Package com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint

Class Summary
ClosedSprintsJqlFunction JQL Function to only return closed sprints
OpenSprintsJqlFunction JQL Function to only return open sprints
SprintCFType Singular Object is Sprint, Transport Object is Set (Much like the LabelsCFType)
SprintClauseValidator Validates sprint clause.
SprintClauseValueGenerator Produces suggested value for sprints in the query advanced mode.
SprintCustomFieldIndexer Field indexer for the Sprint custom field Besides indexing the current sprint values, we also index historic sprints as well as store all sprint field change items into the lucene document to allow scope change related searches and data gathering.
SprintEqualityQueryFactory Inspired by ActualValueEqualityQueryFactory to manage the empty / not empty clause properly.
SprintHistoryData Data returned by the SprintHistoryEntryFactory
SprintHistoryEntry Represents an sprint history entry, typically stored in lucene
SprintHistoryEntryFactory Encapsulates the logic of creating sprint history entries from either a lucene document or an issue
SprintIdEqual Checks that the supplied long value matches a Sprint id.
SprintIndexValueConverter Value converter for Sprint literals (currently these are strings)
SprintNameContains Checks that the supplied a Sprint name contains the supplied string.
SprintResolver Provides utility methods to ease sprints JQL clause implementation.
SprintSearchInputTransformer Ensure the query is marked as too complex for simple mode in it contains sprint clauses
SprintSearchRenderer We don't provide simple search at the moment, so provide a dummy renderer

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