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add(T) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl.Builder
addAll(Iterable<T>) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl.Builder
addCustomersToServiceDesk(ApplicationUser, ServiceDesk, Set<String>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerService
Adds existing JSD customers to a Service Desk project.
addEntry(DateTime, MatchEvent) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchConditionHistoryBuilder
Add an entry to the history.
addGroupId(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
addHit(DateTime) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.HitConditionHistoryBuilder
Add a hit to the history
addOrganizationToServiceDesk(ApplicationUser, OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
Adds an organization to a servicedesk if the user is an agent of that servicedesk
addRequestParticipants(ApplicationUser, RequestParticipantUpdateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantService
Add a list of ApplicationUser as participant to a given CustomerRequest.
addUsersToOrganization(ApplicationUser, UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
Add users to a specified organization
answerApproval(ApplicationUser, Approval, ApprovalDecisionType) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalService
Answer to an approval of a given approvalId The answer could be approve or decline Required permissions: - User is an approver of the approval - User can view the request that the approval belongs to
API - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
Source channel from which CustomerRequests are created by JIRA Service Desk's REST API or Java API
Approval - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ApprovalDecision - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ApprovalDecisionType - Enum in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval
Represents either an approved or rejected decision.
ApprovalQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ApprovalQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ApprovalService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
Approver - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval
since 3.15
asCheckedUser() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UncheckedUser
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
asDataInput() - Method in interface
Return the content as a DataInput for consumption.
asInputStream() - Method in interface
Return the content as a ByteArrayInputStream for consumption.
asString(Expansions) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser
Converts a Expansions collection into a single string.
asString(Expansion[]) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser
Converts a collection of Expansions into a single string.
asUncheckedUser() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.CheckedUser
Convert this CheckedUser into a UncheckedUser that will never be anonymous
author() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters
author(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters.Builder


body() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters
Optional text body of the Comment.
body(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerCreateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl.RequestTypeFieldValueImpl.BuilderImpl
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldValue.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.CreateOrganizationParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationsQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersInOrganizationQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation.MigrateProjectParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueRequestQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Build the parameters
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestStatusQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestUpdateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantUpdateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters.Builder
Build the parameters object
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionQuery.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type.CustomerRequestTypeQuery.Builder
Build the query
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeDeleteParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
Build the query
build() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters.Builder
build() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.HitConditionHistoryBuilder
Build a history object
build() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchConditionHistoryBuilder
Build a MatchConditionHistory object
build() - Method in interface
build() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl.RequestTypeFieldValueImpl
Builder() - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl.Builder


call() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.NoExceptionsCallable
Computes a result
canAddRequestParticipants() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.CustomerRequestCreateMeta
True if the logging in user can create a request with other users as participants.
canAnswerApproval(ApplicationUser, Approval) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalService
Return true if user can answer this approval or false if: - user is not approver of the passed in approval - the approval is not pending anymore - the issue that the approval belong to does not have the same current status as the approval configured - user already made decision
canExpand(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
canRaiseOnBehalfOf() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.CustomerRequestCreateMeta
True if the logging in user can create a request on behalf of other user.
CheckedUser - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user
Checked SDUser implementation.
checkRecursiveExpansion(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
Checks to see if the passed in expansion string is expanded again somewhere in the expansions map.
children(List<RequestTypeFieldValue>) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl.RequestTypeFieldValueImpl.BuilderImpl
children() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl.RequestTypeFieldValueImpl
children(List<RequestTypeFieldValue>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldValue.Builder
children() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldValue
Nested valid values as children of this field value if applicable, or empty otherwise
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api
NOTE: These interfaces are public and are for consumption by non-Atlassian plugins and consideration will be given to and guarantees made for its compatibility between releases.
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event - package
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl - package
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.license - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.license
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.notification - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.notification
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.permission - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.permission
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event - package
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp
com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi
NOTE: These interfaces are public and are for consumption by non-Atlassian plugins and consideration will be given to and guarantees made for its compatibility between releases. - package - package
com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition - package com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition
combine(Object...) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansion
Creates an Expansion made up of the given parts.
comment(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters.Builder
Comment to add during the transition
comment() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters
Get the comment
contentEquals(byte[]) - Method in interface
Checks that the contents of this attachment are equal to the contents of the given byte source.
create(PagedRequest, int) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
create(int) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
createCustomer(ApplicationUser, CustomerCreateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerService
Creates a JSD customer.
createCustomerRequest(ApplicationUser, CustomerRequestCreateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService
Create a customer request using the given parameter
createOrganization(ApplicationUser, CreateOrganizationParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
Creates a new customer organization.
CreateOrganizationParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
CreateOrganizationParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
createRequestType(ApplicationUser, RequestTypeCreateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeService
Create a new RequestType with using the provided RequestTypeCreateParameters.
createServiceDeskComment(ApplicationUser, ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentService
Create a new Service Desk comment with the provided ApplicationUser as the author
currentStatus() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequest
Current status of the customer request
CustomerContextService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer
A Service Desk customer context allows any "named user" access to JIRA Service Desk and JIRA Platform services.
CustomerCreateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer
CustomerCreateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer
CustomerNotificationSubscriptionService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.notification
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerOrganization - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
Representation of an organization
customerOrganization(CustomerOrganization) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersInOrganizationQuery.Builder
CustomerRequest - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
A service desk customer request
customerRequest(Long) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantQuery.Builder
customerRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantQuery
The ID of the Issue backing theCustomerRequest whose participants will be returned
customerRequest(CustomerRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantUpdateParameters.Builder
Set the CustomerRequest to modify participants
customerRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantUpdateParameters
CustomerRequest.CustomerRequestStatus - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
Status of a customer request
CustomerRequestChannelSource - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
The source channel from which the CustomerRequest created.
customerRequestChannelSource(CustomerRequestChannelSource) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
The request channel source from which the request is created
customerRequestChannelSource() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters
The source channel from which the request is created
CustomerRequestChannelSourceI18nService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerRequestChannelSourceI18nService.CustomerRequestChannelRenderedName - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerRequestCreateMeta - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerRequestCreateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
CustomerRequestQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
Parameters to query CustomerRequest which a user has access to.
CustomerRequestQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
Builder to construct the CustomerRequestQuery.
CustomerRequestQuery.REQUEST_OWNERSHIP - Enum in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
CustomerRequestQuery.REQUEST_STATUS - Enum in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
CustomerRequestStatusQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
CustomerRequestStatusQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
Builder to construct the CustomerRequestStatusQuery.
CustomerRequestType - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type
A value that can be used within JIRA's Custom Field and Issue APIs, when want to set a value for the Customer Request Type custom field, that is created by JIRA Service Desk
CustomerRequestTypeQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerRequestTypeQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type
Builder to construct the CustomerRequestTypeQuery.
CustomerRequestTypeService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerRequestUpdateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerRequestUpdateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
Builder to construct the CustomerRequestUpdateParameters
CustomerService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerTransition - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition
Defines the infomation required to execute a customer transition
CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition
Builder for customer transition execution parameters.
CustomerTransitionQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition
Parameters to query available CustomerTransition of a CustomerRequest
CustomerTransitionQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition
Builder to construct the CustomerTransitionQuery.
CustomerTransitionService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
customField(CustomField) - Method in interface
customField() - Method in interface


