Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<MinimalAuditEntry> |
AuditService.findByProject(Project project,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of audit events recorded for the specified project.
Page<MinimalAuditEntry> |
AuditService.findByRepository(Repository repository,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of audit events recorded for the specified repository.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<BuildStatus> |
BuildStatusService.findAll(String commitId)
in 6.7 for removal in 8.0. Please use
BuildStatusService.findAll(String, PageRequest, BuildOrder) |
Page<BuildStatus> |
BuildStatusService.findAll(String commitId,
PageRequest pageRequest,
BuildOrder orderBy)
Retrieves a page of
build statuses associated with the specified commit across all
repositories and branches. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<RepositoryBuildStatus> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Find build statuses for a pull request that match the given request.
Page<RepositoryBuildStatus> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Search for build statuses that match the given request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Comment> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Search for all
comments matching the provided request. |
Page<CommentThread> |
CommentService.searchThreads(CommentSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Search for all
threads matching the provided request. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Commit> |
CommitEnricher.enrichPage(Repository repository,
Page<Commit> page,
Collection<String> propertyKeys) |
Page<Change> |
SimpleChangeset.getChanges() |
Page<Change> |
Page<Change> |
CommitService.getChanges(ChangesRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
changes between two commits. |
Page<Changeset> |
CommitService.getChangesets(ChangesetsRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves changesets for each of the requested
ChangesetsRequest.getCommitIds() commits}, including the
first page of changes between each commit and its first parent. |
Page<Commit> |
CommitService.getCommits(CommitsRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of commits, starting from a given branch, tag or commit, optionally filtered to only return
commits which modify one or more paths.
Page<Commit> |
CommitService.getCommitsBetween(CommitsBetweenRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of commits between the
included commits and the
excluded commits . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleChangeset.Builder |
SimpleChangeset.Builder.changes(Page<Change> value) |
Page<Commit> |
CommitEnricher.enrichPage(Repository repository,
Page<Commit> page,
Collection<String> propertyKeys) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Blame> |
ContentService.getBlame(Repository repository,
String commitId,
String path,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Blame for the lines included by the provided PageRequest for the specified path
starting from the provided commit. |
Page<ContentTreeNode> |
DirectoryRevision.getChildren() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractFileContentCallback.offerBlame(Page<Blame> blames) |
void |
FileContentCallback.offerBlame(Page<Blame> blames)
If annotations were requested and at least one
line was streamed, this
method will be called before FileContentCallback.onEnd(FileSummary) to provide blame for the streamed
lines. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<PullRequestSuggestion> |
DashboardService.suggestPullRequests(SuggestPullRequestsRequest request)
Retrieves a single page of suggestions for pull requests that a user may wish to raise.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<RepositoryHook> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Searches for
repository hooks that match the provided request . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<HookScript> |
HookScriptService.findByPluginKey(String pluginKey,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a page of hook scripts which were created by the app with the specified plugin key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<IndexedCommit> |
CommitIndex.findByProperty(String propertyKey,
String propertyValue,
boolean caseSensitive,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves all
indexed commits that have a given property with a specified value. |
Page<IndexedCommit> | searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Searches the index for any matching commits.
Page<MinimalRepositoryCommit> |
CommitIndex.searchRepositoryCommits(IndexSearchRequest indexSearchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Search the index for any
commits matching the provided search request. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Job> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds all
jobs matching the supplied request object |
Page<JobMessage> |
JobService.searchMessages(JobMessageSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds all
job messages matching the supplied request object |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Label> |
LabelService.findAll(PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<Label> |
LabelService.findByLabelable(Labelable labelable,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<Label> |
LabelService.findByPrefix(String labelPref,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<Labelable> |
LabelService.searchLabelables(LabelableSearchRequest searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<JobMessage> |
MigrationService.searchExportJobMessages(MigrationJobMessageSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds all
job messages matching the supplied request object for an export job. |
Page<JobMessage> |
MigrationService.searchImportJobMessages(MigrationJobMessageSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds all
job messages matching the supplied request object for an import job. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<PermittedGroup> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithGlobalPermission(String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
groups and their highest global permission. |
Page<String> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithoutGlobalPermission(String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups who have not been explicitly granted any global permission
Page<String> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithoutProjectPermission(Project project,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups who have not been explicitly granted any project permission
Page<String> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithoutRepositoryPermission(Repository repository,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups who have not been explicitly granted any repository permission.
