Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractGreenHopperCondition

Uses of AbstractGreenHopperCondition in com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.conditions

Subclasses of AbstractGreenHopperCondition in com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira.conditions
 class BetaFeatureEnabledCondition
          Base condition to check if a GreenHopper BetaFeatures is enabled.
 class CanAccessClassicBoardsCondition
 class CanCreateBoardCondition
 class GreenHopperIssueCondition
 class GreenHopperLicensedCondition
          Condition which checks whether our GreenHopper license is verifiable.
 class HasRapidViewHistoryCondition
          Checks whether the current user has at least one rapid view in their history.
 class RankingAllowedCondition
          A condition that decides if ranking operations should be allowed or not.
 class SprintMigrationBannerCondition

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