DEFAULT_THINGS_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
If no limit is specified, then we use this value
DefaultPagingLimits - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
Paging has limits and here they are.
DefaultPagingLimits() - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
delete(ApplicationUser, Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
Checks whether the user is JIRA admin and an agent.
deleteRequestType(ApplicationUser, RequestTypeDeleteParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeService
Delete a RequestType with using the provided RequestTypeDeleteParameters.
description() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeField
Description of the field
description(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
description() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters
Optional description of this RequestType.
description(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters.Builder
description() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters
Optional description of this RequestType.


email(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerCreateParameters.Builder
EMAIL - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
Source channel from which CustomerRequests are created by JIRA Service Desk's email to create function
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
empty(boolean) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
Returns an empty PagedResponse with the specified hasNextPage flag
empty(boolean, PagedRequest) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
Returns an empty PagedResponse
empty(boolean, LimitedPagedRequest) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
Returns an empty PagedResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldInputValue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansion
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
evaluate(Issue, SLAChangeEvent) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricHitCondition
Evaluate the condition for a given issue and event
evaluate(Issue, SLAChangeEvent) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricMatchCondition
Evaluate the condition for a given issue and event
executeCustomerTransition(ApplicationUser, CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionService
Expansion - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion
Represents a property on a model object and the sub-properties of that property that should be filled in by the service when returning the model object.
Expansion(String) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansion
Expansion(String, Expansions) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansion
Expansions - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion
Represents a collection of Expansion' properties on a model object should be filled in by the service when returning the model object.
Expansions(Expansion...) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
Expansions(Iterable<Expansion>) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
ExpansionsParser - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion
Converts Expansions to and from a String for use with REST calls say.
ExpansionsParser() - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser


FieldId - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
Represents a JIRA Field.getId() instance
fieldId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeField
The ID of the field
FieldInputValue - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
Represents a value passed in via the API when creating a Request.
fieldValue(FieldId, FieldInputValue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Add a pair field and its value
fieldValues(Map<FieldId, FieldInputValue>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Set fields and values
fieldValues() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters
A map of FieldId and their FieldInputValues used when creating the request.
filteredPageResponse(LimitedPagedRequest, List<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
Reduces a list of items for a limited request by the predicate provided.
filterHidden(Boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
Limit results to request types that are not hidden (eg, have no groups)
findFirst() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponse
findFirst() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
flatMap(List<T>, Function<T, List<R>>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Allow you flat map a List of type T into a List of type R with less stream syntax
foldToObject(Either<L, R>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Some times you just need the Either's value as an Object.
forJIRA() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.CheckedUser
The user value can be NOT BE NULL from a CheckUser instance (as opposed to a SDUser instance)
forJIRA() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.SDUser
Allows us to CLEARLY see the transition from SD to JIRA
forKey(String) - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalDecisionType
format(ApplicationUser, long) - Method in interface
Formats the duration into a friendly format
formatShort(ApplicationUser, long) - Method in interface
Formats the duration into a short friendly format
FpKit - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp
As of JSD 3.15, and will be removed in JSD 4.0 because we are permanently removing com.atlassian.fugue.
FpKit() - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
from(Iterable<T>, boolean) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
A builder of PagedResponse's that starts with the specified list
fromSingle(boolean, T) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
A builder of PagedResponse's that starts with the single element
fullName(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerCreateParameters.Builder