Page<PermittedGroup> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithProjectPermission(Project project,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
groups and their highest granted permission for the specified project. |
Page<PermittedGroup> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithRepositoryPermission(Repository repository,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
groups and their highest granted permission for the specified
repository. |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findLicensedUsersWithoutProjectPermission(Project project,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findLicensedUsersWithoutRepositoryPermission(Repository repository,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<PermittedUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findUsersWithGlobalPermission(String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
users and their highest global permission. |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findUsersWithoutGlobalPermission(String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
active users who have not been explicitly
granted any global permission |
Page<PermittedUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findUsersWithProjectPermission(Project project,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
users and their highest granted permission for the specified project. |
Page<PermittedUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findUsersWithRepositoryPermission(Repository repository,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
users and their highest granted permission for the specified
repository. |
Page<String> |
PermissionService.getGrantedGroups(Permission permission,
PageRequest request)
Get the groups which are granted a permission
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PermissionService.getGrantedUsers(Permission permission,
PageRequest request)
Get the users which are granted a permission
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Project> |
ProjectService.findAll(PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of projects which are visible for the current user.
Page<Project> | searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
PullRequestActivityPage<T extends PullRequestActivity>
Page of activities allowing clients to both advance
and reverse from this page by using the results of PullRequestActivityPage.getPreviousPageStartId()
and getNextPageRequest() . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
SimplePullRequestActivityPage<T extends PullRequestActivity> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Commit> |
PullRequestCommitEnricher.enrichPage(PullRequest pullRequest,
Page<Commit> page,
Collection<String> propertyKeys)
Enrich a page of commits with properties from the
CommitIndex . |
Page<PullRequestActivity> |
PullRequestService.getActivities(int repositoryId,
long pullRequestId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the activities for a given pull request.
Page<Commit> |
PullRequestService.getCommits(int repositoryId,
long pullRequestId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
in 6.0 for removal in 8.0. Use
PullRequestService.getCommits(PullRequestCommitsRequest, PageRequest) instead |
Page<Commit> |
PullRequestService.getCommits(PullRequestCommitsRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the commits for a given pull request.
Page<PullRequestParticipant> |
PullRequestService.getParticipants(int repositoryId,
long pullRequestId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the participants for a given pull request.
Page<CommentThread> |
PullRequestService.getReviewThreads(int repositoryId,
long pullRequestId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<PullRequest> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of pull requests depending on the
request passed in. |
Page<PullRequestActivity> |
PullRequestService.searchActivities(PullRequestActivitySearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of pull request activities depending on the
passed in. |
Page<PullRequest> |
PullRequestService.searchByCommit(PullRequestCommitSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of pull requests containing a specified commit which match the given
search criteria . |
Page<Task> |
PullRequestService.searchTasks(PullRequestTaskSearchRequest searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
in 7.0 for removal in 8.0. Tasks are now managed using
comments with
BLOCKER severity. App developers should use CommentService to
create, retrieve and update BLOCKER comments. |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PullRequestService.searchUsers(PullRequestParticipantSearchRequest searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
users who have participated in pull requests based on the provided
search request . |
<E> Page<E> |
SimplePullRequestActivityPage.transform(Function<? super T,? extends E> transformFunction) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Commit> |
PullRequestCommitEnricher.enrichPage(PullRequest pullRequest,
Page<Commit> page,
Collection<String> propertyKeys)
Enrich a page of commits with properties from the
CommitIndex . |
Constructor and Description |
SimplePullRequestActivityPage(Page<T> page,
long previousPageStartId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<ReviewerGroup> |
ReviewerGroupService.findByName(Scope scope,
String name,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Find reviewer groups by name.
Page<ReviewerGroup> |
ReviewerGroupService.findByScope(Scope scope,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Find the reviewer groups in a given scope
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findAll(PageRequest pageRequest)
Find all repositories in the system in the default namespace.
