
Interface Summary
FileData This interface is used by SPI users to feed a file to Crucible.
ImpersonationService Plugins may wish to perform operations as particular users.
Operation<T,E extends Throwable> Interface for operations carried out by services on behalf of plugins
ProjectService Provides an API for working with Projects
RepositoryService Provides an API for working with repositories
ReviewService Provides an API for working with reviews.
SearchService Provides an API for searching reviews.
TrustedAppsService Supports making requests which have trusted application headers authenticating the current user.
UserService Provides an API for working with Users.

Enum Summary
ReviewService.Action The actions which can be performed on a review, changing its state.

Exception Summary
NotFoundException Thrown by the spi services when a requested entity cannot be located.
NotPermittedException Raised by the api methods when a user attempts to access a resource he/she has no access to according to the Crucible application-level entitlements (e.g.
ServerException Thrown when something unexpected and serious has happened in the Fisheye/Crucible instance