public interface




Public Methods
@Nonnull Page<Change> getChanges(ChangesRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of changes between two commits.
@Nonnull Page<Changeset> getChangesets(ChangesetsRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves changesets for each of the requested getCommitIds() commits}, including the first page of changes between each commit and its first parent.
@Nonnull Commit getCommit(CommitRequest request)
Retrieves a commit based on te provided request.
@Nonnull Page<Commit> getCommits(CommitsRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of commits, starting from a given branch, tag or commit, optionally filtered to only return commits which modify one or more paths.
@Nonnull Page<Commit> getCommitsBetween(CommitsBetweenRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of commits between the included commits and the excluded commits.
@Nonnull Optional<MinimalCommit> getCommonAncestor(CommonAncestorRequest request)
Retrieves the common ancestor for the provided commits
CommitDiscussion getDiscussion(CommitDiscussionRequest request)
Retrieve a commit discussion matching the provided request.
void streamChanges(ChangesRequest request, ChangeCallback callback)
Streams changes between the until and since commits.
void streamCommits(BulkCommitsRequest request, BulkCommitCallback callback)
Stream an arbitrary set of commits from an arbitrary number of repositories.
void streamCommits(CommitsRequest request, CommitCallback callback)
Streams commits, starting from a given branch, tag or commit, optionally filtered to only include commits which modify one or more paths.
void streamCommitsBetween(CommitsBetweenRequest request, CommitCallback callback)
Streams commits between the included commits and the excluded commits.
void streamDiff(DiffRequest request, DiffContentCallback callback)
Streams diff output for the specified paths at the specified commit.
void streamLastModified(LastModifiedRequest request, LastModifiedCallback callback)
Streams the last modification for files under the requested path, starting from the specified commit.
void traverse(TraversalRequest request, TraversalCallback callback)
Traverse the graph of commits in topological order, optionally supplying included commits to start from and excluded commits to ignore.

Public Methods

@Nonnull public Page<Change> getChanges (ChangesRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)

Retrieves a page of changes between two commits. If the since commit is not specified, the until commit's first parent is used.

Note: The implementation will apply a hard cap (page.max.changes) and it is not possible to request subsequent content when that cap is exceeded.

request describes the two commits to retrieve changes between and the repository which contains both commits
pageRequest the start and limit for the page being requested
  • a page of changes within the repository between the specified IDs

@Nonnull public Page<Changeset> getChangesets (ChangesetsRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)

Retrieves changesets for each of the requested getCommitIds() commits}, including the first page of changes between each commit and its first parent.

If the page size is less than the size of the collection of IDs, a subset of the collection will be returned. Otherwise, changesets for all IDs in the requested collection are returned.

request request parameters, specifying the repository and the desired commits
pageRequest the start and limit of the page being request
  • a page containing changesets for a subset of the requested IDs
NoSuchCommitException if ignoreMissing is not set and any of the requested commits cannot be found

@Nonnull public Commit getCommit (CommitRequest request)

Retrieves a commit based on te provided request.

If only a commit ID is specified, that commit will be returned if it exists. If a path is also provided, the first commit starting from the specified commit ID which modifies that path is returned. If the specified commit does not exist, or if no commit in the ancestry of that commit modifies the specified path, a NoSuchCommitException is thrown.

When retrieving a commit, extra properties can also be loaded. Properties are metadata associated with commits by CommitIndexers. Until 4.0, the extra properties requested also control the attributes that are loaded. Attributes will be removed in 4.0.

request describes the commit to retrieve, and the repository to retrieve it from
  • the first commit matching the request within the specified repository
NoSuchCommitException if no matching commit can be found

@Nonnull public Page<Commit> getCommits (CommitsRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)

Retrieves a page of commits, starting from a given branch, tag or commit, optionally filtered to only return commits which modify one or more paths. Commits are returned starting from (and including) the specified getCommitId(), unless one or more paths are provided. Then the first commit returned, if any are returned, will be the first commit in the ancestry of the specified starting commit which modifies at least one of the specified files.

This service call may be used to:

  • Retrieve pages of commits on a given branch or tag
  • Retrieve pages of ancestors starting from a given commit
  • Retrieve pages of commits where at least one file from a specified set of files has been modified
Each request is for a single starting point. This means a single branch, tag or commit. For example, retrieving all commits across all of a repository's branches where a given file has been modified in a single request is not possible.

When retrieving commits, extra properties can also be loaded. Properties are metadata associated with commits by CommitIndexers. Until 4.0, the extra properties requested also control the attributes that are loaded. Attributes will be removed in 4.0.

Note: If any of the provided paths is renamed at some point in its history, commits will not follow the path across the rename. In other words, only commits for exact paths provided will be included.

request describes the commits to retrieve, and the repository to retrieve them from
pageRequest the start and limit for the page being requested
  • a page of commits, which may be empty but will never be null

@Nonnull public Page<Commit> getCommitsBetween (CommitsBetweenRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)

Retrieves a page of commits between the included commits and the excluded commits. Included and excluded commits may be specified by branch or tag name or by commit ID. The commits returned are those which are reachable an included commit and not reachable from any excluded commit. While this may imply an ancestral relationship between included and excluded IDs, that is not strictly required. When the IDs are unrelated, all commits reachable from the included commits are candidates for the returned page, and excluded commits are effectively ignored. One or more paths may be provided to further narrow the results, restricting the returned commits to only which modify one or more of the specified paths.

