Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<MinimalAuditEntry> |
AuditService.findByProject(Project project,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of audit events recorded for the specified project.
Page<MinimalAuditEntry> |
AuditService.findByRepository(Repository repository,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of audit events recorded for the specified repository.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Comment> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Search for all
comments matching the provided request. |
Page<CommentThread> |
CommentService.searchThreads(CommentSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Search for all
threads matching the provided request. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Commit> |
CommitEnricher.enrichPage(Repository repository,
Page<Commit> page,
Collection<String> propertyKeys) |
Page<Change> |
Page<Change> |
SimpleChangeset.getChanges() |
Page<Change> |
CommitService.getChanges(ChangesRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
changes between two commits. |
Page<Changeset> |
CommitService.getChangesets(ChangesetsRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves changesets for each of the requested
ChangesetsRequest.getCommitIds() commits}, including the
first page of changes between each commit and its first parent. |
Page<Commit> |
CommitService.getCommits(CommitsRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of commits, starting from a given branch, tag or commit, optionally filtered to only return
commits which modify one or more paths.
Page<Commit> |
CommitService.getCommitsBetween(CommitsBetweenRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of commits between the
included commits and the
excluded commits . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleChangeset.Builder |
SimpleChangeset.Builder.changes(Page<Change> value) |
Page<Commit> |
CommitEnricher.enrichPage(Repository repository,
Page<Commit> page,
Collection<String> propertyKeys) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Blame> |
ContentService.getBlame(Repository repository,
String objectId,
String path,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Blame for the lines included by the provided PageRequest for the specified objectId+path
in the specified repository. |
Page<ContentTreeNode> |
DirectoryRevision.getChildren() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractFileContentCallback.offerBlame(Page<Blame> blames) |
void |
FileContentCallback.offerBlame(Page<Blame> blames)
If annotations were requested and at least one
line was streamed, this
method will be called before FileContentCallback.onEnd(FileSummary) to provide blame for the streamed
lines. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<PullRequestSuggestion> |
DashboardService.suggestPullRequests(SuggestPullRequestsRequest request)
Retrieves a single page of suggestions for pull requests that a user may wish to raise.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<RepositoryHook> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Searches for
repository hooks that match the provided request . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<HookScript> |
HookScriptService.findByPluginKey(String pluginKey,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a page of hook scripts which were created by the app with the specified plugin key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<IndexedCommit> |
CommitIndex.findByProperty(String propertyKey,
String propertyValue,
boolean caseSensitive,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves all
indexed commits that have a given property with a specified value. |
Page<IndexedCommit> | searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Searches the index for any matching commits.
Page<MinimalRepositoryCommit> |
CommitIndex.searchRepositoryCommits(IndexSearchRequest indexSearchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Search the index for any
commits matching the provided search request. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Job> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds all
jobs matching the supplied request object |
Page<JobMessage> |
JobService.searchMessages(JobMessageSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds all
job messages matching the supplied request object |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Label> |
LabelService.findAll(PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<Label> |
LabelService.findByLabelable(Labelable labelable,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<Label> |
LabelService.findByPrefix(String labelPref,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<Labelable> |
LabelService.searchLabelables(LabelableSearchRequest searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<JobMessage> |
MigrationService.searchExportJobMessages(MigrationJobMessageSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds all
job messages matching the supplied request object for an export job. |
Page<JobMessage> |
MigrationService.searchImportJobMessages(MigrationJobMessageSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds all
job messages matching the supplied request object for an import job. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<PermittedGroup> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithGlobalPermission(String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
groups and their highest global permission. |
Page<String> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithoutGlobalPermission(String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups who have not been explicitly granted any global permission
Page<String> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithoutProjectPermission(Project project,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups who have not been explicitly granted any project permission
Page<String> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithoutRepositoryPermission(Repository repository,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups who have not been explicitly granted any repository permission.
Page<PermittedGroup> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithProjectPermission(Project project,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
groups and their highest granted permission for the specified project. |
Page<PermittedGroup> |
PermissionAdminService.findGroupsWithRepositoryPermission(Repository repository,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
groups and their highest granted permission for the specified
repository. |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findLicensedUsersWithoutProjectPermission(Project project,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findLicensedUsersWithoutRepositoryPermission(Repository repository,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<PermittedUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findUsersWithGlobalPermission(String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
users and their highest global permission. |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findUsersWithoutGlobalPermission(String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
active users who have not been explicitly
granted any global permission |
Page<PermittedUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findUsersWithProjectPermission(Project project,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
users and their highest granted permission for the specified project. |
Page<PermittedUser> |
PermissionAdminService.findUsersWithRepositoryPermission(Repository repository,
String filter,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
users and their highest granted permission for the specified
repository. |
Page<String> |
PermissionService.getGrantedGroups(Permission permission,
PageRequest request)
Get the groups which are granted a permission
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PermissionService.getGrantedUsers(Permission permission,
PageRequest request)
Get the users which are granted a permission
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Project> |
ProjectService.findAll(PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of projects which are visible for the current user.
Page<Project> | searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
PullRequestActivityPage<T extends PullRequestActivity>
Page of activities allowing clients to both advance
and reverse from this page by using the results of PullRequestActivityPage.getPreviousPageStartId()
and getNextPageRequest() . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
SimplePullRequestActivityPage<T extends PullRequestActivity> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Commit> |
PullRequestCommitEnricher.enrichPage(PullRequest pullRequest,
Page<Commit> page,
Collection<String> propertyKeys)
Enrich a page of commits with properties from the
CommitIndex . |
Page<PullRequestActivity> |
PullRequestService.getActivities(int repositoryId,
long pullRequestId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the activities for a given pull request.