getAllHitConditions(Project) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricConditionFactory
Get all conditions applicable for a given project
getAllMatchConditions(Project) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricConditionFactory
Get all conditions applicable for a given project
getApprovalById(ApplicationUser, int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalService
Return an Approval for a given approvalId or AnError if: - user does not have permission to view issue in customer portal context - Approval was not found for the given approvalId
getApprovals(ApplicationUser, ApprovalQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalService
Retrieve a page of Approval of a particular ApprovalQuery
getApproverDecision() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approver
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
getApprovers(ApplicationUser, Approval) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalService
Return a list of Approver for a given approval
getApproverUser() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approver
Get ApplicationUser of Approver
getAttachmentContent() - Method in interface
A basic representation of the actual attachment content.
getAttachments() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskComment
getBreached() - Method in interface
getBreached() - Method in interface
getBreachTime() - Method in interface
getBugFixVersion() - Method in interface
getBuildChangeSet() - Method in interface
getBuildDate() - Method in interface
getById(ApplicationUser, Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
Checks whether the user is an agent or a member of the organization.
getChangeItemForField(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event.SLAChangeEvent
One of the changes (multi valued field) of the given field in the event, if the given fieldName equals the name of one of the ChangeItemBean in the event the old and the new value do not equal (don't have the same value and are not both null)
getChangeItems() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event.SLAChangeEvent
The changes that were made to the issue with the action that caused the event.
getCheckedUser() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
Helper method to wrap getCurrentUserByType[CheckedUser].
getComment() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskComment
getComment() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event.ServiceDeskCommentEvent
getComment() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event.SLAChangeEvent
The comment of the originating event or empty.
getCommentsOfRequest(ApplicationUser, ServiceDeskCommentQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentService
Retrieve a page of ServiceDeskComment of a particular CustomerRequest
getCompletedCycles() - Method in interface
getCompletedDate() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
getCompletedDate() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalDecision
getContentId() - Method in interface
The content id of the attachment.
getContentType() - Method in interface
The content type of the attachment.
getCreatedDate() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
Creation date of Approval
getCustomerPortalLink() - Method in class
Provide the URI that a customer can follow to view Request Feedback form for this issue in customer portal.
getCustomerRequestCreateMeta(ApplicationUser, RequestTypeFieldQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldService
Retrieve the CustomerRequestCreateMeta which can be used to create a CustomerRequest.
getCustomerRequests(ApplicationUser, CustomerRequestQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService
Retrieve a page of CustomerRequest that satisfies the query parameters
getCustomerRequestStatus(ApplicationUser, CustomerRequestStatusQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService
Retrieve a page of CustomerRequest.CustomerRequestStatus of a CustomerRequest by chronological order in which the status transition taken place
getCustomerRequestType(UncheckedUser, CustomerRequestTypeQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type.CustomerRequestTypeService
Given a CustomerRequestTypeQuery and UncheckedUser then return the custom field value representation, if the user has access to the Request Type.
getCustomerTransitions(ApplicationUser, CustomerTransitionQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionService
Retrieves a list of available CustomerTransition
getCustomFieldId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics.TimeMetric
Returns the id of the custom field corresponding to the time metric
getDateTime() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchConditionHistory.Entry
Get the date of this entry
getDecision() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
getDecision() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalDecision
getDecisionDetails() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
getDescription() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.Portal
Description of the portal
getDescription() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestType
Gets the description of the request type
getDisplayChannelSource(ApplicationUser, CustomerRequestChannelSource) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSourceI18nService
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.CheckedUser
getDurationFormatter() - Method in interface
getElapsedTime() - Method in interface
getElapsedTime() - Method in interface
getEmail() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerCreateParameters
getEmailAddress() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.CheckedUser
getEntries() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchConditionHistory
Get all match history entries, sorted by date
getFeedbackQuestion() - Method in class
The question to ask when requesting feedback.
getFeedbackScale() - Method in class
The scale to be used for providing feedback.
getFields() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.Queue
getFilename() - Method in interface
The filename of the attachment.
getFilterHidden() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
getFullName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerCreateParameters
getGoalDuration() - Method in interface
getGoalDuration() - Method in interface
getGroups() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestType
The RequestTypeGroup that this RequestType belongs to.
getHelpText() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestType
Get the help text which provides instruction on how to use the request type.
getHistory(Issue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricHitCondition
Digs through issue history to reconstruct when the condition matched the issue.
getHistory(Issue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricMatchCondition
Digs through issue history to reconstruct when the condition matched the issue.
getHitCondition(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricConditionFactory
Get a condition by id.
getHits() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.HitConditionHistory
Get the list of hits, sorted by date.
getIconId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestType
The id of the icon associated with this request type.
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
Id of Approval
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.CustomerOrganization
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.Portal
Id of the Portal
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.Queue
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestType
Gets the id of the request type
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeGroup
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDesk
getId() - Method in interface
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics.TimeMetric
Returns the id of the time metric
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricHitCondition
Get the unique id for this condition
getId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricMatchCondition
Get the unique id for this condition
getInfo(ApplicationUser, SlaInformationQuery) - Method in interface
This will return information about an issue's SLAs based on the query parameters
getIssue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event.ServiceDeskCommentEvent
getIssue() - Method in class
The issue that this token was requested for
getIssue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequest
The backing Issue of this request
getIssue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event.SLAChangeEvent
The issue that is involved in the originating event.
getIssueCount() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.Queue
getIssueId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
Issue Id the Approval associated with
getIssueTypeId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestType
Gets the id of the IssueType that is associated with this request type
getJql() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.Queue
getKey() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.CheckedUser
getLicense() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.license.ServiceDeskLicenseService
Gets the ServiceDeskLicense for instance
getLimit() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequest
getLimit() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
getLimit() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedRequest
getLimit() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.SimplePagedRequest
getLocale() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.SDUser
getMajorVersion() - Method in interface
getMatchCondition(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricConditionFactory
Get a condition by id.
getMatchEvent() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchConditionHistory.Entry
Get the match event of this entry
getMaxLimit() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequest
getMaxLimit() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
getMinorVersion() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
Name of Approval
getName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.CustomerOrganization
getName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.Portal
Name of the portal
getName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.Queue
getName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestType
Gets name of the request type
getName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeGroup
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics.TimeMetric
Returns the name of the time metric
getName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.CheckedUser
getName(I18nHelper) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricCondition