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByOrigin(Repository origin,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
repositories which have been forked from the specified origin . |
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByOwner(ApplicationUser owner,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
repositories owned by the specified user . |
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByProjectId(int projectId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
repositories in the project with the given id. |
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByProjectKey(String projectKey,
PageRequest pageRequest)
List the names of the repositories in the project with the given key and with a default (null) namespace.
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByProjectKey(String projectNamespace,
String projectKey,
PageRequest pageRequest)
List the names of the repositories in the project with the given key and namespace.
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findRelated(Repository repository,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
repositories which belong to the same hierarchy as the specified repository. |
Page<Branch> |
RefService.getBranches(RepositoryBranchesRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a paged list of
branches for the specified repository, optionally filtered by the
provided starting text. |
Page<Tag> |
RefService.getTags(RepositoryTagsRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a paged list of
tags for the specified repository, optionally filtered by the provided
starting text. |
Page<Repository> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Searches for
repositories that match the provided request . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Command<Page<Blame>> |
ScmCommandFactory.blame(BlameCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves blame (also sometimes referred to as annotations) for a file at a given revision.
Command<Page<Branch>> |
ScmCommandFactory.branches(BranchesCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Command<Page<Change>> |
ScmCommandFactory.changes(ChangesCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Command<Page<Changeset>> |
ScmCommandFactory.changesets(ChangesetsCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
changesets given a set of commit IDs , where each changeset includes the first page of changes
between a requested commit and its first parent. |
Command<Page<Commit>> |
ScmCommandFactory.commits(CommitsCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a
page of commits matching the specified parameters . |
Command<Page<Tag>> |
ScmCommandFactory.tags(TagsCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Repository> |
RecentlyAccessedRepositoriesService.findByCurrentUser(PageRequest pageRequest)
Returns a page of repositories accessed most recently by the current user.
Page<Repository> |
RecentlyAccessedRepositoriesService.findByCurrentUser(Permission permission,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Returns a page of repositories accessed most recently by the current user.
Page<DetailedGroup> |
UserAdminService.findGroups(PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups with full
details . |
Page<String> |
UserService.findGroups(PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups.
Page<DetailedGroup> |
UserAdminService.findGroupsByName(String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups with full
details , optionally filtering the returned results
to those containing the specified groupName . |
Page<String> |
UserService.findGroupsByName(String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups, optionally filtering the returned results to those containing the specified
groupName . |
Page<String> |
UserService.findGroupsByPrefix(String groupPrefix,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups, optionally filtering the returned results to those beginning with the specified
groupPrefix . |
Page<String> |
UserService.findGroupsByUser(String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups which the specified user is a member of.
Page<DetailedGroup> |
UserAdminService.findGroupsWithoutUser(String username,
String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups which the specified user is not a member of, with full
details , optionally filtering the returned results to those containing the specified groupName . |
Page<DetailedGroup> |
UserAdminService.findGroupsWithUser(String username,
String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups which the specified user is a member of, with full
details ,
optionally filtering the returned results to those containing the specified groupName . |
Page<DetailedUser> |
UserAdminService.findUsers(PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of users with full
details . |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
UserService.findUsers(PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<ApplicationUser> |
UserService.findUsersByGroup(String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
active users which are members of the specified group. |
Page<DetailedUser> |
UserAdminService.findUsersByName(String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of users, optionally filtering the returned results to those containing the specified
username . |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
UserService.findUsersByName(String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<DetailedUser> |
UserAdminService.findUsersWithGroup(String groupName,
String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Find the users within a group that match the page request.
Page<DetailedUser> |
UserAdminService.findUsersWithoutGroup(String groupName,
String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Find the users outside a group that match the page request.
Page<ApplicationUser> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An instance of
Page that supports pagination across an underlying paged collection. |
class |
PageImpl<T> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<E> Page<E> |
Page.transform(Function<? super T,? extends E> transformFunction)
Transforms the results on the page, producing a new
Page with different values but
all other properties (e.g. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Watcher> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
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