


AbstractFeatureCondition An abstract base class for creating Feature based conditions. 
AbstractPermissionCondition An abstract base class for creating permission-based conditions. 
AbstractUserManagementPermissionCondition An abstract base class for constructing a condition check which validates that the user has admin privileges and that some other Crowd-based condition is met. 
BaseUrlMismatchCondition Verifies that the configured base URL is the one being used to access the instance. 
CanApprovePullRequestCondition Verifies that the current user is allowed to approve the current pull request  
CanCloneRepositoryCondition A condition which checks whether the current user is able to clone the current repository. 
CanCreateGroupsCondition Verifies that is is possible to create groups. 
CanCreateUsersCondition Verifies that is is possible to create users. 
CanDeclinePullRequestCondition Verifies that the current user is allowed to decline the current pull request  
CanEditPullRequestCondition Verifies that the current user is allowed to edit the current pull request  
CanMergePullRequestCondition Verifies that the current user is allowed to merge the pull request. 
HasApprovedPullRequestCondition A condition which checks if the current user has approved the current pull request  
HasDatabaseOfTypeCondition Checks if the current Stash database is of type type Use this condition as follows:
 <condition class="com.atlassian.bitbucket.web.conditions.HasDatabaseOfTypeCondition">
     <param name="type">HSQLDB</param>
HasFormFragments Checks whether any form fragment exists for a specific key. 
HasGlobalPermissionCondition Verifies that the current user has a global permission
 <condition class="com.atlassian.bitbucket.web.conditions.HasGlobalPermissionCondition">
     <param name="permission">ADMIN</param>
HasGlobalPermissionUrlReadingCondition Verifies that the current user has a global permission as an com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.condition.UrlReadingCondition. 
HasLicenseStatusCondition Verifies that Stash has a valid license which is not over its limits  
HasPersonalForkCondition A condition for detecting whether the current user has a personal fork for a given repository. 
HasProjectPermissionCondition Verifies that the current user has a project permission
 <condition class="com.atlassian.bitbucket.web.conditions.HasProjectPermissionCondition">
     <param name="permission">PROJECT_READ</param>
HasRepositoryPermissionCondition Verifies that the current user has a repository permission
 <condition class="com.atlassian.bitbucket.web.conditions.HasRepositoryPermissionCondition">
     <param name="permission">REPO_READ</param>
IsApplicationVersionCondition A Condition which displays based on the Stash version. 
IsClusteringAvailableCondition A condition which checks if clustering is available. 
IsCurrentUsersProfileCondition A condition which checks if the current page is the profile page for the current user. 
IsFeatureAvailableCondition Checks whether a configured Feature is is available
IsFeatureEnabledCondition Checks whether a configured Feature is is enabled
IsLoggedInCondition A condition which checks if the user is logged in  
IsMailServerConfiguredCondition A condition which checks if the mail server is configured  
IsPersonalProjectCondition A condition for testing whether a project is personal
IsPersonalRepositoryCondition A condition for determining whether a given repository resides in a personal project; ergo, it is a personal repository. 
IsRepositoryForkableCondition A condition which checks if a repository is forkable  
IsScmCondition Checks for a "repository" in the context and displays if that repository has a specified SCM
MatchesUserAgentCondition A condition which checks the browser user agent. 
NoProjectsExistCondition A condition which checks if there are no projects  
NoRepositoriesExistForProjectCondition A condition which checks if there are no repositories in the given project  
PullRequestInState A condition which checks that the pull request is in a given state
 <condition class="com.atlassian.bitbucket.web.conditions.PullRequestInState">
     <param name="state">OPEN</param>
Valid states:
  • OPEN
RepositoryAvailableCondition A condition which checks if a repository is available
RepositoryHasForksCondition A condition which checks if current repository has any forks  
RepositoryNotEmptyCondition A condition which checks if a repository is empty  
ResourceExhaustedCondition This Condition is true when the server has begun rejecting requests due to resource exhaustion. 
ResourceQueueingCondition This Condition is true when the server has begun queuing requests due to high load.