Which commits are included and which are excluded is important here. Consider the following example:

  1. Branch "feature-A" was created from "master" when "master" was at commit A
  2. Commits FA1, FA2 and FA3 were created on the "feature-A" branch
  3. Commits B and C were made on "master" after the branch was created
The graph would look like this:
 ---- A ---- B ---- C
        FA1 ---- FA2 ---- FA3
If "master" is excluded and "feature-A" is included, commits FA1, FA2 and FA3 will be returned because they are reachable from "feature-A" but not from "master". If the two IDs were reversed, commits B and C would be returned, because they are reachable from "master" but not from "feature-A". This approach of swapping includes and excludes can be used to determine how two branches have diverged over time.

When retrieving commits, extra properties can also be loaded. Properties are metadata associated with commits by CommitIndexers. Until 4.0, the extra properties requested also control the attributes that are loaded. Attributes will be removed in 4.0.

Warning: Commits specified using branch or tag names will be resolved against the primary repository. When retrieving commits between repositories, commits in the secondary repository may only be specified by commit ID. This means requesting a page like this will not work:

     CommitsBetweenRequest request = new CommitsBetweenRequest.Builder(repository)
     Page<Commit> page = commitService.getCommitsBetween(request, PageUtils.newRequest(0, 25));
The returned page will always be empty because "master" was resolved on both sides using the same repository, producing the same commit to include and exclude. This also demonstrates that excludes take precedence over includes, as one might expect.

request describes the commits to include/exclude, paths to filter by and which repository, or repositories, contain the commits
pageRequest the start and limit for the page being requested
  • a page containing 0 or more commits reachable from any included commit and not reachable from any excluded ones

@Nonnull public Optional<MinimalCommit> getCommonAncestor (CommonAncestorRequest request)

Retrieves the common ancestor for the provided commits

request request describing which common ancestor to retrieve
  • the common ancestor of the provided commits, or empty() if the provided commits do not have a common ancestor

public CommitDiscussion getDiscussion (CommitDiscussionRequest request)

Retrieve a commit discussion matching the provided request.

Note: Nullability actually depends on the provided request.

  • If the discussion should be created, the result will never be null
  • Otherwise, if missing discussions should not be created, the result will be null if the requested commit has not been discussed previously

request the request describing the discussion to retrieve or create
  • the retrieved discussion, which may be null depending on the request

public void streamChanges (ChangesRequest request, ChangeCallback callback)

Streams changes between the until and since commits. If the since commit is not specified, the until commit's first parent is used automatically.

Note: The implementation will apply a hard cap (page.max.changes) and it is not possible to request subsequent content when that cap is exceeded.

request describes the two commits to retrieve changes between and the repository which contains both commits
callback a callback to receive the changes

public void streamCommits (BulkCommitsRequest request, BulkCommitCallback callback)

Stream an arbitrary set of commits from an arbitrary number of repositories. The calling user is required to have access to all of the repositories from which commits are being requested or an exception will be thrown.

Due to the bulk nature of this method, it is required that full IDs be used to identify the commits to be streamed. Short IDs, including display IDs, will not work. To load commits using a short ID, search first using the CommitIndex, which does accept short IDs, and then use this method to resolve full Commits for any matches the index returns.

Note: Commits may not be passed to the callback in the order they are requested.

request the request, specifying which commits to retrieve and from which repositories
callback a callback to receive the commits

public void streamCommits (CommitsRequest request, CommitCallback callback)

Streams commits, starting from a given branch, tag or commit, optionally filtered to only include commits which modify one or more paths. Commits are streamed starting from (and including) the specified getCommitId(), unless one or more paths are provided. Then the first commit streamed, if any are, will be the first commit in the ancestry of the specified starting commit which modifies at least one of the specified files.

This service call may be used to:

  • Stream the commits on a given branch or tag
  • Stream ancestors starting from a given commit
  • Stream commits where at least one file from a specified set of files has been modified
Each request is for a single starting point. This means a single branch, tag or commit. For example, streaming all commits across all of a repository's branches where a given file has been modified in a single request is not possible.

When streaming commits, extra properties can also be loaded. Properties are metadata associated with commits by CommitIndexers. Until 4.0, the extra properties requested also control the attributes that are loaded. Attributes will be removed in 4.0.

Note: If any of the provided paths is renamed at some point in its history, commits will not follow the path across the rename. In other words, only commits for exact paths provided will be included.

request describes the commits to stream, and the repository to stream them from
callback a callback to receive the commits

public void streamCommitsBetween (CommitsBetweenRequest request, CommitCallback callback)

Streams commits between the included commits and the excluded commits.

This method promises to call onStart(CommitContext) on the supplied callback exactly once, followed by zero or more calls to onCommit(Commit), one for each commit to be streamed (until onCommit(...) returns false or there are no more commits), followed by exactly one call to onEnd(CommitSummary).

See getCommitsBetween(...) for a description of the semantics of the commits returned.

request describes the commits to include/exclude, paths to filter by and which repository, or repositories, contain the commits
callback a callback to receive the commits

public void streamDiff (DiffRequest request, DiffContentCallback callback)

Streams diff output for the specified paths at the specified commit.

Note: This interface is currently not paged. The implementation will apply a hard cap (page.max.diff.lines) and it is not possible to request subsequent content when that cap is exceeded.

request the repository, starting and terminating commits, and paths to filter by
callback a callback to receive the diff details

public void streamLastModified (LastModifiedRequest request, LastModifiedCallback callback)

Streams the last modification for files under the requested path, starting from the specified commit.

The commit ID serves as a starting point. For any files under the requested path, commits are traversed from that starting point until the most recent commit to directly modify each file is found. Because the exact number of commits which must be traversed is unknown, this operation may be very expensive.

request the repository, path and starting commit
callback a callback to receive last modification data

public void traverse (TraversalRequest request, TraversalCallback callback)

Traverse the graph of commits in topological order, optionally supplying included commits to start from and excluded commits to ignore.

request the traversal request describing the repository and the commits to include and exclude
callback a callback to receive the traversed commits