Class UpgradeManagerImpl

  extended bycom.atlassian.jira.upgrade.UpgradeManagerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UpgradeManagerImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements UpgradeManager

Field Summary
(package private)  com.atlassian.license.License license
Constructor Summary
          This constructor adds all the upgrade tasks to the relevant Maps
protected UpgradeManagerImpl(java.util.Collection standardUpgrades, java.util.Collection professionalUpgrades, java.util.Collection enterpriseUpgrades)
          For testing purposes only.
  UpgradeManagerImpl(java.lang.String standardFileName, java.lang.String professionalFileName, java.lang.String enterpriseFileName)
Method Summary
 void addToUpgradeHistory(java.lang.Class upgradeClass)
 java.util.Collection doEditionUpgrade(com.atlassian.license.License originalLicense)
          Takes the original JIRA edition (the edition before the upgrade) and performs all relevant enterprise upgrade tasks plus any professional upgrade tasks and any standard upgarde tasks that need to be run from the build number stored in the database to the current build number.
 java.util.Collection doSetupUpgrade()
          Performs any upgrades that may be needed as a result of the Setup procedure of JIRA

Get the set of setupUpgradeNumbers which are to be performed for this setup.

protected  java.util.Collection doUpgradeIfNeeded(java.lang.String defaultBackupPath)
 java.util.Collection doUpgradeIfNeededAndAllowed(java.lang.String backupPath)
          Performs the upgrade if one is required and the license is not too old to proceed with the upgrade.
 java.util.SortedMap getAllEnterpriseUpgrades()
 java.util.SortedMap getAllProfessionalUpgrades()
 java.util.SortedMap getAllStandardUpgrades()
 java.lang.String getExportFilePath()
 java.lang.String getJiraBuildNumber()
          Get the current build number from the database.
 java.util.SortedMap getRelevantUpgradesFromList(java.util.Map upgradeMap)
          For each upgrade in the upgradeMap, test whether it is needed (ie upgrade version is greater than the version in the database), and then add to set.
 java.util.SortedMap getSetupEnterpriseUpgrades()
 java.util.SortedMap getSetupProfessionalUpgrades()
 java.util.SortedMap getSetupStandardUpgrades()
 boolean needUpgrade()
          Returns true if the current build number is not equal to the build number in the database.
 void printErrors(java.util.Collection errors)
          Print errors to log4j at error level
static void setJiraBuildNumber(java.lang.String version)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


com.atlassian.license.License license
Constructor Detail


protected UpgradeManagerImpl(java.util.Collection standardUpgrades,
                             java.util.Collection professionalUpgrades,
                             java.util.Collection enterpriseUpgrades)
For testing purposes only.

professionalUpgrades - A collection containing all the professional upgrades that are needed to be run.


public UpgradeManagerImpl(java.lang.String standardFileName,
                          java.lang.String professionalFileName,
                          java.lang.String enterpriseFileName)


public UpgradeManagerImpl()
This constructor adds all the upgrade tasks to the relevant Maps

Method Detail


public boolean needUpgrade()
Returns true if the current build number is not equal to the build number in the database. NB - There may not be any upgrades to run. However, you will need to run doUpgrade() to increment the build number in the database.

Specified by:
needUpgrade in interface UpgradeManager


public java.util.Collection doUpgradeIfNeededAndAllowed(java.lang.String backupPath)
                                                 throws IllegalXMLCharactersException
Performs the upgrade if one is required and the license is not too old to proceed with the upgrade.

Specified by:
doUpgradeIfNeededAndAllowed in interface UpgradeManager
backupPath - - a path to the default location of the export
a list of errors that occurred during the upgrade


protected java.util.Collection doUpgradeIfNeeded(java.lang.String defaultBackupPath)
                                          throws IllegalXMLCharactersException


public void printErrors(java.util.Collection errors)
Print errors to log4j at error level

Specified by:
printErrors in interface UpgradeManager
errors - A collection of strings, describing all the errors that occurred.


public java.util.Collection doEditionUpgrade(com.atlassian.license.License originalLicense)
Takes the original JIRA edition (the edition before the upgrade) and performs all relevant enterprise upgrade tasks plus any professional upgrade tasks and any standard upgarde tasks that need to be run from the build number stored in the database to the current build number.

Do all porfessional upgarde tasks if upgarding from standard edition or get the Map of relevant upgrades for the professional version using getRelevantUpgradesFromList(java.util.Map) if upgrading from the standard edition.

Get the relevant standard upgrade tasks using getRelevantUpgradesFromList(java.util.Map)

Get the sortedset of upgradeNumbers which are to be performed for this upgrade. Add to this set ALL the numbers for upgrade tasks that need to be performed

Iterate over these numbers and if either of the standard, professional or enterprise maps contains an upgradetask with this number then do the upgrade

If errors are found, it will cancel the upgrade, and return the list of errors.

For each upgrade that happens successfully, if the build number of the upgrade is greater than the build number stored in the database, the build number in the database will be set to the build number of the successfully completed upgrade, so that if one fails, you do not have to repeat all the upgrades that have already run.

If there are no errors from the entire upgrade, the build number in the database is incremented to the current build number. This is because there may be no upgrades for a particular version & needUpgrade() checks build no in database.

Specified by:
doEditionUpgrade in interface UpgradeManager


public java.util.Collection doSetupUpgrade()
Performs any upgrades that may be needed as a result of the Setup procedure of JIRA

Get the set of setupUpgradeNumbers which are to be performed for this setup.

Iterate over these numbers and if either of the standard, professional or enterprise upgrade maps contains an upgradetask with this number then do the upgrade

If errors are found, it will cancel the upgrade, and return the list of errors.

For each upgrade that happens successfully, it will increment the build number in the database, so that if one fails, you do not have to repeat all the upgrades that have already run.

If there are no errors from the upgrade, the build number in the database is incremented to the current build number. This is because there may be no upgrades for a particular version & needUpgrade() checks build no in database.

Specified by:
doSetupUpgrade in interface UpgradeManager


public java.util.SortedMap getRelevantUpgradesFromList(java.util.Map upgradeMap)
For each upgrade in the upgradeMap, test whether it is needed (ie upgrade version is greater than the version in the database), and then add to set.

Specified by:
getRelevantUpgradesFromList in interface UpgradeManager
set of UpgradeTasks that need to be run.


public java.lang.String getJiraBuildNumber()
Get the current build number from the database. This represents the level that this application is patched to. This may be different to the current version if there are patches waiting to be applied.

Specified by:
getJiraBuildNumber in interface UpgradeManager
The version information from the database


public static void setJiraBuildNumber(java.lang.String version)


public void addToUpgradeHistory(java.lang.Class upgradeClass)
                         throws org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException


public java.util.SortedMap getAllEnterpriseUpgrades()
Specified by:
getAllEnterpriseUpgrades in interface UpgradeManager


public java.util.SortedMap getAllProfessionalUpgrades()
Specified by:
getAllProfessionalUpgrades in interface UpgradeManager


public java.util.SortedMap getAllStandardUpgrades()
Specified by:
getAllStandardUpgrades in interface UpgradeManager


public java.util.SortedMap getSetupEnterpriseUpgrades()
Specified by:
getSetupEnterpriseUpgrades in interface UpgradeManager


public java.util.SortedMap getSetupProfessionalUpgrades()
Specified by:
getSetupProfessionalUpgrades in interface UpgradeManager


public java.util.SortedMap getSetupStandardUpgrades()
Specified by:
getSetupStandardUpgrades in interface UpgradeManager


public java.lang.String getExportFilePath()
Specified by:
getExportFilePath in interface UpgradeManager

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