Interface IndexInfoResolver<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ComponentIndexInfoResolver, IdentityIndexInfoResolver, IssueConstantInfoResolver, LabelIndexInfoResolver, ProjectIndexInfoResolver, ResolutionIndexInfoResolver, SelectCustomFieldIndexInfoResolver, UserIndexInfoResolver, VersionIndexInfoResolver, WorkRatioIndexInfoResolver

public interface IndexInfoResolver<T>

Turns a searchable value (operand) (such as what may be typed into the right side of a clause) into an indexed value. Operands may be represented by name or some other format that doesn't exactly match the indexed value and implementations of this perform the transformation. In some cases (notably numeric types) there would be little or no transformation of the original value held by the operand.

Multiple values are returned because lookups cannot be guaranteed to be 1:1 as in name to id lookups for certain issue fields.


Method Summary
 String getIndexedValue(T indexedObject)
          Gets an indexed value from a domain object.
 List<String> getIndexedValues(Long rawValue)
          Provides the values in the index for the single value operand with the given Long value.
 List<String> getIndexedValues(String rawValue)
          Provides the values in the index for the operand with the given String value.

Method Detail


List<String> getIndexedValues(String rawValue)
Provides the values in the index for the operand with the given String value.

rawValue - the value whose indexed term equivalent is to be returned.
the values to put or search for in the index, possibly empty, never containing null.


List<String> getIndexedValues(Long rawValue)
Provides the values in the index for the single value operand with the given Long value.

rawValue - the value whose indexed term equivalent is to be returned.
the values to put or search for in the index, possibly empty, never containing null.


String getIndexedValue(T indexedObject)
Gets an indexed value from a domain object.

indexedObject - the domain object. Does not accept null.
the indexed value.

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