Get the name of this condition
getNameHtml(I18nHelper) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricHitCondition
Get the name of this condition
getNameHtml(I18nHelper) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricMatchCondition
Get the name of this condition
getOngoingCycle() - Method in interface
getOrder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeGroup
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
getOrganizations(ApplicationUser, OrganizationsQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
Returns a list of organizations in the JIRA instance based on query parameters.
getOriginalTransitionName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransition
Title of the underlying transition
getOverrideTransitionName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransition
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
getOverrideTransitionSubmitName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransition
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
getPagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponse
getPagedRequest() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
getPaused() - Method in interface
getPlatformVersion() - Method in interface
getPortalForId(int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.PortalManager
Returns an Either with the Portal associated with the given portal id or AnError if: - Portal was not found
getPortalForId(ApplicationUser, int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.PortalService
Returns an Either with the Portal associated with the given portal id or AnError if: - Portal was not found - The user is does not have permission to access portal
getPortalForProject(Project) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.PortalManager
Returns an Either with the Portal associated with the given Project or AnError if: - Portal was not found
getPortalForProject(ApplicationUser, Project) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.PortalService
Returns an Either with the Portal associated with the given Project or AnError if: - Portal was not found - The user is does not have permission to access portal
getPortalForServiceDesk(ServiceDesk) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.PortalManager
Returns an Either with the Portal associated with the given ServiceDesk or AnError if: - Portal was not found
getPortalForServiceDesk(ApplicationUser, ServiceDesk) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal.PortalService
Returns an Either with the Portal associated with the given ServiceDesk or AnError if: - Portal was not found - The user is does not have permission to access portal
getPortalId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestType
Gets the id of the portal that this request type belongs to
getProject() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event.SLAChangeEvent
The project the originating event published in.
getProjectId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDesk
getProjectName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDesk
getPropertyName() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansion
getQualifier() - Method in interface
getQueueLimitForProject() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueService
Gets the maximum number of queues allowed for a project
getQueues(ApplicationUser, QueueQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueService
Get a page of Queue that satisfies the provided QueueQuery.
getRecipient() - Method in class
The recipient that this token was requested for, who must also be the reporter of the issue
getRemainingTime() - Method in interface
getRemainingTime() - Method in interface
getRenderedName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSourceI18nService.CustomerRequestChannelRenderedName
Display name of the channel source
getRequestFeedbackDetails(ApplicationUser, Issue) - Method in interface
For a given user and issue, will return the details required for Request Feedback, if: Provided user is the reporter of the provided issue The issue is a valid Service Desk request Request Feedback is enabled for the Issue
getRequestFeedbackToken() - Method in class
The token details required to be able to add feedback on this request
getRequestParticipants(ApplicationUser, RequestParticipantQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantService
Get a page of ApplicationUser who satisfy the query parameters
getRequestsByQueue(ApplicationUser, QueueRequestQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueService
Get a page of Issue belonging to the specified Queue
getRequestTypeId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequest
ID of the RequestType of this request
getRequestTypes(ApplicationUser, RequestTypeQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeService
Retrieve a list of RequestType that satifies the query parameters
getResolutionId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransition
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
getRestrictedInfo() - Method in interface
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
getResults() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponse
getResults() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
getServiceDeskById(int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDeskManager
Retrieve a ServiceDesk by its ID
getServiceDeskById(ApplicationUser, int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDeskService
Retrieve a ServiceDesk by its ID
getServiceDeskCommentById(ApplicationUser, Long) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentService
Gets a ServiceDeskComment from a comment id.
getServiceDeskCommentByJiraComment(ApplicationUser, Comment) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentService
Gets a ServiceDeskComment from an associated Comment.
getServiceDeskForPortal(Portal) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDeskManager
Returns an Either of the ServiceDesk associated with the given Portal or AnError if: - Service Desk was not found - Service Desk was disabled
getServiceDeskForPortal(ApplicationUser, Portal) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDeskService
Returns an Either of the ServiceDesk associated with the given Portal or AnError if: - Service Desk was not found - Service Desk was disabled - User does not have access to the ServiceDesk
getServiceDeskForProject(Project) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDeskManager
Returns an Either with the ServiceDesk associated with the given Project or AnError if: - Service Desk was not found - Service Desk was disabled
getServiceDeskForProject(ApplicationUser, Project) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDeskService
Returns an Either of the ServiceDesk associated with the given Project or AnError if: - Service Desk was not found - Service Desk was disabled - User does not have access to the ServiceDesk
getServiceDeskId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event.ServiceDeskDeletedEvent
getServiceDeskId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.Queue
getServiceDeskId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequest
ID of the parent ServiceDesk of this request
getServiceDesks(ApplicationUser, PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDeskService
Returns a list of service desks a user can view.
getServiceDesks(ApplicationUser, boolean, PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.ServiceDeskService
Returns a list of service desks a user can view, with an option to include archived service desks.
getSoftwareInfo(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface
Returns JIRA Service Desk software information
getStart() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequest
Index of the first item to include in the result set.
getStart() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
getStart() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedRequest
getStart() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.SimplePagedRequest
getStartTime() - Method in interface
getStartTime() - Method in interface
getStatusId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.Approval
The workflow status Id associated with Approval
getStopTime() - Method in interface
getSubExpansions() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansion
getSubExpansions(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
getTime() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event.ServiceDeskCommentEvent
Time the event was created.
getTime() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event.SLAChangeEvent
The created time of the originating event.
getTimeMetric(ApplicationUser, ServiceDesk, int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics.TimeMetricService
Returns a time metric within a service desk given its id
getTimeMetrics(ApplicationUser, ServiceDesk) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics.TimeMetricService
Returns all the time metrics defined for a service desk
getToken() - Method in class
The existing or newly generated token for this request feedback
getToolTip() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSourceI18nService.CustomerRequestChannelRenderedName
Tooltip of the channel source
getTransitionId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransition
Id of the underlying transition
getTransitionName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransition
Transition title to be displayed to the customer.
getTransitionSubmitName() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransition
Submit name to be displayed to the customer.
getUncheckedUser() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
Helper method to wrap getCurrentUserByType[UncheckedUser].
getUnsubscribeCustomerNotificationUri(CheckedUser, Issue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.notification.CustomerNotificationSubscriptionService
Provides a URL that can be included in any customer email notifications.
getUser() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event.ServiceDeskCommentEvent
getUsersInOrganization(ApplicationUser, UsersInOrganizationQuery) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
get all the applicationUsers in a given organization
getValue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type.CustomerRequestType
The String representation for Customer Request Type custom field value
getVersion() - Method in interface
getWithinCalendarHours() - Method in interface
group(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
Limit results to request types that belong to the specified RequestTypeGroup id
group() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
groupIds() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters
Optional list of group ids for this RequestType


