public interface



Class Overview

Records a tally of successful, failed and error invocations for a webhook over some period of time. The included period of time is from getWindowStart() to the present moment and of a fixed duration


Public Methods
int getErrors()
int getFailures()
int getSuccesses()
@Nonnull Duration getWindowDuration()
@Nonnull Instant getWindowStart()

Public Methods

public int getErrors ()

  • the number of invocations that encountered an error before or during sending of a HTTP request for a webhook invocation. Typically this is due to local network, system or other misadventure. Invocations counted as errors are unlikely to have connected to the recipient.

public int getFailures ()

  • the number of invocations in the period that respond over HTTP with a failure status code

public int getSuccesses ()

  • the number of invocations in the period that respond over HTTP with a success status code

@Nonnull public Duration getWindowDuration ()

  • the duration of the window for the tallies

@Nonnull public Instant getWindowStart ()

  • the start of the window period (the end of the window is always Instant::now() now) give or take a small relative gap between used to re-calculate the window's tallies