Interface SearchProviderFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SearchProviderFactory

Provides low-level searches that can be used to query indexes. In JIRA's case these are Lucene Searchers.

NOTE: This class should perhaps be re-name to 'SearcherFactory' as SearchProviders are something a little different in JIRA.

Field Summary
static String COMMENT_INDEX
static String ISSUE_INDEX
Method Summary getSearcher(String searcherName)
          Get a Lucene Searcher that can be used to search a Lucene index.

Field Detail


public static final String ISSUE_INDEX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COMMENT_INDEX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public getSearcher(String searcherName)
Get a Lucene Searcher that can be used to search a Lucene index.

At the moment the possible values for the searcherName argument are ISSUE_INDEX (to search the issue index) and COMMENT_INDEX (to search the comment index).

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