hasAgentLicense(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.license.ServiceDeskLicenseService
Checks whether the user has an agent license for instance.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldId
hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldInputValue
hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansion
hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
hasMore(boolean) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl.Builder
hasNextPage() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponse
Indicates whether the source has more results after this page.
hasNextPage() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
helpText(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
helpText() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters
Optional help text of this RequestType.
helpText(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters.Builder
helpText() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters
Optional help text of this RequestType.
HitConditionHistory - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition
Hit history returned by a hit condition
HitConditionHistoryBuilder - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition
Builder for HitConditionHistory objects.
HitEvent - Enum in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition
Event returned by a HitCondition


i18NHelper() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.SDUser
iconId(Long) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
iconId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters
Optional iconId for this RequestType
id(Integer) - Method in interface
id() - Method in interface
includeIssueCount(boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery.Builder
Set whether to include issue count for the returned queues or not.
includeIssueCount() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery
Whether to include the number of issue belonging to Queue.
internalComment(Boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery.Builder
internalComment() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery
isAdminAgent(ApplicationUser, ServiceDesk) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.permission.ServiceDeskPermissionService
Checks whether the user is an agent with project admin permission.
isAgent(ApplicationUser, ServiceDesk) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.permission.ServiceDeskPermissionService
Checks whether the user is an agent for the given service desk.
isAnonymous() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.SDUser
isCreatedEvent() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event.ServiceDeskCommentEvent
true, if the comment event is thrown during a comment creation.
isCustomer(ApplicationUser, CustomerRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.permission.ServiceDeskPermissionService
Checks whether the ApplicationUser is a customer for the given com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.
isCustomer(ApplicationUser, Issue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.permission.ServiceDeskPermissionService
Checks whether the ApplicationUser is a customer for the given com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.HitConditionHistory
Is the history empty
isEmpty() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.HitConditionHistoryBuilder
Is the history currently empty
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchConditionHistory
Is the history empty?
isEmpty() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchConditionHistoryBuilder
Is the history currently empty
isEmpty() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
isGreaterThan(Version) - Method in interface
Returns true if this version is greater than the specified version
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Version) - Method in interface
Returns true if this version is greater than if equal to the specified version
isInCustomerContext() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerContextService
isInverseMatch() - Method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchEvent
isIssueCreatedEvent() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event.SLAChangeEvent
Returns if the originating event is a issue created event.
isLessThan(Version) - Method in interface
Returns true if this version is less than the specified version
isLessThanOrEqualTo(Version) - Method in interface
Returns true if this version is less than or equal to the specified version
isLicensedForUse() - Method in interface
isLicenseValid() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.license.ServiceDeskLicense
Is the license valid
isMatch() - Method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchEvent
isPartOfIssueChange() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event.ServiceDeskCommentEvent
true, if the comment event is part of an issue edit/bulk edit operation (at least one of the issue fields changed).
isPublic() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskComment
Gets whether the comment is public or private.
isSendMail() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event.ServiceDeskCommentEvent
true, if an email should be send because of this event.
isSubscribedCustomerNotifications(CheckedUser, Issue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.notification.CustomerNotificationSubscriptionService
Given a user and issue, return whether user should be sent new customer notifcations.
issue(Long) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalQuery.Builder
issue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
issue(Issue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters.Builder
issue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters
issue(Issue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery.Builder
issue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery
issue(Long) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
issue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery
Identical retrieval the CustomerRequest backing by this Issue.
issue(long) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestStatusQuery.Builder
issue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestStatusQuery
ID of the backing Issue of the CustomerRequest
issue(Issue) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestUpdateParameters.Builder
issue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestUpdateParameters
The CustomerRequest being updated, backed by this Issue
issue(Long) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionQuery.Builder
issue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionQuery
The backing Issue id of the CustomerRequest
issue(Long) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
Retrieve a specific RequestType associated to the customer request backed by this Issue, if any.
issue() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
issue(Long) - Method in interface
issue() - Method in interface
The issue id is always required to query SLA information
issueType(IssueType) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
issueType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters
The underlying IssueType of this RequestType.
isSystemDecided() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalDecision
isValid(Boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
Limit results to only request types that are valid.
isValid() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
iterator() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl


JIRA - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
Source channel from which Issue's are created via JIRA


label(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl.RequestTypeFieldValueImpl.BuilderImpl
label() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl.RequestTypeFieldValueImpl
label(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldValue.Builder
label() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldValue
The display of this field value
LimitedPagedRequest - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
A PagedRequest guaranteed to have a limit capped to a developer provided value rather than a user provided value.
LimitedPagedRequestImpl - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
LimitedPagedRequestImpl(PagedRequest, int) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
LimitedPagedRequestImpl(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl


map(Collection<? extends S>, Function<S, T>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Allows you to map a Collection of S into a List of T with less stream syntax
map(Function<T, M>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponse
Allows you to map a paged response of T into M
map(Function<T, M>) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
MatchConditionHistory - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition
Match history returned by a match condition.
MatchConditionHistory.Entry - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition
History entry.
MatchConditionHistoryBuilder - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition
Reconstructed history data for the given condition
MatchEvent - Enum in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition
Event returned by match conditions
MAX_COMMENT_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
The maximum number of comments that will ever be returned
MAX_CUSTOMER_REQUEST_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
The maximum number of customer request entries that will ever by returned
MAX_CUSTOMER_REQUEST_STATUS_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
The maximum number of customer request status entries that will ever by returned
MAX_CUSTOMER_REQUEST_TRANSITIONS_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
The maximum number of customer request transitions entries that will ever by returned
MAX_GENERAL_THINGS_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
The maximum number of general entries that will ever by returned
MAX_PARTICIPANTS_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
The maximum number of request participant entries that will ever be returned
MAX_REQUEST_TYPES_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
The maximum number of requesttypes entries that will ever by returned
MAX_SERVICE_DESKS_RETURNED - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.DefaultPagingLimits
The maximum number of servicedesk entries that will ever by returned
merge(Expansions) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
merge(Expansion[]) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
migrateExistingProject(ApplicationUser, MigrateProjectParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation.ServiceDeskCreationService
Migrates an existing project to be a ServiceDesk project If a disabled ServiceDesk already exists in the project, it will be enabled
MigrateProjectParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation
MigrateProjectParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation
Builder to construct the MigrateProjectParameters
migrateProjectParametersBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation.ServiceDeskCreationService


name() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeField
Display name of the field as per RequestType basic
name(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.CreateOrganizationParameters.Builder
name() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.CreateOrganizationParameters
name(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
name() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters
Name of this RequestType.
name(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters.Builder
name() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters
Name of this RequestType.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.HitConditionHistoryBuilder
Create a new HitConditionHistoryBuilder.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchConditionHistoryBuilder
Create a new builder for a match history
newCreateBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentService
Return a new ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters.Builder to build parameter to create comments
newCreateBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerService
newCreateBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
newCreateBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService
Create a builder to build CustomerRequestCreateParameters
newCreateBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeService
newDeleteBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeService
newExecuteParameterBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionService
newInfoQueryBuilder() - Method in interface
Create a builder to build SlaInformationQuerys
newOrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParametersBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
newOrganizationsQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalService
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentService
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldService
Create a builder to build RequestTypeFieldQuery
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantService
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService
Get the builder to build CustomerRequestQuery
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionService
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type.CustomerRequestTypeService
Create a builder to build CustomerRequestTypeQuery
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeService
Create a builder to build RequestTypeQuery
newQueueQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueService
newQueueRequestQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueService
newStatusQueryBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService
Create a builder to build CustomerRequestStatusQuery
newUpdateBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantService
newUpdateBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService
Create a builder to build CustomerRequestUpdateParameters
newUpdateBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeService
newUsersInOrganizationQuery() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
newUsersOrganizationUpdateParametersBuilder() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
NoExceptionsCallable<V> - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer
Callable replacement that doesn't throw checked Exceptions


