Interface RepositoryIndexer

All Known Subinterfaces:
CvsRepositoryIndexer, GitRepositoryIndexer, P4RepositoryIndexer, SvnRepositoryIndexer

public interface RepositoryIndexer

An interface to the indexing actions on a repository. This object is valid only for the lifetime of the repository. If the repository does not exist after the creation of the RepositoryIndexer, all methods of this interface (and sub-interfaces) will throw IllegalStateException.

All methods that perform indexing are non-blocking. Indexing is performed as a background task and progress can be monitored via getIndexingStatus().

Method Summary
 RepositoryIndexingStatus getIndexingStatus()
          Returns a snapshot of the status of the indexer.
 RepositoryIndexingStatus startFullReindexing()
          Delete all the existing indexes for the repository, and start the repository (which will cause the initial full index to start).
 RepositoryIndexingStatus startIncrementalIndexing()
          Perform an incremental indexing, or, if the repository has not yet been indexed, performs a full indexing.
 RepositoryIndexingStatus startLineCountReindexing()
          Reindex the data used to generate lines of code (LOC) charts.

Method Detail


RepositoryIndexingStatus getIndexingStatus()
Returns a snapshot of the status of the indexer.


RepositoryIndexingStatus startFullReindexing()
                                             throws RepositoryConfigException
Delete all the existing indexes for the repository, and start the repository (which will cause the initial full index to start).

java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the repository is not RepositoryState.STOPPED
RepositoryConfigException - if there was a problem restarting the repository


RepositoryIndexingStatus startIncrementalIndexing()
Perform an incremental indexing, or, if the repository has not yet been indexed, performs a full indexing.


RepositoryIndexingStatus startLineCountReindexing()
Reindex the data used to generate lines of code (LOC) charts.

true if the indexing was successfully requested, false otherwise