Page<Commit> |
PullRequestService.getCommits(int repositoryId,
long pullRequestId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
in 6.0 for removal in 7.0. Use
PullRequestService.getCommits(PullRequestCommitsRequest, PageRequest) instead |
Page<Commit> |
PullRequestService.getCommits(PullRequestCommitsRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the commits for a given pull request.
Page<PullRequestParticipant> |
PullRequestService.getParticipants(int repositoryId,
long pullRequestId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the participants for a given pull request.
Page<PullRequest> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of pull requests depending on the
request passed in. |
Page<PullRequestActivity> |
PullRequestService.searchActivities(PullRequestActivitySearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of pull request activities depending on the
passed in. |
Page<PullRequest> |
PullRequestService.searchByCommit(PullRequestCommitSearchRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of pull requests containing a specified commit which match the given
search criteria . |
Page<Task> |
PullRequestService.searchTasks(PullRequestTaskSearchRequest searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of @{link Task tasks} belonging to this pull request depending on the
request passed in. |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
PullRequestService.searchUsers(PullRequestParticipantSearchRequest searchRequest,
PageRequest pageRequest)
users who have participated in pull requests based on the provided
search request . |
<E> Page<E> |
SimplePullRequestActivityPage.transform(Function<? super T,? extends E> transformFunction) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Commit> |
PullRequestCommitEnricher.enrichPage(PullRequest pullRequest,
Page<Commit> page,
Collection<String> propertyKeys)
Enrich a page of commits with properties from the
CommitIndex . |
Constructor and Description |
SimplePullRequestActivityPage(Page<T> page,
long previousPageStartId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findAll(PageRequest pageRequest)
Find all repositories in the system in the default namespace.
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByOrigin(Repository origin,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
repositories which have been forked from the specified origin . |
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByOwner(ApplicationUser owner,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
repositories owned by the specified user . |
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByProjectId(int projectId,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
repositories in the project with the given id. |
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByProjectKey(String projectKey,
PageRequest pageRequest)
List the names of the repositories in the project with the given key and with a default (null) namespace.
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findByProjectKey(String projectNamespace,
String projectKey,
PageRequest pageRequest)
List the names of the repositories in the project with the given key and namespace.
Page<Repository> |
RepositoryService.findRelated(Repository repository,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
repositories which belong to the same hierarchy as the specified repository. |
Page<Branch> |
RefService.getBranches(RepositoryBranchesRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a paged list of
branches for the specified repository, optionally filtered by the
provided starting text. |
Page<Tag> |
RefService.getTags(RepositoryTagsRequest request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a paged list of
tags for the specified repository, optionally filtered by the provided
starting text. |
Page<Repository> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Searches for
repositories that match the provided request . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Command<Page<Blame>> |
ScmCommandFactory.blame(BlameCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves blame (also sometimes referred to as annotations) for a file at a given revision.
Command<Page<Branch>> |
ScmCommandFactory.branches(BranchesCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Command<Page<Change>> |
ScmCommandFactory.changes(ChangesCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Command<Page<Changeset>> |
ScmCommandFactory.changesets(ChangesetsCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
changesets given a set of commit IDs , where each changeset includes the first page of changes
between a requested commit and its first parent. |
Command<Page<Commit>> |
ScmCommandFactory.commits(CommitsCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a
page of commits matching the specified parameters . |
Command<Page<Tag>> |
ScmCommandFactory.tags(TagsCommandParameters parameters,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Repository> |
RecentlyAccessedRepositoriesService.findByCurrentUser(PageRequest pageRequest)
Returns a page of repositories accessed most recently by the current user.
Page<Repository> |
RecentlyAccessedRepositoriesService.findByCurrentUser(Permission permission,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Returns a page of repositories accessed most recently by the current user.
Page<String> |
UserService.findGroups(PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups.
Page<DetailedGroup> |
UserAdminService.findGroups(PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups with full
details . |
Page<String> |
UserService.findGroupsByName(String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups, optionally filtering the returned results to those containing the specified
groupName . |
Page<DetailedGroup> |
UserAdminService.findGroupsByName(String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups with full
details , optionally filtering the returned results
to those containing the specified groupName . |
Page<String> |
UserService.findGroupsByPrefix(String groupPrefix,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups, optionally filtering the returned results to those beginning with the specified
groupPrefix . |
Page<String> |
UserService.findGroupsByUser(String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups which the specified user is a member of.
Page<DetailedGroup> |
UserAdminService.findGroupsWithoutUser(String username,
String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups which the specified user is not a member of, with full
details , optionally filtering the returned results to those containing the specified groupName . |
Page<DetailedGroup> |
UserAdminService.findGroupsWithUser(String username,
String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of groups which the specified user is a member of, with full
details ,
optionally filtering the returned results to those containing the specified groupName . |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
UserService.findUsers(PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<DetailedUser> |
UserAdminService.findUsers(PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of users with full
details . |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
UserService.findUsersByGroup(String groupName,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of
active users which are members of the specified group. |
Page<ApplicationUser> |
UserService.findUsersByName(String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Page<DetailedUser> |
UserAdminService.findUsersByName(String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of users, optionally filtering the returned results to those containing the specified
username . |
Page<DetailedUser> |
UserAdminService.findUsersWithGroup(String groupName,
String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Find the users within a group that match the page request.
Page<DetailedUser> |
UserAdminService.findUsersWithoutGroup(String groupName,
String username,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Find the users outside a group that match the page request.
Page<ApplicationUser> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An instance of
Page that supports pagination across an underlying paged collection. |
class |
PageImpl<T> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<E> Page<E> |
Page.transform(Function<? super T,? extends E> transformFunction)
Transforms the results on the page, producing a new
Page with different values but
all other properties (e.g. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Page<Watcher> | request,
PageRequest pageRequest)
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