ONE - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.SimplePagedRequest
A page request of 1 thing
organization(CustomerOrganization) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters.Builder
organization() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters
organization() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersInOrganizationQuery
To query for a specified CustomerOrganization
organization(CustomerOrganization) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters.Builder
organization() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters
OrganizationService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
Builder to construct the OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters.
OrganizationsQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
OrganizationsQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue


paged(int, int) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.SimplePagedRequest
A page request of the specified start and limit
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalQuery
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationsQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationsQuery
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersInOrganizationQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersInOrganizationQuery
To query a page LimitedPagedRequest
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery
Pagination control.
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueRequestQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueRequestQuery
Pagination parameter
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery
To request a page of CustomerRequest
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestStatusQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestStatusQuery
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantQuery
Pagination query
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionQuery.Builder
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionQuery
To request a page of CustomerTransition
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
To query a page PagedRequest of RequestType
pagedRequest() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery
To query a page LimitedPagedRequest of RequestType
pagedRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in interface
pagedRequest() - Method in interface
PagedRequest - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
Specifies the pagination requirements of a request.
PagedResponse<T> - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
A response to a paged request, used in pagination.
PagedResponseImpl<T> - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
A wrapper around a list of content.
PagedResponseImpl(PagedResponseImpl.Builder<T>) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
PagedResponseImpl.Builder<T> - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
Builds PagedResponse's of T
pageRequest(PagedRequest) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl.Builder
pageRequest(LimitedPagedRequest) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl.Builder
parse(String) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser
Converts a string representation of a collection of Expansions back into an Expansion array.
parse(String...) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser
parseAsExpansions(List<String>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser
Converts list of string representations of Expansions into an Expansions instance.
parseAsExpansions(String) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser
Converts a string representation of a collection of Expansions into an Expansions instance.
parseSingle(String) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser
Converts a string representation of a single Expansion back into an Expansion.
parseWithPrefix(String, String) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.ExpansionsParser
Portal - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal
PORTAL - Static variable in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
Source channel from which CustomerRequests are created on JIRA Service Desk's Customer Portal
PortalManager - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
PortalService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.portal
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
prepend(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
Create a new Expansions that prepends the propertyName to the path of all expansions represented in this Expansions object.
project(Project) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation.MigrateProjectParameters.Builder
project() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation.MigrateProjectParameters
The projectProject to create a ServiceDesk on
publicComment(boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters.Builder
publicComment() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters
Required parameter to indicate the Comment's visibility.
publicComment(Boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery.Builder
publicComment() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentQuery
PublicSoftwareInfo - Interface in
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue


Queue - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue
Represents a logical queue of Issue in JIRA Service Desk
queueId(int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery.Builder
queueId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery
Optionally filter search result to a specific Queue by its ID.
queueId(int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueRequestQuery.Builder
queueId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueRequestQuery
ID of an existing Queue whose issues will be returned
QueueQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue
Parameters to query Queue that a user can see.
QueueQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue
Builder to construct the QueueQuery.
QueueRequestQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue
Parameters to query Issue inside an existing Queue.
QueueRequestQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue
Builder to construct the QueueRequestQuery.
QueueService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue


