Class AbstractNestableBoard

  extended by com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.AbstractBoard
      extended by com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.AbstractPlanningBoard
          extended by com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.AbstractNestableBoard
All Implemented Interfaces:
Board, BoardWithCapacities, BoardWithMarkers, NestableBoard, PlanningBoard, java.lang.Comparable<Board>
Direct Known Subclasses:
ComponentBoard, VersionBoard

public abstract class AbstractNestableBoard
extends AbstractPlanningBoard
implements NestableBoard

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.AbstractBoard
canBoardRank, context, id, issueView, log, name, pager
Fields inherited from interface com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.PlanningBoard
Constructor Summary
AbstractNestableBoard(BoardContext boardContext, java.lang.String id, java.lang.String name)
Method Summary
 int compareTo(Board board)
 java.lang.String getBoxCss()
 java.lang.String getDecoratedName()
          Retrieves the decorated name of the board
 com.atlassian.query.Query getDisplayQuery(boolean filter)
          Builds the query of the issues to display on the board
 java.util.LinkedList<java.lang.Long> getHierarchy()
          Retreives the hiearchy of the board
 java.lang.Long getMasterId()
          Retreives the board's master id.
protected abstract  java.lang.String getPendingKey()
 boolean hasChildren()
 boolean isInHierarchy()
          Returns whether or not the board is part of a hierarchy
 boolean isMaster()
          Returns whetever this board is a Master
 boolean isModifierOn()
 boolean showPending()
          Returns whether or not the board should be showing only the pending issues.
Methods inherited from class com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.AbstractPlanningBoard
canBoardRank, canEditSettings, canManage, getAllByBoardFilterKey, getAllByBoardFilters, getBoardCapacityKey, getBoardColumnPagination, getBoardMarkerKey, getByBoardFilter, getCapacityDescription, getCapacityKey, getCapacityTitle, getColumnPagination, getCursor, getKey, getMarkerKey, getPrettyQuery, getQuery, isByBoardFilterSupported, isCapacitySupported, isTaskBoardAvailable, isUnset, setByBoardFilterId, showLegendBar
Methods inherited from class com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.AbstractBoard
canManageStats, canRank, canSelect, computeStartFor, containsIssue, equals, focusOn, getAllIssues, getBoardContext, getBoardIssue, getContext, getDefaultStart, getDescription, getDisplayableIssues, getDisplayableIssuesFrom, getFocussedIssue, getHighLightedIssues, getId, getIssueKeys, getIssues, getIssues, getIssuesInPage, getIssueView, getMaxIssues, getMaxPagine, getName, getNavigatorQuery, getPageNumber, getPager, getPager, getPagination, getPluginLinks, getProject, getProjectId, getQuery, getRawName, getStart, getSummary, hashCode, hasMenuItems, hideDone, hideSubs, indexOf, isAssignedToMeOn, isCardsDisplayed, isHighLighting, isListDisplayed, isLocked, isMarkersSupported, isProjectAdmin, isSelectable, issueCount, issuePagineCount, isSummariesDisplayed, showParentSubInfo, showProgressStats, showStats, truncate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.NestableBoard
doSynchronize, doSynchronizeReport, getAssociations, getPendingQuery, updateMaster
Methods inherited from interface com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.PlanningBoard
applyAsFilter, canEditName, canManageStats, doUpdate, doUpdateReport, getDescription, getDisplayableBoardForIssue, getSubtasks, hasDescription, hasSubtasks, isInSame, updateName, updatePermission
Methods inherited from interface com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.boards.Board
canDrag, canRank, canSelect, computeStartFor, containsIssue, focusOn, getAllIssues, getBoardContext, getBoardIssue, getContext, getHighLightedIssues, getId, getIssues, getIssuesInPage, getIssueView, getMaxIssues, getMaxPagine, getName, getNavigatorQuery, getPagination, getProject, getProjectId, getQuery, getStart, getSummary, getView, hasMenuItems, hasSettings, hideDone, hideSubs, isAssignedToMeOn, isAssociatedWith, isCardsDisplayed, isHighLighting, isListDisplayed, isLocked, isMarkersSupported, isSelectable, issueCount, isSummariesDisplayed, showParentSubInfo, showProgressStats, showStats

Constructor Detail


public AbstractNestableBoard(BoardContext boardContext,
                             java.lang.String id,
                             java.lang.String name)
Method Detail


public boolean isInHierarchy()
Description copied from interface: NestableBoard
Returns whether or not the board is part of a hierarchy

Specified by:
isInHierarchy in interface NestableBoard
true if the board is part of a hierarchy


public java.util.LinkedList<java.lang.Long> getHierarchy()
Description copied from interface: NestableBoard
Retreives the hiearchy of the board

Specified by:
getHierarchy in interface NestableBoard
the hiearchy of the board


public boolean showPending()
Description copied from interface: NestableBoard
Returns whether or not the board should be showing only the pending issues.

Specified by:
showPending in interface NestableBoard
true if the board should be showing only the pending issues.


public boolean isMaster()
Description copied from interface: NestableBoard
Returns whetever this board is a Master

Specified by:
isMaster in interface NestableBoard
true if it is a Master


public boolean hasChildren()


public java.lang.Long getMasterId()
Description copied from interface: NestableBoard
Retreives the board's master id.

Specified by:
getMasterId in interface NestableBoard
the board's master id.


public boolean isModifierOn()
Specified by:
isModifierOn in interface Board
isModifierOn in class AbstractBoard
whether or not a modifier is enabled


public java.lang.String getDecoratedName()
Description copied from interface: Board
Retrieves the decorated name of the board

Specified by:
getDecoratedName in interface Board
getDecoratedName in class AbstractBoard
the decorated name of the board


public com.atlassian.query.Query getDisplayQuery(boolean filter)
Description copied from interface: Board
Builds the query of the issues to display on the board

Specified by:
getDisplayQuery in interface Board
getDisplayQuery in class AbstractBoard
filter - true if the query should filter based on the context
the Query


public int compareTo(Board board)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<Board>
compareTo in class AbstractBoard


public java.lang.String getBoxCss()
Specified by:
getBoxCss in interface Board
getBoxCss in class AbstractBoard


protected abstract java.lang.String getPendingKey()

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