup project we want to create a ProjectImportMapper for and partition the JIRA XML data.
backupSystemInformation - system-wide info form the backup file.
taskProgressInterval - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
a MappingResult that will contain the initial mapper and paths to the partitioned XML files, null if there is an error processing the data.

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