raiseOnBehalfOf(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Set the user to create this customer request on behalf of himself / herself
raiseOnBehalfOf(Optional<String>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Set the user to create this customer request on behalf of himself / herself
raiseOnBehalfOf() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
removeOrganizationFromServiceDesk(ApplicationUser, OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
Removes an organization from a servicedesk if the user is an agent of that servicedesk
removeRequestParticipants(ApplicationUser, RequestParticipantUpdateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantService
Remove a list ApplicationUser as participant from a given CustomerRequest.
removeUsersFromOrganization(ApplicationUser, UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationService
Removes users from a specified organization
request(CustomerRequest) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters.Builder
Set the request to execute the transition on
request() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters
Get the request
RequestFeedbackDetails - Class in
The return type that wraps all required data for a Service Desk Request Feedback token and link
RequestFeedbackDetails(ApplicationUser, Issue, String, RequestFeedbackToken, int) - Constructor for class
RequestFeedbackDetailsService - Interface in
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
RequestFeedbackToken - Class in
The return type that wraps all required data for a Service Desk Request Feedback token and link
RequestFeedbackToken(String, URI) - Constructor for class
requestOverrideSecurity(Boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
requestOverrideSecurity() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery
Use this CustomerRequestQuery.requestOverrideSecurity() in combination with CustomerRequestQuery.issue() to retrieve a CustomerRequest without checking the permission of the user executing this request
requestOverrideSecurity(Boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type.CustomerRequestTypeQuery.Builder
Use this requestOverrideSecurity flag to execute query without checking permission of the user executing this request
requestOverrideSecurity() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type.CustomerRequestTypeQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
requestOverrideSecurity(Boolean) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
Use this requestOverrideSecurity flag to execute query without checking permission of the user executing this request
requestOverrideSecurity() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
requestOwnership(CustomerRequestQuery.REQUEST_OWNERSHIP) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
requestOwnership() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery
Limited result customer requests to those which are raised by executing user, or requests he participated in, or both
requestParticipant(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Add a participant into this customer request
requestParticipant(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantUpdateParameters.Builder
Add a single ApplicationUser as participant.
RequestParticipantQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant
Parameters to query ApplicationUser participating in a CustomerRequest
RequestParticipantQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant
Builder to construct the RequestParticipantQuery.
requestParticipants(Set<String>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Set a list participants into this customer request
requestParticipants(Optional<Set<String>>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Set a list participants into this customer request
requestParticipants() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters
Optional list of ApplicationUser's username of participants on this customer request Note: the function is dependent on executing user's permission, refer to RequestTypeFieldService.getCustomerRequestCreateMeta(ApplicationUser, RequestTypeFieldQuery) to test the capability
requestParticipants(Set<ApplicationUser>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantUpdateParameters.Builder
Add multiple ApplicationUser as participants
requestParticipants() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant.RequestParticipantUpdateParameters
RequestParticipantService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
RequestParticipantUpdateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant
Contains parameters to add/remove participants to an existing request
RequestParticipantUpdateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.participant
requestStatus(CustomerRequestQuery.REQUEST_STATUS) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
requestStatus() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery
Limit result customer requests to those are open, closed, or both
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeField
The parent RequestType of this field
requestType(int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldQuery.Builder
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldQuery
ID of parent RequestType of which the RequestTypeField's belong to
requestType(RequestType) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Set the request type
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters
RequestType of the request
requestType(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery
Use this CustomerRequestQuery.requestType() in combination with CustomerRequestQuery.serviceDesk() to narrow the query to the CustomerRequest's that belong to a RequestType
requestType(RequestType) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestUpdateParameters.Builder
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestUpdateParameters
The new RequestType to be updated into the CustomerRequest
requestType(RequestType) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type.CustomerRequestTypeQuery.Builder
Use this RequestType's to retrieve a specific CustomerRequestType
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.type.CustomerRequestTypeQuery
Use this RequestType to retrieve a specific CustomerRequestType.
RequestType - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
requestType(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeDeleteParameters.Builder
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeDeleteParameters
The id of this RequestType.
requestType(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
Use this RequestType's requestType and ServiceDesk to retrieve a specific RequestType
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
requestType(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters.Builder
requestType() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeUpdateParameters
The id of this RequestType.
RequestTypeCreateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
Parameters to create a new RequestType for a specific ServiceDesk.
RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
Builder to instantiate RequestTypeCreateParameters.
RequestTypeDeleteParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
Parameters to delete a RequestType.
RequestTypeDeleteParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
Builder to instantiate RequestTypeDeleteParameters.
RequestTypeField - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
RequestTypeFieldQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
Parameter to query CustomerRequestCreateMeta
RequestTypeFieldQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
Builder to construct the RequestTypeFieldQuery.
requestTypeFields() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.CustomerRequestCreateMeta
List of RequestTypeField configured under a RequestType is used to create a customer request.
RequestTypeFieldService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
RequestTypeFieldValue - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
Used as valid field value(s) to RequestTypeField where applicable, for example field value as valid options of a select field.
RequestTypeFieldValue.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field
RequestTypeFieldValueImpl - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl
RequestTypeFieldValueImpl.BuilderImpl - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl
RequestTypeGroup - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
RequestTypeQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
RequestTypeQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
RequestTypeService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
RequestTypeUpdateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
Parameters to update a RequestType.
RequestTypeUpdateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype
Builder to instantiate RequestTypeUpdateParameters.
required() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeField
If the field is mandatory to create a request
RestrictedSoftwareInfo - Interface in
Information about JIRA service desk that is only available to administrators
runInCustomerContext(NoExceptionsCallable<T>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerContextService
Executes the code in a "customer context".
runInCustomerContext(Runnable) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerContextService
Executes the code in a "customer context".
runnableToNoExceptionsCallable(Runnable) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Turns a runnable into a callable
runOutOfCustomerContext(NoExceptionsCallable<T>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerContextService
Executes the code out of a "customer context".
runOutOfCustomerContext(Runnable) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.customer.CustomerContextService
Executes the code out of a "customer context".


SDUser - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user
Service Desk Application User wrapper.
searchTerm(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
searchTerm() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery
Filter a customer request on its Issue's Summary
serviceDesk() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeField
The ServiceDesk that the Request Type belongs to
serviceDesk(int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldQuery.Builder
serviceDesk() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldQuery
ID of the parent ServiceDesk
serviceDesk(ServiceDesk) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters.Builder
Set the service desk
serviceDesk() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestCreateParameters
The ServiceDesk of the request to be created
serviceDesk(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.Builder
serviceDesk() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery
Narrows the query to the CustomerRequest's that belong to a ServiceDesk
serviceDesk(ServiceDesk) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestUpdateParameters.Builder
serviceDesk() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestUpdateParameters
The ServiceDesk which CustomerRequest belongs to
serviceDesk(ServiceDesk) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
serviceDesk() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters
The ServiceDesk this RequestType belongs to.
serviceDesk(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeDeleteParameters.Builder
serviceDesk() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeDeleteParameters
The id of the ServiceDesk this RequestType must belong to.
serviceDesk(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery.Builder
Narrows the query to the RequestType's that belong to a ServiceDesk
serviceDesk() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ServiceDesk - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api
Represents a JIRA Service Desk
ServiceDeskComment - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment
Represents a comment made on a service desk project.
ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment
Parameter to create a JIRA Service Desk's Comment.
ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment
ServiceDeskCommentEvent - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event
Represents a comment made on a customer request.
ServiceDeskCommentQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment
Parameters to query ServiceDeskComment
ServiceDeskCommentQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment
Builder to construct the ServiceDeskCommentQuery.
ServiceDeskCommentService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ServiceDeskCreationService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.project.creation
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ServiceDeskDeletedEvent - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.event
Event that is triggered when a Service Desk project is deleted.
ServiceDeskEmailAttachmentMatcher - Interface in
The matcher to implement, in order to participate in the Incoming Email attachment stripping process.
ServiceDeskEmailAttachmentMatcher.Attachment - Interface in
A simple representation of a mail attachment after it has been extracted from a message.
ServiceDeskEmailAttachmentMatcher.AttachmentContent - Interface in
A simple representation of a mail attachment's actual content, after it has been extracted from a message.
ServiceDeskEmailReplyMatcher - Interface in
The matcher to implement, in order to participate in the Incoming Email reply stripping process.
serviceDeskId(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters.Builder
serviceDeskId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateParameters
serviceDeskId(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationsQuery.Builder
Only returns organizations within this servicedesk if set.
serviceDeskId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.OrganizationsQuery
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use java.util.Optional instead of com.atlassian.fugue
serviceDeskId(int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery.Builder
serviceDeskId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueQuery
ID of the ServiceDesk whose Queue will be returned.
serviceDeskId(int) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueRequestQuery.Builder
serviceDeskId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.queue.QueueRequestQuery
ID of the ServiceDesk owning the Queue
ServiceDeskLicense - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.license
ServiceDeskLicenseService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.license
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ServiceDeskManager - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ServiceDeskPermissionService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.permission
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ServiceDeskService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
ServiceDeskSoftwareInfoService - Interface in
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
setGroupIds(List<Integer>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeCreateParameters.Builder
shouldStripAttachment(ServiceDeskEmailAttachmentMatcher.Attachment) - Method in interface
Given an ServiceDeskEmailAttachmentMatcher.Attachment return whether it should be stripped (ie.
shouldStripText(List<String>) - Method in interface
Evalute the current text block and return whether the message should be stripped from this point onwards.
shouldStripTextOnIssueCreation(List<String>) - Method in interface
Same as ServiceDeskEmailReplyMatcher.shouldStripText(List) but when this matcher is executed on issue creation.
SimplePagedRequest - Class in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging
A simple immutable implementation of PageRequest
SimplePagedRequest(LimitedPagedRequest) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.SimplePagedRequest
SimplePagedRequest(int, int) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.SimplePagedRequest
size() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponse
size() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
SLAChangeEvent - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.event
An event that causes SLA to recalculate
SlaInformation - Interface in
Information about a named Service Level Agreement
SlaInformationCompletedCycle - Interface in
Information about the completed cycles of a Service Level Agreement
SlaInformationOngoingCycle - Interface in
Information about the ongoing cycle of a Service Level Agreement
SlaInformationQuery - Interface in
A query parameter object for the SlaInformationService calls
SlaInformationQuery.Builder - Interface in
SlaInformationService - Interface in
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
SlaInformationService.DurationFormatter - Interface in
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
sortAndToPagedResponse(LimitedPagedRequest, List<T>, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
Use the provided Comparator to sort and reduces a list of items to the system enforced limited page size.
status() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequest.CustomerRequestStatus
Display status of a customer request
statusInstant() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequest.CustomerRequestStatus
Time on which the status transition


