Interface RapidViewClauseService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RapidViewClauseService

Provides access to clauses used by different parts of the RapidBoard. Currently all clauses are hardcoded, but eventually some will be configurable. This service replaces the previous concept of SubQueries, as that concept doesn't carry far enough

Nested Class Summary
static class RapidViewClauseService.ClauseType
Method Summary
 ServiceOutcome<ClauseToAdd> getClauseForBuilder(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, RapidView rapidView, RapidViewClauseService.ClauseType clauseType)
          Applies a clause of given type to the passed builder

Method Detail


ServiceOutcome<ClauseToAdd> getClauseForBuilder(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                        RapidView rapidView,
                                                        RapidViewClauseService.ClauseType clauseType)
Applies a clause of given type to the passed builder

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