Class SimpleLinkSectionImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleLinkSectionImpl extends Object implements SimpleLinkSection
Default implementation of SimpleLinkSection. Simple bean containing no real logic.
  • Field Details

    • label

      protected final String label
    • title

      protected final String title
    • iconUrl

      protected final String iconUrl
    • style

      protected final String style
    • id

      protected final String id
    • params

      protected final Map<String,String> params
    • weight

      protected final Integer weight
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleLinkSectionImpl

      public SimpleLinkSectionImpl(String id, String label, String title, String iconUrl, String style, Map<String,String> params)
      Constructor taking all attributes of a section
      id - The unique id of the section
      label - The optional label to display for the section
      title - The optional title (tooltip) of the section
      iconUrl - The optional url pointing an image for the section
      style - The optional style to apply to the section
    • SimpleLinkSectionImpl

      public SimpleLinkSectionImpl(String id, String label, String title, String iconUrl, String style, Map<String,String> params, Integer weight)
      Constructor taking all attributes of a section
      id - The unique id of the section
      label - The optional label to display for the section
      title - The optional title (tooltip) of the section
      iconUrl - The optional url pointing an image for the section
      style - The optional style to apply to the section
    • SimpleLinkSectionImpl

      public SimpleLinkSectionImpl(String id, SimpleLinkSectionImpl copy)
  • Method Details