temporaryAttachmentIds(List<TemporaryAttachmentId>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters.Builder
temporaryAttachmentIds() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.comment.ServiceDeskCommentCreateParameters
Optional list temporary attachment ID's to associate with the Comment.
TimeMetric - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics
Represents a Time Metric for a Service Desk.
TimeMetricCondition - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition
Base interface for hit and match time metric conditions
TimeMetricConditionFactory - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition
Generates conditions
TimeMetricHitCondition - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition
An SLA condition can evaluate issue state
TimeMetricMatchCondition - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition
An SLA condition can evaluate issue state
TimeMetricService - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.metrics
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
toArray() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
toEither(Optional<R>, Supplier<L>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Allows you to convert JDK8 Optional into a Fugue Either with the optional value in as the right if present.
toList(Option<T>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Converts an option to a list.
toObject(T) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Somes times in FP lands you need to turn generic types into the most basic type of all.
toOption(Optional<T>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Allows you to convert JDK8 Optional into a Fugue Option
toOptional(Option<T>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.fp.FpKit
Allows you to convert JDK8 Optional into a Fugue Option
toPagedResponse(LimitedPagedRequest, List<T>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
Reduces a list of items to the system enforced limited page size.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldId
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldInputValue
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansion
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.expansion.Expansions
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.LimitedPagedRequestImpl
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.SimplePagedRequest
transform(PagedResponse<F>, Function<F, T>) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.util.paging.PagedResponseImpl
Converts a given PageResponse contains items of type F into an equivalent PageResponse with items of type T, transformed by the given mapper.
transitionId(Integer) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters.Builder
Transition Id of the transition to execute.
transitionId() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.transition.CustomerTransitionExecutionParameters
Get the transition id


UncheckedUser - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
unwrap(Collection<CheckedUser>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
Map a list of CheckedUser to a list of ApplicationUser.
updateCustomerRequest(ApplicationUser, CustomerRequestUpdateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.ServiceDeskCustomerRequestService
Update the CustomerRequest using the given parameters
updateRequestType(ApplicationUser, RequestTypeUpdateParameters) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.requesttype.RequestTypeService
Update a RequestType with using the provided RequestTypeUpdateParameters.
UserFactory - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user
As of JSD 3.15, and will be replaced in 4.0 to use core Java data types and Exceptions instead of com.atlassian.fugue
users(Set<ApplicationUser>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters.Builder
users() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization.UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters
UsersInOrganizationQuery - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
Parameters to query ApplicationUser inside an existing CustomerOrganization.
UsersInOrganizationQuery.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization
Information supplied to OrganizationService#addUsersToOrganization) to add users to an organization
UsersOrganizationUpdateParameters.Builder - Interface in com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.organization


validValues() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeField
List of valid options as field's value if applicable, or empty otherwise
value() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldId
Raw value of the field ID
value() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldInputValue
value(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl.RequestTypeFieldValueImpl.BuilderImpl
value() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.impl.RequestTypeFieldValueImpl
value(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldValue.Builder
value() - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.RequestTypeFieldValue
The value of this field value
value() - Method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
The unique value of the source channel
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalDecisionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.REQUEST_OWNERSHIP
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.REQUEST_STATUS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.HitEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.approval.ApprovalDecisionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.REQUEST_OWNERSHIP
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestQuery.REQUEST_STATUS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.HitEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.sla.condition.MatchEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version - Interface in
Represents a software version


withId(String) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldId
Create a new instance using the raw JIRA Field ID
withValue(Object) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.field.FieldInputValue
Create a new instance using the supplied value, which is shaped specific to the field being set.
withValue(String) - Static method in class com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.request.CustomerRequestChannelSource
Construct a custom source channel using your unique value.
wrap(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
Returns a CheckedUser from the application user or an error if an internal error occurred, or the ApplicationUser was null.
wrap(Collection<ApplicationUser>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
Map a list of ApplicationUser to a list of CheckedUser.
wrapUnchecked(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
Returns a UncheckedUser from the application user.
wrapUserKey(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
This turns a user key into a JIRA Application User and then wraps it up.
wrapUsername(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
This turns a username into a JIRA Application User and then wraps it up.
wrapUsernames(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.api.user.UserFactory
This turns usernames into a JIRA Application User and then wraps them to CheckedUser.
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