Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractGadgetResource

Uses of AbstractGadgetResource in com.atlassian.greenhopper.gadget

Subclasses of AbstractGadgetResource in com.atlassian.greenhopper.gadget
 class RapidViewGadgetResource
          Generation and validation resource for the version dropdown field in the configuration screen

Uses of AbstractGadgetResource in com.pyxis.greenhopper.gadget

Subclasses of AbstractGadgetResource in com.pyxis.greenhopper.gadget
 class CardViewGadgetResource
          Generation and validation resource for the view cards gadget
 class ChartDataResource
          Generation and validation resource for chart gadgets

TODO unify validation code

 class ContextResource
          Generation and validation resource for the contexts dropdown/selection list in various gadgets configurations
 class DaysRemainingResource
          Generation and validation resource for the days remaining gadget
 class GreenHopperResource
          Generation and validation resource for the agile gadget (dashboard gadget).
 class ProgressBarGadgetResource
          Generation and validation resource for the progress bar gadget
 class ProjectsResource
          Generation resource for the projects dropdown in the configuration screen of several gadgets
 class TaskBoardGadgetResource
          Generation and validation resource for the task board gadget
 class TBMappingResource
          Generation and validation resource for the contexts dropdown/selection list in various gadgets configurations
 class VersionBoardResource
          Generation and validation resource for the version dropdown field in the configuration screen
 class WatchedFieldsResource
          Generation and validation resource for the watched field dropdown in the configuration screen of the custom field burndown gadget.

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