Interface ChangelogBrowser

public interface ChangelogBrowser

Provides information on the changesets in an SCM implementation

Nested Class Summary
static class ChangelogBrowser.ChangeSets
Method Summary
 ChangelogBrowser.ChangeSets listChanges(Principal principal, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String oldestCsid, boolean includeOldest, java.lang.String newestCsid, boolean includeNewest, int maxChangesets)
          returns sorted changesets, newest first

Method Detail


ChangelogBrowser.ChangeSets listChanges(Principal principal,
                                        java.lang.String path,
                                        java.lang.String oldestCsid,
                                        boolean includeOldest,
                                        java.lang.String newestCsid,
                                        boolean includeNewest,
                                        int maxChangesets)
returns sorted changesets, newest first

principal -
path - only show change sets which contain at least one revision with a path under this path. Changesets with some revisions outside this path still include all revisions. i.e. Revisions outside the path are *not* excluded from the change set.
oldestCsid - only return change sets after this change set. If null there is no restriction.
includeOldest - include the change set with id oldestCsid in the change sets returned.
newestCsid - only return change sets before this change set. If null there is no restriction.
includeNewest - include the change set with id newestCsid in the change sets returned.
maxChangesets - return only the newest change sets, to a maximum of maxChangesets.
a ChangeSets instance containing a list of change sets satisfying the criteria described by the parameters, sorted newest to oldest