Interface GitAddBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
com.atlassian.bitbucket.scm.CommandBuilderSupport<GitAddBuilder>, GitCommandBuilderSupport<GitAddBuilder>

public interface GitAddBuilder extends GitCommandBuilderSupport<GitAddBuilder>
  • Method Details

    • all

      @Nonnull GitAddBuilder all(boolean value)
    • build

      @Nonnull GitCommand<Void> build()
    • force

      @Nonnull GitAddBuilder force(boolean value)
      Controls whether --force is passed to git add. When provided, --force overrides entries from .gitignore, allowing ignored files to be added to the index and committed.
      value - true to use --force, overriding .gitignore; otherwise, false to perform a "safe" git add
    • path

      @Nonnull GitAddBuilder path(String value)
    • paths

      @Nonnull GitAddBuilder paths(Iterable<String> values)
    • paths

      @Nonnull GitAddBuilder paths(String value, String... values)
    • sparse

      @Nonnull GitAddBuilder sparse(boolean value)
      Controls whether git add will allow adding index entries for files outside a sparse checkout's cone. If the checkout is not sparse, this flag does nothing.

      Note: This flag was introduced in Git 2.34. Calling this if the installed Git is 2.33 or older will automatically no-op, and --sparse will not be passed on the built command. Unlike git add, to prevent breaking apps using sparse checkouts, this defaults to true if Git 2.34+ is installed.

      value - true to enable adding files outside the sparse checkout; otherwise, false to refuse to add such files